Sentences with phrase «library closures»

We are proud that we have been able to use these tools to fight against school library closures and librarian layoffs and that we've won so many of them.
The available data shows that the past 12 months have seen yet more library closures, and lower levels of visiting and borrowing.

The Campaign for the Book has called for a moratorium on all school library closures following the news that some 12 school libraries have been...

Leading and participating in individual campaigns, from the living wage to library closures to campaigns against legal loan sharks.
there have been library closures, reduced hours and services, reductions in staff etc..
Morpurgo has called for parents to read to their children every night; a half hour «story time» at the end of the school day; and a halt to library closures.
Unfortunately, library closures, decreased funding, and limited ebook lending options are making libraries obsolete.
This is a very timely topic, since hardly a day goes by without an announcement of another library closure.
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