Sentences with phrase «liberal views do»

«I think that is a real challenge for our party as to why a lot of people who have liberal views don't see the Liberal Democrats as their natural home.»

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[T] he upgrade to triple A,» the newspaper chirped, «was rightly viewed as a tribute to the hard work the Liberal government has done to get the province's books in order.»
While liberals have expressed outrage at Ms. Clifford's allegations, many conservatives in this district west of Phoenix say that her statements have done little to change their view of the president, or of candidates like Ms. Lesko who support him.
Every time I get annoyed at Justin Trudeau and the way he manages the country all I do is listen to the radio and Charles Adler rant about him or read articles by Lorne Gunter and Rick Bell from the Edmonton Sun (who formerly worked at the Alberta Report, and helped Ted Byfield run the Alberta Report into the ditch, or read anything written by Colby Cosh or Ezra Levant and soon I realize the propaganda and hate these clowns try and spread about their own political / religious views I revert back to supporting the more liberal viewpoint).
I am a Christian who attends a Pentecostal church, but I'm pretty liberal in my views as well and don't always agree with my fellow Christians about certain heavier topics.
The fact that I attempt, very carefully, to show how a Christian public philosophy needs to take into account the contending views of various Christians» as well as our entire liberal / conservative political tradition» does not weaken my appeal for something more fully, integrally, and distinctively Christian.
Don't let the liberal views of today blemish a government that has successfully run for 235 years on a foundation of God.
If they ever floated into view, unless chapter and verse were also quoted in a very circumscribed context, they were dismissed as «liberal», «socialist», «unrealistic», «under the law», «wimpy do - good social gospel» — you get the drift.
Having repeatedly refused to answer questions on his view of homosexuality, Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron eventually stated: «I don't think gay sex... More
CNN, do you really think people don't notice that the only religious views you present are liberal ones??? This is not an open - minded religious blog, this is liberal indoctrination.
The» liberal» Muslims have this views as long as it does not clash with the teachings of the Quran, whicn considers all others Kafirs.
Bernstein sees Dewey's liberal, political outlook as completely consistent with his view that philosophy's main task is «to become practical, where this means addressing itself to the basic issues and conflicts that confront us, and making practical judgments about what is to be done» (PA 225).
That seems to be true for all those LIBERALS out there who constantly wag there fingers at us who don't agree with their extreme leftist views.
Though the liberal doctrines of progress did not squarely face the fact that «nature intends to kill man,» there was an element in the liberal view of the meaning of the temporal character of life which is valid.
Conservatives cherry - pick those passages that support their conservative view of God based on their conservative ego, and vice versa, where liberals are concerned... and there is NO way to ascertain which is true, except on a wholly subjective, personal level, thus it will never be proven objectively, since Spirit, by it's very nature, has absolutely nothing at all to do with the flesh and whatever seems to be happening on this earth, because Spirit is completely opposite, and therefore invisible to the naked human eye, being of the mind only, and therefore unprovable.
If this can be done we shall have passed beyond the crisis of liberal Christianity; for the liberal view of the relation of Christian love to moral problems is in difficulty today precisely because the philosophy of history on which it is based does not sufficiently recognize the tragic obstacles which are set in the way of the life of love.
To my mind, the modern, «nonauthoritarian,» «take - us - or - leave - us» style of pastoring owes more to the liberal world view — with its concept of the autonomous individual — than it does to any theological perspective.
Does this kind of program offer a hope of moving my congregation beyond the individualistic approach to ministry characteristic of the previous generation — beyond the «autonomy of the individual member» that is basic to the liberal world view?
The modern, «nonauthoritarian,» «take - us - or - leave - us» style of pastoring owes more to the liberal world view — with its concept of the autonomous individual — than it does to any theological perspective.
The former view, one that accepts the social contract theory, leads to a hyper «individualism that, on the liberal side, fetishizes free speech and subscribes to a «do your own thing» morality, and, on the conservative side, is reflected in libertarian economics, as in Margaret Thatcher's famous (or notorious?)
And Santorum whether you believe in his view points or not is not crazy... the left just wants to paint that picture for people that can't think for themselves... it's funny how they don't do that with liberals.
Look at all the scared, hate - filled Christian wan na be's... Jesus was a liberal and loves all... it's only the simple - minded humans who live in fear, hate and ignorance... you Christian sinners wouldn't know what to do with yourselves if you didn't have something, or someone, to hate... you are pathetic... it was your family before you who wanted to see blacks remain slaves an invoked their perverted views of the bible to justify their hate... and now you, their offspring, are here to repeat their stupid mistakes... ignorant losers are those who hate and mock someone different... Live and let live...
They tell me I've counted the cost of following Jesus and considered it too much, so I've jumped on the liberal bandwagon — embracing evolution, feminism, LGBT equality, and theological views that veer from the evangelical norm — because it's the easy, convenient thing to do.
