Sentences with phrase «liberties protections at»

Some of Gibson's positions, like his call for less reliance on U.S. military power overseas and more stringent civil liberties protections at home, have shown cross party appeal.
As CT previously reported, religious liberty protections at the federal level do not end clashes at the state and local levels over accommodations (think: wedding vendors and bathroom bills).

Not exact matches

Thus the principal «political» task of the gentleman will be find ways of resisting the encroachments of the state into the family (while at the same time appreciating and encouraging its protections of our liberties), and for that he may need unsavory allies.
At the same time, it also ensures that the employers receive religious protections when they are up - front and candid about their sincerely held religious beliefs — and that we don't withhold those liberties on account of artificial distinctions — like whether or not the institution also earns a profit.
«Removing even a nod toward «religious liberty» from the platform puts Democrats at fundamental odds with the many religious organizations whose mission is nonviolence and protection of the most vulnerable,» wrote executive director Kristen Day and Fordham University professor Charles Camosy.
Carl H. Esbeck, an emeritus law professor at the University of Missouri who gathered the National Association of Evangelicals, the Assemblies of God, the Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod, and other groups for an amici brief, believes that «specific religious - liberty protections» will be needed for churches, religious believers, and religious organizations.
«Unlike the administration's useless gestures around the Johnson Amendment, these regulations signal meaningful enforcement of existing protections for religious liberty,» said John Inazu, a law professor at Washington University and a First Amendment expert.
On 15 June 1215 at Runnymede (a small meadow outside of London, marking the midpoint between two armies locked in civil war) King John set his seal on Magna Carta — the «great charter» that has become synonymous throughout the world with opposition to arbitrary rule, and with the protection of individual rights and liberties.
In this context, the logical step to take, at the very least, is to amend laws to negotiate the protection of individual freedoms and civil liberties to the maximum extent possible.
«There is no more important effort than the protection and expansion of the rights and liberties of the people,» said Richard Brodsky, a political scientist at the Wagner Graduate School of Public Service and a former assemblyman who is working with other groups supporting a convention.
Yea, being forced by law to taking off my shoes at the airport and having a mandated carbon footprint setoff tax imposed on ordinary consumers are the same illusions of government protection in exchange for the certainty of lost liberty.
In my paper, I offer three important textual constraints that courts have, at times, ignored or marginalized: first, that the interpretation of section 7 should not extend beyond the protection of «Legal Rights» — meaning that it should only be applied in the context of the administration of justice; second, that a law should only be struck down where it «deprives» an individual of life, liberty or security of the person; and third, that the principles of fundamental justice should only concern the very basic tenets of the legal system.
Yogi Amin, partner and national head of public law at Irwin Mitchell, then spoke about recent developments in health and social care law, including the Care Act, deprivation of liberty cases in the Court of Protection and end of life cases.
Started in 1964, the Association conducts research, public education, and advocacy aimed at ensuring the protection and full exercise of those rights and liberties.
Finally, we rely on the government to make these changes in an effort to enhance the criminal justice system while preserving the protections of those whose liberty is at risk.
This is truth, this is the reality of CAIR, who stands before the court and demands that we «by our own hands» provide them with all the protections and liberties afforded an organization or individual who wishes to be a part of a democratic country yet have utterly no intention of abiding, now or at any time in the future, by the dictates of a lawful, democratic society which values and holds sacred, human rights, freedom, rule of law, women's rights, gay rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and many other freedoms.
Instead, an application was made to the Court of Protection for an order that it would be lawful to deprive Ms B of her liberty at the care home thus giving that court the opportunity to rule on Ms B's eligibility.
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