Sentences with phrase «licensed gun dealers»

Currently, only federally licensed gun dealers need to conduct background checks before making sales, and sales between family members, friends, and neighbors go unchecked — including online or at gun shows.
A final argument that gun - control laws disarm good people and leave criminals with weapons is countered with data showing that a strong regulation and oversight of licensed gun dealers has been, in the words of the book Reducing Gun Violence in America: Informing Policy with Evidence and Analysis, «associated with 64 percent less diversion of guns to criminals by in - state gun dealers.»
You people are very misinformed, only police, military and a very select few class 3 ATF licensed gun dealers can have automatic assault rifles, and the horrible terrible people at the NRA spend millions a year teaching gun safety, gun responsibility, gun training and promote legal gun ownership, a gun is a firearm, a tool that only becomes a weapon when the one holding it intends to harm another, until then it's a gun.
Levine and McKnight used the number of background checks reported to the government by federally licensed gun dealers as a proxy for gun sales.
Similarly, the majority of gun owners (67 percent) also support allowing cities to sue licensed gun dealers when the gun dealer's sales practices allow criminals to obtain guns and requiring a mandatory minimum sentence of two years in prison for a person convicted of knowingly selling a gun to someone who can not legally have one (71 percent).
«Support was strongest — with little difference between gun - owners and non-owners — for universal background checks, barring people with temporary restraining orders for domestic violence from having guns and stronger regulations of licensed gun dealers
The 1968 Gun Control Act gave the ATF authority to regulate federally licensed gun dealers.
Licensed gun dealers are frequent fixtures at the thousands of gun shows that take place across the country each year, but private sellers, who are not required to run background checks on buyers, also attend the events.
Under current law, licensed gun dealers can sell a handgun to someone 21 years old and sell a rifle to someone who is 18.
There are more than 58,000 licensed gun dealers (and 37,000 grocery stores).
Licensed gun dealers and current or retired law enforcement officers can not take part in the program.
A buyer must be 21 to purchase a handgun from a licensed gun dealer.
Licensed gun dealers can not sell a handgun to a person younger than 21, but can sell a rifle to anyone 18 or older.
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