I have never encountered a mainline, liberal congregation that did not view itself as fitting Niebuhr» s «Christ transforming culture» model.
The cover was just offensive, and it has nothing to do with my liberal views.
As a result, conservatives and libertarians typically take a more narrow view of the legal powers of the federal government than do liberals.
I don't know how to explain my question but basically I don't follow politics much and for instance can't really tell the difference between liberal / conservative vs Democratic / Republican, but recently someone asked me about my views and they were surprised because apparently I like some things from Democratic party and some from Republican (or from both conservatives and liberals).
«So the reality is that you don't become a liberal without understanding that whilst you might passionately hold your views, you must compromise — particularly if you haven't won the right to govern alone.»
Nick, But when do ex-jihadis (about 29 years old), who have written of how they were close associates of the jailed Glasgow bomber, and who have never contacted the Fabians or IPPR, become experts on liberal - left think - tanks in the view of columnists for a major liberal newspaper?
Loose constructionists (mostly liberals) tend to view the powers granted to the federal government by the commerce clause much more broadly than do originalists (mostly conservatives and libertarians.)
Electoral reform is viewed as a key policy goal for Liberal Democrat grassroots activists, who many Conservative ministers fear could force the premature collapse of the coalition if they do not succeed in making major policy gains.
I think the liberaty of the BBC probably believe that in Cameron they have a Tory that will not do damage to an essentially liberal world view.
Cuomo's actions have focused on his left flank: a Siena Research Institute poll earlier this month showed that fewer than half the state's voters view him favorably, and a majority of self - identified Democrats and liberals did not approve of the job he's been doing.
Disclaimer: the Social Liberal Forum is not responsible for the content linked to here; the views represented are those of the authors alone and linking to them does not necessarily imply endorsement.
He was most prominently known for his anti-war views and crossing the floor twice (the first to do so since Winston Churchill [1]-RRB-, from Labour to the Liberal Democrats in 2001 and returning to Labour in 2005.
The deficit - hawk Laws was the Liberal Democrat that Conservatives could do business with (or, depending on your view, a Tory in Lib Dem clothing).
I would then Classify the views of Cooper to be much more in line with the «Socially Liberal, pro EU» Labour member / supporter who's views don't currently fit in with the Labour leadership of Jeremy Corbyn, but more with the «Core vote, possible Libdem» voter who could be attracted to a new centre party.
«But of course the whole Corbyn project is nothing to do with convincing the public and everything to do with a small, left - liberal, anti-British, metropolitan clique enforcing its world - view on the Labour Party.
He didn't know anyone in Colorado, so his first priority was to attend a Young Democrats meeting and network with people who shared his liberal views.
Many states that support a liberal view of interracial dating have a predominately white society, but it doesn't mean they have integrated.
Still, these were different times in America's past, and peaceful coexistence didn't seem plausible at the time — a point Cooper reminds by forcing Blocker to endure a liberal diatribe over dinner with Lt. Colonel Ross McCowan (Peter Mullan), as his wife (Robyn Malcolm) verbalizes a more progressive modern view.
This set him apart from his more - liberal colleagues, who viewed Brown v. Board of Education (1954) not as a prohibition on the use of racial classifications in education, but rather as a mandate for judges to do whatever they could to promote «equal educational opportunity.»
The fact that you are so prissy and intolerant of anyone who does not conform to your loose religious views suggests that you not the «liberal» you think you are and that you are never going to find anyone.
But if the reason to do so is the claim that it uniquely identifies individuals who are vulnerable to ideologically motivated reasoning, or identifies ones who are disproportionately vulnerable (clearly Jost is espousing something like this), then that proposition is, in my view, demonstrably false, since individuals whose outlooks are negatively correlated w / «authoritarian personality» — «liberals,» «egalitarians» & so forth — are plainly, obviously, indisputably subject to ideologically motivated reasoning.
If we take the Politicians, Oil, Coal & Chemical companies out of the picture for a moment and just look at the people that they designed their Skeptical Anti-man induced Global Warming spins for... you clearly see a huge group of hateful and stupid people who don't care what the issue is about, as long as it deviates from what they consider a Liberal view... they're happy.
Liberals and conservatives both rely on highly complex climate and economic models to inform their views of what should be done.
Not to mention, I don't think Dr. Curry has hesitated to acknowledge the link between skepticism and conservatism / libertarianism on one hand, and the consensus and liberal / progressive views on the other.
«I don't think Dr. Curry has hesitated to acknowledge the link between skepticism and conservatism / libertarianism on one hand, and the consensus and liberal / progressive views on the other.»
the BBC is forever (when it does discuss it) putting forward both arguments constantly in some kind of liberal act of a balanced view point
Not only does he explore the changes, but he also provides statistical data (which we rarely come across) and draws interesting conclusions; his view that though the substance of law is not fully liberal it certainly moves towards liberalisation is particularly intriguing.
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