Sentences with phrase «liberals share those concerns»

Indeed, many of us who still consider ourselves liberal share this concern.
Many liberals share those concerns about privacy and also fear that research aimed at boosting efficiency could be used to justify reducing government spending on many social programs.

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The triumph of conservatives in the Southern Baptist Convention should not obscure the fact that a sizable number of Southern Baptists share classic liberal concerns for women's rights, racial and social justice and international peace, not to mention the viability of historical - critical method.
Moreover, he shares the liberal concern that interpreters of the Bible should be in dialogue with all that has gone on in «the great romance of culture «13 and all that is happening in contemporary experience, in Ricoeur's hands interpretation is always confronted with the perspective of «counter disciplines»: physiology, psychoanalysis sociology, anthropology, linguistics, the history of philosophy.
I am convinced that as diverse conservatives, liberals and moderates share their deepest theological concerns, we'll learn a lot about ourselves and each other, about our church and our God.
Although the Social Gospel developed chiefly in the more liberal branches of the Wesleyan movement, its concern for the poor has been widely shared by evangelicals.
The Liberal Democrats leader said he shared Baroness Warsi's «concerns» over Britain's relations with Israel and said such licences should be halted pending an existing review of whether they should be revoked more permanently in future.
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