Sentences with phrase «liberation which»

For Benjamin Butler, however, the variation of one and the same theme provides a formal liberation which opens up seemingly infinite modulations: «While there is a sense of repetition that exists within my work, when I paint another tree or another forest, I am mostly trying not to repeat myself.»
This pack features Content Drop 1: Liberation which resembles a Central Park setting, complete with mounted miniguns (just like real life), long lines of sight for snipers and tons of tree cover and close quartered underground locales as well.
The training includes an e-book version of Leslie's, Pelvic Liberation which is the required reading.
It underlines that Liberation Theology is necessary to respond to the aspirations of liberation and reflects the biblical meaning of liberation which is an essential theme of the Old Testament and the New Testament.5
No religious or ideological dogma, he argues, can acquire relevance in this dialogue «unless it shows a capacity to redefine and integrate within its framework the deepest aspiration of liberation which that culture has aroused in humankind... in order to do that religions including Christianity [also] need to be redefined» (p. 320).
It also can be understood as the process of liberation which she encourages us to trust.
It is true, as W. Gunther Plaut observes, that the Sabbath «became social time devoted to the liberation of every man from the fetters of work, a liberation which included the freeman as well as the slave.»
Human experience and ultimate liberation which are integral parts of the «here and now» are primary to the doing of Dalit theology.
Song also speaks of a «theology of the womb,» a theology of liberation which affirms the new life struggling to be free:

