Sentences with phrase «liberal views on»

An eminent lawyer with liberal views on religion, slavery, and republicanism, Wythe saw little benefit in the drudgery of traditional legal training and preferred to have his students read law reports and foundational English legal writings, such as those by Sir Edward Coke.
Greene recounts the 1958 bombing of the oldest synagogue in Atlanta, «The Temple,» targeted by white supremacists who were upset by the rabbi presiding there, Jacob Rothschild, and his liberal views on civil rights.
The picture and that title kind of makes you think or hope that Barbara Stanwyck is going to play some kind of freewheeling gal with some liberal views on life and love, right?
Liberal views on sex correlated with 47 % success, while a more conservative outlook saw an average score of 40 %.
The results, which controlled for several variables, revealed that Americans who hold restrictive views on abortion are much less likely to hear of others» abortions than are Americans who hold liberal views on abortion.
But if the RNC — officially neutral — tilted toward Lazio, the officially neutral Republican Governors Association seems to be tilting the other way, brushing off concerns about Levy's Democratic past and liberal views on abortion and other issues, and buying the impression among many New York observers that Levy might have a real shot against Andrew Cuomo.
More moderate than her father, with liberal views on issues such as gay rights, Ms Le Pen is nevertheless ferociously anti-immigration.
Mr Johnson was keen to demonstrate his liberal views on the topic during the 2008 race after facing accusations of homophobia from some quarters.
Often this involves stressing what are now conservative views of free market economics and belief in individual responsibility, with social liberal views on defence of civil rights, environmentalism and support for a limited welfare state.
He added: «There is not an electoral mandate on this issue so all you are finding is a political elite — those who draw pay from representing us — foisting their liberal views on the people.»
So, Perot voters have in common conservative views on the economy and liberal views on social issues.
She says she has never had a drink or smoked a cigarette, but she holds thoroughly modern and mostly liberal views on the issues of the day.
For Beasley, who left TEC in the early 1990s, it was liberal views on homosexuality — though he downplays that now and emphasizes issues of scripture and doctrine.
Our staff Forum will consider the film's light version of dark humor, its liberal view on sex, and the sick joke of reuniting Monty Python members Cleese and Palin for a movie, then keeping them apart for nearly the entire run time.
So you spend your formative years developing, say, a libertarian or liberal view on world events.
If you have any medical conditions we can help you find the carrier that has the most liberal view on your condition to provide you with the lowest rates possible.

