Sentences with phrase «liberal view of»

The trouble with Bradshaw's statement is that she is at the very least taking an extremely liberal view of what «a significant amount of... calculations» means in an attempt to run damage control on the botched launch of a game that many fans are disappointed by.
At Papercutz we have a much more liberal view of the whole thing, but there are other points in the supply chain besides us.
Many states that support a liberal view of interracial dating have a predominately white society, but it doesn't mean they have integrated.
People in South Africa are moving towards a more liberal view of dating.
To take an example often cited by commentators, David Laws, regarded by many as an «economic liberal», is nevertheless an advocate of a very social - liberal view of redistribution.
QS: The idea that there is no problem with surveillance as long as you have nothing to hide simply points to the complacency of the liberal view of freedom by contrast with the republican one.
Julie Sahni takes a liberal view of the most basic ingredients required to make a curry: «For a spice blend to be called a curry powder, the mixture must contain three core spices: coriander, turmeric, and pepper.»
To say that there is something central and something peripheral in the Bible is, of course, to state a liberal view of Scripture which elicits contempt from some evangelicals.
David L. Schindler criticizes the liberal view of the human person that he sees encoded into the American project in First Things, to which Richard John Neuhaus responded with a more positive view of our national heritage, in which religious faith and a strong tradition of civic associations moderate the excesses of liberal individualism.
If this can be done we shall have passed beyond the crisis of liberal Christianity; for the liberal view of the relation of Christian love to moral problems is in difficulty today precisely because the philosophy of history on which it is based does not sufficiently recognize the tragic obstacles which are set in the way of the life of love.
Though the liberal doctrines of progress did not squarely face the fact that «nature intends to kill man,» there was an element in the liberal view of the meaning of the temporal character of life which is valid.
There is less emphasis on substitutionary atonement, with greater openness towards pluralist views of salvation and a liberal view of morality.
The familiar liberal view of a self - limited God whose ends are altogether good and whose means are orderly still seems to me the best solution, and one which not only can be but ought to be made clear to our laymen.
The liberal view of America focuses less on the nation as such, and more on humanity in general.
Here is my question, how come all the Belief Blog commentators take a decidedly liberal view of Christianity (if not actually opposed to it)... at least as far as «gay marriage» is concerned?
As to how such an assertion is possible (even if it is advantageous), Keen tentatively suggests that if our dominant conviction is that our bodies and feelings can be trusted, «the likelihood is that» we will adopt a liberal view of ultimate reality.38 Keen's personal history as an affluent Anglo - Saxon male seems to become crucial at this point, for it allows him an optimism that is incredible considering the tooth - and - nail progression of world history.
In any case, I wish to make clear that both terms are used here in a broader sense, such that the liberal view of interest (or self - interest, or happiness) is simply one of the alternatives.2 In speaking of a private view of self - interest, I mean that human community is thought to be solely instrumental to, i.e., not constitutive of, happiness.
Thus, the liberal view of happiness is untenable unless the preferential view can be defended, and there is at least rough justice in saying that the liberal understanding of self - interest is not only private but also preferential.
Consequently, a theory of politics requires an ordering principle of final causation, i.e., a principle of value, which alone allows one to describe the relations among choices.6 Perhaps enough has been said, then, to indicate a line of argument through which the liberal view of happiness may be challenged and attention to an alternative provoked.
A theory of constitutional law that may be out of fashion in today's legal academy, but that fits comfortably within the modern conservative and the traditional liberal views of the courts, begins with certain basic premises: the existence of law and the possibility of meaningful rules of law.
Don't let the liberal views of today blemish a government that has successfully run for 235 years on a foundation of God.
It was the great - grandmothers of today's teen - agers who ushered in more liberal views of sexuality.
The number of upstaters in the majority conference has grown steadily over the years, adding to the diversity of opinions among Assembly Democrats, though they still tend to be dominated by the largely liberal views of the New York City members.

