Sentences with phrase «liberation perspectives»

Latin American liberation perspectives must be committed to the integrity of creation if they are to meet the needs of the human poor.
Hedström, living in Latin America for many years and deeply influenced by liberation perspectives, has published several works at the interface of liberation theology and ecology.
«The Mission and Ministry of The Church in the Present Day Indian Context: A Liberation Perspective» in Ban galore Theological Forum Vol.
These two critiques of development — the third World liberation perspective and the First World ecological perspective — soon appeared to be in considerable conflict with each other.
(6) Finally, in a liberation perspective, salvation history and world history are so linked that theology critiques the present but also strives to anticipate eschatological reality within history.
It is essential that, as theologians and preachers, we read sociology critically and these works, largely from a liberation perspective, provide assistance.

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Somewhat paradoxically, the universality of liberation is an invitation for liberation theology to be done from every particular perspective.
It may be even more difficult for liberation theologians to admit that there are values in the perspective of the oppressor when they see so clearly the marks of interest in the structures of society the oppressor has organized and in the ideology by which these are justified.
Even in Latin America we suspect that there is an indigenous perspective that comes closer to ours than to that of many liberation theologians.
The distinction between the emphases that have been characteristic of liberation theology and process theology respectively can be indicated with the words «interests» and «perspectives
No to Privatization «red in tooth and claw»; yes to Public Sector without political corruption; no to Liberalization, with market exploitation; yes to Liberation from exploitative coercion; no to globalization as domination of world market with deprivation of the developmental directive of «Small is Beautiful»; yes to Universalism in sharing and caring for the suffering humanity and Good Samaritan ethic - these should be evolved and situated in Third World conditions and perspectives.
It seemed to us that another virtue of Latin American liberation theology had been to alert North American and European theologians to the fact that they, too, were producing contextual theology from a perspective no less particular than that of their Latin American colleagues.
Whereas the first generation of Latin American liberation theologians was made up primarily of Roman Catholic priests and other male religious leaders, today there are many voices speaking from the perspective of gender or incorporating the rich symbols inherited from a pre-Columbian or an African heritage.
The Christian community now possesses for the first time some excellent scholarly works on the treatment of homosexuality in Scripture, such as Robin Scroggs's The New Testament and Homosexuality (Fortress, 1984) and George Edwards's Gay / Lesbian Liberation: A Biblical Perspective (Pilgrim, 1984).
From the perspective of black theology, it is important to observe that Hartshorne's account of theological ethics displays a sensitivity which is characteristic of liberation theologies in general.
Interpreted from the perspective of material poverty, the Bible discloses itself as a text of liberation and serves to further a revolutionary process of emancipation.
Walter Fernandes, «A Socio - historical perspective for Liberation Theology in India» in Felix Wilfred (ed.)
2 Walter Altmann, Luther and Liberation: A Latin American Perspective, trans.
By analyzing the Marxist system, he offered the philosophical basis for his cautionary stance toward liberation theology - a position prefigured in his discussion of alienation in Anthropology in 7heological Perspective (Westminster, 1985).
That is praxiology theology, a Marxist perspective (liberation theology in S. America).
Writing from the perspective of Minjung theology — a school of liberation theology specifically centered on the oppressed peoples of Korea — Noh reports inductively on the sorts of oppression that...
These final essays are written from the perspective of practical studies, namely, pastoral care, Christian ethics and feminist liberation theology.
This global perspective contrasts not only with political theologies of the past which correlated theology with the needs of particular states, but also with liberation theologies.
They remind us that liberation theology has never been a new theology but rather a new way of doing theology — from the perspective of the poor and their struggle for justice and liberation.
Not only is the dualistic orientation a distortion of reality, its otherworldly eschatological perspective is not conducive to liberation.
From the perspective of feminist consciousness, this hierarchy seems unlikely to effect the liberation of life that Cobb and Birch envision for nature.
tends to view the problem of liberation from its own narrow perspective in its own historical struggle.
Liberation becomes the central perspective, a hermeneutical principle drawn from biblical sources and centering on the radical Jesus.
A decade later, Gutiérrez offered up a series of riffs on key biblical passages that extensively spell out the background perspective on God that informs his earlier explorations into liberation theology.
And when I talk about liberation, I'm not merely talking about a depends - on - your - perspective liberation of the mind.
From this perspective, contemporary social issue disputes, such as that over abortion, are not temporary aberrations, but rather the stuff of future politics, where an agenda of «traditional values» confronts an agenda of «personal liberation» or what Ronald Inglehart has called, somewhat misleadingly, «postmaterial» values.
«26 The problem with this position from the perspective of liberation theology» is that it retains the control of society in the hands of those who have always had control, the powerful individuals and the first - world nations.
Mujerista theology brings together elements of feminist theology, Latin American liberation theology and cultural theology, three perspectives which critique and challenge each other, giving birth to new elements, a new reality, a new whole.
LHPP — Delwin Brown, «Liberation Hermeneutics: A Process Perspective,» an unpublished paper presented at the 1982 AAR / SBL meeting.
Second, feminist theology in a global perspective can recognize the interrelatedness of all liberation theologies.
Writing from the perspective of Minjung theology — a school of liberation theology specifically centered on the oppressed peoples of Korea — Noh reports inductively on the sorts of oppression that often arise from, or are validated by, what the Minjung theologians call division theologies.
Liberation theology from a Korean Minjung perspective — particularly an analysis of theologies that reflect and endorse first world and imperialistic or colonialistic interests.
Are you saying then that in the women's liberation controversy you are convinced that you speak from a strictly biblical perspective?
Women theologians in Latin America are dealing with the issue of women's oppression from the traditional point of view of Liberation Theology, i.e., from the perspective of the poor.
Liberation Theology is facing the challenge of integrating the black perspectives in its theological reflection.
The focus of the discussion was the use of social sciences in theology, the rereading of the Bible from the perspective of the poor, the Christian communities in the struggle of liberation and the assumption of some elements of critical and Marxist analysis for a better and deeper understanding of the conflictual reality of the continent.
In 1972 he provided the first substantial Christology from the new perspective, Jesus Christ Liberator (Orbis, 1978), just one year after Gustavo Gutierrez's A Theology of Liberation brought Third World theology to the attention of the rest of the world.
My task is to proceed from a pastoral psychology perspective and to imply a working connection between black liberation and process theologies when black people's experience of oppression is the focus.
Dr. Smith looks at process thought and black liberation from a pastoral psychology perspective and black people's experience of oppression: The struggle against oppression in black people's experience is a constant struggle against external forces as manifested in economic, social, and political exploitation.
If that were an appropriate procedure, then we would find it necessary to side against the liberation of women (including giving them a significant role in the church) and against modern science with its evolutionary perspectives.
For the most articulate critique of Niebuhrian realism from the perspective of liberation theology, see Alves, Rubem, «Christian Realism: Ideology of the Establishment,» Christianity and Crisis, 1973, 33:173 - 176.
They are demanding a critical review of the fundamentals of their faiths from the perspective of liberation.
Third, the Bolivarian Forces of Liberation (FBL), a left - wing armed group primarily functioning in the Venezuelan states of Apure, Barinas and Zulia might intensify the use of violence (for more information on the various types of violent non-state actors present in the Colombian - Venezuelan borderlands see my recent article in Perspectives on Terrorism).
15 Sexual liberation plays a big role in Heinlein's books, which really puts the water - bed thing into perspective.
Retreats highlights include: in - depth discussions and presentations along with diverse perspectives on the theme of liberation.
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