Not exact matches

Anxiety over further losses to the AfD, especially at next year's state elections in Bavaria, has stopped Merkel imposing her more liberal world view on her uppity junior partners.
Not only are Johnson and Weld social liberals and fiscal conservatives, they espouse views traditionally associated with moderate Republican candidates on the economy, such as favoring international trade agreements and reducing the national debt.
On the other hand, if the Liberal proposal just applies to net payroll job growth, the numbers are pretty close to working, in my view.
Now any attempt to abstract a person is going to be of limited utility, but I let's try this point of view: maybe Obama is, on domestic policy, a mostly unreconstructed 1970s upper middle - class left - liberal who.
You imply that liberals claim that Romney's visit is political but that Obama's change in views on gay marriage is not.
When conservative & liberal Christians applied that all - important litmus test of orthodoxy to me: «What are your views on homosexuality?»
I see the differing point of view every day when I turn on the TV, and it's not liberal or conservative.
Don't let the liberal views of today blemish a government that has successfully run for 235 years on a foundation of God.
Having repeatedly refused to answer questions on his view of homosexuality, Liberal Democrat leader Tim... More
Having repeatedly refused to answer questions on his view of homosexuality, Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron eventually stated: «I don't think gay sex... More
The author holds that the most unequivocal way in which Wesley was liberal was in his insistence on human participation in the process of salvation A second respect in which Wesley was clearly liberal in his own time was his attitude toward those with views differing from his own.
The point about all these pontifications, I thought at the time, whether over the airwaves or in the print media, either by secular commentators or by the kind of Catholics the liberal media like to give a platform to because their views on the Catholic tradition are so similar to their own (it seemed by the beginning of the conclave that it had all been going on for ever) was — or so I reflected then in my simple way — that this wonderful free - for - all was the only chance for many of them to be heard at all on this subject.
Many liberal Christians, on the other hand, are essentially deists; it is their view that after having created the world and revealed the divine will in its structure and the laws of nature, God can not be looked to for further intervention.
In my view, once you start going down the WWJD Road, you're now on the same road used by both Latin American and Black Liberation Theology which takes Jesus out of context to justify socialism which in the United States is supported by progressive liberals.
The liberal view of America focuses less on the nation as such, and more on humanity in general.
Thus, most black Americans view the new black conservative assault on the black liberal leadership as a step backward rather than forward.
It's easy for people who are more liberal on this issue to claim the pastoral high ground (indeed, Chalke's piece is partly pastorally motivated), but that ignores many who will be hurt to read his change of view, and what they will regard as a sharp shift from scripture.
There is less emphasis on substitutionary atonement, with greater openness towards pluralist views of salvation and a liberal view of morality.
In their views on public economic policy, mainline Protestant clergy tend to be more liberal than business executives.
The Murjites — literally those who postpone; here, those who postpone judgment until it is pronounced by God on the Day of Judgment — were more tolerant than the others in their political views and more liberal - minded on theological questions.
Neither would it resonate with those academics and so - called liberals who reduce religion to mere ethics or diversity, to some inner psychoanalytic conversation, or some Marxist egalitarian view of heaven on earth.
In the end, however, Feezell's moderate view (which leans toward the «conservative view») is not too much different in practical effect from my or Hartshorne's moderate view (which leans toward the «liberal view») in that I am only delivering a carte blanche for abortion in the early stages of pregnancy and pointing out that the fetus in the later stages of pregnancy has a moral status analogous to that of an animal, a status which I think deserves considerable attention on our part.
Given his views on sexuality, and the apparent ease with which he has found a platform in the mainstream media, more conservative Christians might be tempted to write him off as a wishy - washy liberal.
It seems to me that the only view we get from CNN on issues like this is the liberal view.
Conservatives cherry - pick those passages that support their conservative view of God based on their conservative ego, and vice versa, where liberals are concerned... and there is NO way to ascertain which is true, except on a wholly subjective, personal level, thus it will never be proven objectively, since Spirit, by it's very nature, has absolutely nothing at all to do with the flesh and whatever seems to be happening on this earth, because Spirit is completely opposite, and therefore invisible to the naked human eye, being of the mind only, and therefore unprovable.
In my opinion, everyone's view of God rests solely on their ego, whether it is conservative or liberal in nature.
Balzac saw fashion as a language, but it now takes a Barthes or an Eco to decipher the intricate uniforms fashion designers have provided for the lost middle classes of the advanced nations: cowboy, tycoon, traditionalist with liberal views, teenage tough, honest laborer, jovial professor, aesthete, and on and on.
If this can be done we shall have passed beyond the crisis of liberal Christianity; for the liberal view of the relation of Christian love to moral problems is in difficulty today precisely because the philosophy of history on which it is based does not sufficiently recognize the tragic obstacles which are set in the way of the life of love.
The Democratic National Convention presented an extremist view on the issue of abortion, according to Cokie Roberts, a liberal political analyst for ABC News and NPR.
A liberal education, Freedman went on to say, «ought to make a person independent of mind, skeptical of authority and received views, prepared to forge an identity for himself or herself, and capable of becoming an individual not bent upon copying other persons — even persons as persuasive and influential as one's father.»
Now it's not just liberal clergy (who have never been too keen on Scripture anyway) but an increasing number of «evangelicals» who are changing their view.
The Roman Catholic and the fundamentalist Protestant positions, though with obvious differences, meet in holding to an authoritarian and traditionalist point of view as over against the liberal emphasis on free inquiry.
This may surprise you, seeing as how I'm a blogger with an outspoken opinion on everything, but when I'm a part of a conservative Christian community, I tend to keep my more progressive views quiet, and when I'm a part of a more liberal Christian community, I tend to keep my more liberal views quiet.
The former view, one that accepts the social contract theory, leads to a hyper «individualism that, on the liberal side, fetishizes free speech and subscribes to a «do your own thing» morality, and, on the conservative side, is reflected in libertarian economics, as in Margaret Thatcher's famous (or notorious?)
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