Not exact matches

I hope to convince J.D. that while I grew up with very liberal, Jewish parents (dad from South America) in California, and in a nuclear family without alcohol or violence, I experienced surprisingly similar parallels to many of J.D.'s societal views — even if we may have drawn moderately different conclusions about the underlying solutions.
A very basic example of confirmation bias in daily life, in which people look for information that supports their existing notions and views, is the preference of conservatives to watch Fox News and of liberals to watch MSNBC.
In 2003, she heard the channel was planning a new political program called SqueezePlay, built around O'Leary's right - wing free market cheerleading and the left - leaning views of Brian Tobin, the former Newfoundland premier and Liberal cabinet minister.
These are not views shared by the Liberal Democrats, who see last night's result as their biggest chance of recovery since their electoral wipe out last year.
Regardless of the response, we view this kind of public CEO activism as a welcome counterpoint to the largely hidden involvement of corporate leaders in shaping policy through the hundreds of millions of dollars they direct to Super PACs, trade associations, and think tanks to promote liberal and conservative causes.
She says the typical Waldorf parent, who has a range of elite private and public schools to choose from, tends to be liberal and highly educated, with strong views about education; they also have a knowledge that when they are ready to teach their children about technology they have ample access and expertise at home.
While liberals have expressed outrage at Ms. Clifford's allegations, many conservatives in this district west of Phoenix say that her statements have done little to change their view of the president, or of candidates like Ms. Lesko who support him.
Under the previous Liberal Government, which first asked the Finance Committee to seek the views of Canadians in the planning for the upcoming budget, the Minister of Finance would appear before the Committee, presenting updated economic and fiscal projections and potential challenges for budget planning.
Past Conservative voters who own small businesses view this proposal as unfair by nearly seven - to - one, and they are joined in this opinion by a plurality of Liberal - voting business owners (43 %), as seen in the following graph:
-- David Swann, MLA for Calgary - Mountain View and interim leader of the Liberal Party (press release)
The Farmers» Movement and the Canadian Council of Agriculture had initially hoped to convert the Liberal Party to their point of view, and run Liberal candidates in the West under their platform.
A new coalition government led by Chancellor Merkel still seemed the most likely outcome, although negotiations between the various parties looked set to take some time, mainly due to the difficulties of accommodating the opposing views of the junior partners in the proposed coalition, the economically liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP) and the Greens.
Like a dog with a bone, Liberal Leader Dr. David Swann (Calgary - Mountain View) has grabbed onto the issue of opioid addiction and, for more than a year, has been hounding the gov» t to declare a stat...
Liberal Party President Erick Ambtman edged out Calgary - Buffalo MLA Kent Hehr in the latest blog poll asking readers of this blog who they thought should replace Calgary - Mountain View MLA David Swann as leader of his party.
Like a dog with a bone, Liberal Leader Dr. David Swann (Calgary - Mountain View) has grabbed onto the issue of opioid addiction and, for more than a year, has been hounding the govâ $ ™ t to declare a stat...
Several disgruntled former employees have expressed concerns about «groupthink» being ingrained in what is widely known as a hyper - liberal company culture value system where expressions of other views are not welcome and can lead to being ostracized or being shown the door.
TUTORIAL: The Austrian School Of Economics The Classical - Liberal Perspective The accepted mainstream view about central banks, such as the Federal Reserve, is that we need them to manage economic growth and ensure prosperity through interest rate manipulation and other interventions.
Whether one views constitutional interpretation as grounded in a theory of original meaning or the traditional liberal theory of judicial restraint and neutral principles, the distinctive nature of this approach is that it is legal in nature.
Now any attempt to abstract a person is going to be of limited utility, but I let's try this point of view: maybe Obama is, on domestic policy, a mostly unreconstructed 1970s upper middle - class left - liberal who.
When conservative & liberal Christians applied that all - important litmus test of orthodoxy to me: «What are your views on homosexuality?»
And in general, it's viewed as a sort of haven to a lot of liberals, here.
But there is perhaps a use we might make of the postmodern in apologetics, for the collapse of modernity may allow believers to speak once again about God without defensiveness or self - consciousness, may allow believers both to escape political categorization as liberal or conservative and to escape the modern view that sees political categories as fundamental.
It will probably have Muslims of different views using it some of whom may be conservative but as long as they are willing to share with liberal Muslims, Jews, Christians, humanists, etc. why not.
It amazes me that liberals think freedom of speech is appropriate only if their views are the one's being voiced.
The age of the internet has now opened the back door for people to no longer have their news and views controlled by the Liberal media.
In their view, the American political experiment is liberal to its rotten core, and Baxter in particular thinks the very core of the core is the First Amendment that pretends the state is «neutral» to religion when in fact it is an insidious instrument for taking Christianity captive to provide «legitimation» for a capitalist, consumerist, warmongering society.
I see the differing point of view every day when I turn on the TV, and it's not liberal or conservative.
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