Not exact matches

The rest of the tale is hearsay: that a heavily indebted Heywood, a former family friend and fixer who had helped get Bo junior into Harrow (Heywood's prestigious alma mater in England) had demanded a bigger cut of a business deal; that he threatened to expose underhanded dealings by Gu if he didn't get it; that Bo's police chief, Wang Lijun, had confronted him over the alleged murder (the death was originally put down to alcohol poisoning), after which Wang sought asylum at an American consulate; that Gu had shown up at a police station in a People's Liberation Army major - general's uniform to announce that she was under special orders from Beijing to «protect» Comrade Wang; that the couple had plotted to assassinate Wang and came up with three separate storylines to avoid being implicated.
The time change report confirmed news from South Korean officials on Sunday that Kim pledged to scrap the northern time zone, which was created in 2015 to mark the 70th anniversary of Korea's liberation from Japanese rule after World War Two.
You're already seeing some of this liberation with Square, which enables anybody to collect credit card payments.
Jo Freeman spent much of the 1960s living with her activist peers on communes — including a stint as part of a women's liberation collective in which everyone had equal say and stature.
Soldiers of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy patrol at Woody Island, in the Paracel Archipelago, which is known in China as the Xisha Islands, January 29, 2016.
The Japanese Red Army, a communist militant group which had close ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in which Carlos was the head of «special operations», was demanding that French authorities free one of its members who had been arrested at Paris Orly airport two months early.
And even if the P.L.O. were to revise its charter, many would see this as a tactical maneuver designed to enable a sovereign Palestinian state to emerge which would then devote itself to the «liberation» of the rest of its lost territory.
As for theology, the word means speaking - of - God, which in Christian terms means speaking of the One who is Truth — the Truth Who makes us free in the deepest meaning of human liberation.
Even leaving out the idea I was also taught, that removing oneself from the system was a laudable act of counter-cultural liberation, with which I still have some sympathy, to teach one's children oneself, being able to choose curricula and readings and customize the teaching to every child's needs and gifts, is the kind of thing I was taught, by teachers of impeccable liberalism, to praise.
The Chilean website Reflection and Liberation, which focuses on Catholic theology, first reported Francis» remarks.
Liberation and liberalism are related more than phonetically, which is one reason why anti-Semitism is increasingly more evident on the left rather than the right.
It is a matter of personal confession that Whitehead's metaphysics, via process theology, the Marxist analysis of capitalism, via Latin American social analysis, and Biblical study, via the theology of liberation, have jointly served to flesh out a vision of reality in which the divine call to socialist revolution has been confirmed and rendered fully compelling. Religion Editor Dan Gilgoff explains the Jewish festival of Passover, which starts at sundown Monday and commemorates the Israelites» liberation from slavery in Egypt thousands of years ago.
«The «right to abortion,» with its theme of sexual liberation,» as Hadley Arkes puts it, «has become the central peg on which the interests of the Democratic party have been arranged,» just as, «since the days of Ronald Reagan, the Republican party has become... the pro-life party in our politics.»
In a proper liberation theology there are certain emphases that resist such ideology, each of which is implicit in the claim of faith that in Jesus Christ God acts to liberate humankind.
(CBH 225) Accordingly, liberation theology establishes guidelines and patterns which must be given priority in theological construction.
The schoolboy must answer no to the teacher's untruthful question, for what the teacher seeks is not the truth, which promises liberation, but rather to use the truth to cage the boy and entrap the father.
His liberation agenda is informed by Christian biblical theism and a worldview very different from the European constructs which inform Whitehead's vision.
Most of the imagery, the visual symbols and the language expressed the spooking, sparking and spinning which Mary Daly in her recent book Gyn / Ecology proposes to women as the way to true liberation.
And, as it looks to the Bible, it will be interested in the paradigmatic way in which Paul, for instance, in his gospel of liberation addressed the ideologies which claimed communities and which were always a contentious element within the ethos of those communities.
, the rich must find their salvation and escape from the judgment to come by giving up their wealth (which they or their parents acquired by robbing the poor) and joining the struggle for liberation.
It may be even more difficult for liberation theologians to admit that there are values in the perspective of the oppressor when they see so clearly the marks of interest in the structures of society the oppressor has organized and in the ideology by which these are justified.
The question now is whether there is any point of contact on the side of liberation theology for the concerns of process theologians in areas to which liberation theologians have paid less attention.
In the poem «Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front,» Wendell Berry's mad farmer warns against the love of «the quick profit, the annual raise, vacation with pay,» a life which makes one «afraid to know your neighbors and to die.»
There is no conflict between an emphasis on the liberation of the poor and on the preservation and restoration of the land from which they and their descendants must live.
«We need to move toward a dialogical theology in which the praxis of dialogue together with that of human liberation will constitute a true locus theologicus, i.e., both a source and basis for theological work.»
But equally important was the impact of liberation theologies, which changed the subject.
In the process they have largely ignored that «freedom for» which would convert liberty to liberation and innocence to responsibility.27
This means we need to see that we are defending more than religious liberty: We are defending the very idea that our government exists to protect the space in which various institutions of civil society do the work that enables Americans to thrive, and we are defending the proposition that this work involves moral formation and not just liberation from constraint.
In this framework, play does not fit easily within our present anguish, so Moltmann defines it as that proleptic experience of the future which is in God's hand, and our mission of liberation on behalf of that future.
As with liberation theology, feminisms elsewhere are a point of reference for an indigenous development, the nature of which has yet to be adequately described.
I am sad to say that if we relate this period to a French experience which is just fading, that of 1944 - 1945, the publicans and harlots around Jesus correspond in some sense to dealers in the black market, to collaborators, and to the women whose hair was sheared off at the liberation.
Women's liberation into the workforce, which was more good than not, is a big cause here.
Liberation is an almost normative lens through which whole churches are asked to see their mission.
Indeed, when the good faith of the Jew unveils the bad faith of Christian belief in God, the Christian can become more truly open to the Christ who points to the end of the old creation, the end of reality as such, and ushers in that new creation of total liberation, which no longer can even be named as reality.
A critical challenge of liberation theology is its rooting in local praxis and base communities, and here the main British version has been a multifaceted urban theology which has built on a tradition of pastoral, political and community - building activity in cities.
In relation to these topics most of our work remained abstract.1 The theology of hope, the theology of liberation, and political theology jointly constitute a challenge to which process theology has not yet adequately responded.
However, the power of the Kingdom is inseparable from the «end» which it is bringing to the world, and, as Albert Schweitzer has so powerfully insisted, the new life of ethical obedience to which Jesus calls his followers is likewise inseparable from the liberation of the believer from the very reality of the world.
Moreover, Jesus» correspondence to God's deepest nature (his «freedom which is love») allowed him his radical liberation from the «dead seriousness» of history, says Moltmann; the laughter of Easter reveals that life can indeed be taken playfully, 50
«Never say, «Matter is accursed, matter is evil»: for there has come one who said, «You will drink poisonous draughts and they shall not harm you», and again, «Life shall spring forth out of death», and then finally, the words which spell my definitive liberation, «This is my body».
Such liberation follows from an encounter with a prior grace which promises salvation at the same time that it delivers judgment.
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