Sentences with phrase «library trips»

Once they find a genre they like they will look forward to weekly library trips.
Into each box went a new toy, a few old toys and a few new books from our weekly library trip.
Bookmark this post for your next library trip or Amazon bender!
Library ELF also gives families the ability to check the status of items from multiple library cards in one place, which will help cardholders avoid overdue fines and better organize library trips by knowing they have a complete list of all items due.
Many also preferred to purchase books for reading to children (although others cited their children's voracious reading appetites as the reason for regular library trips).
Teaching your child reading skills at home is easy with simple strategies such as audiobooks, library trips, and flashcards.
I need enough to store some things, plus make a Costco run and a library trip, without encroaching on my back seat!
It doesn't make sense for the BigLaw attorney to bill the client for a library trip when he can find the information through Westlaw and likewise, it doesn't make sense for the solo who doesn't have a Westlaw or LexisNexis subscription to pay for per diem searches when other lower cost options are available.
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