Sentences with phrase «lies because»

The bottom line: you're unlikely to have serious consequences with these types of lies because they are almost always immediately discovered and you may be faced with paying a higher rate.
This case confirms what should be obvious that a defamatory communication does not change its character as lies because the falsehood contains a racial slur.
They make a choice to believe another group's lies because it's more comforting.
There are those who believe the lies because they fit with their world outlook.
While many low - information «sceptics» have simply been misled by reading the wrong material on the Internet, or trusting the wrong sources, the great majority of active opponents of climate science are complicit in their own deception, preferring to believe obvious lies because it suits their cultural and political prejudices.
Scientists will have more success speaking bluntly about denier lies because they are the most credible, and more likely to see their remarks appear in the major media outlets, especially on TV.
I think the sincerity is where the emotional power lies because your work is not allegorical.
Regardless, despite having never actually been properly involved in making my specific and detailed thoughts known on that sort of thing, I have lost count how many times I've been accused of corruption, hypocrisy and lies because of what «Games Journalism» has said in the past.
They are full of mistakes and they are repeatedly caught telling lies because it's the trend (like when they did the Resident Evil films and it is the trend to hate on them) and when somebody calls them out their excuse is that «it's all for fun» and their fanbase are calling the others fanboys and crybabies.
Also, dogs are faithful and they do not tell lies because they can not talk.
If you are going to lie then tell very small lies because big les destroy relationships.
I tell many lies because I'm not about games or drama.
On the bright side: people tend to tell small lies because, after all, they may eventually meet in person.
«This ad is made up entirely of lies because Jack Martins can't run on the truth, which is that his record consists of raising taxes in Mineola and voting against women every chance he gets.
If a child lies because he's bragging, it may be that he has low self - esteem or wants to gain attention.
This is where the dilemma lies because we have to field them both.
They just hate him because he is him, and believe lies because he is black.
I think dismissing this from that verse is where the «theological peril» lies because it strips one more piece of majesty away from God's Word which is masterful in its forethought and in the pictures and shadows we're told by Paul that it contains.
Kind of a big flaw in the bible, which proves it's lies because god the infallible could not have possibly made such a fundamental error.
He lies because you let him lie, and he lies because you would rather hear a lie than understand the truth.
He's excited to watch the growth of other services and platforms — he's a fan of Spotify in particular — noting that's where he thinks the future of streaming lies because of both business savvy and consumer appeal.
The anagram apparently doesn't lie because The Associated Press confirmed shortly after that Selena and Justin had broken up for the first time.
For example, you can argue that saying the inauguration drew record crowds deserves to be called a lie because there are multiple credible news reports that have proven this to be untrue.
This must be a lie because it's reported by HuffPost, an «American spy media» based on some «sadist» reports coming from a «Voodoo» economist called David Madani who must have bet everything, including short - selling his own mother - in - law for Canada's Real Estate to die... Yeah, right.
What bothered me the most was the comment that fact checking wasn't enough, politicians continue to use the lie even after it's been exposed as a lie because it gets votes.
No Danica, he's saying there's no way to know if she's lying because internet so we should frown discouragingly until she stops talking about it.
When they are challenged on it, they immediately reply, «You said this was a safe space but obviously you were lying because you're trying to control and change me!
This is a lie because many that are posting the REAL truth about the gay community are straights so there is not alleviating guilt involved.
Now, if that was all the Bible ever talked about it would be a lie because we see evil all around.
If you talk about the thruth and who Jesus really is and who we are in Christ, your post is deleted... Jesus is alive and real, the bible is true, and we all live eternally either with he Lord or separted from him... God created you, and he loves you so much that he sent his son to die for your sins and mine... Don't believe a lie because it seems the popular thing to do... This not a joke, and your soul is nothng to be played with...
No, he lied, and he lied because he knew more people would hear the lie than would hear the correction.
I didn't do this for The Lie because it was not a full - length book.
I'm SAVED, and I can not tell a lie because God Hates liars!
Obsessive - compulsive problems are repetitive patterns which can not be changed by reasoning (f) Chronic lying or stealing — A child may lie because he feels trapped between his need for approval and the excessive demands of adults.
The Church wants us to believe there is no more revelation, they are lying because they want to control Their Church, but Jesus did not say build your Church He said «build MY Church».
Jesus never told a lie because God has not reason to fear anyone.
They amount, basically, to a defense of lying because the outcome will be good.
Well, I believe it is true and not a lie because the Bible clearly says «Romans 10:8 But what does it say?
It is a lie because they all use the DSM to classify people so if the DSM says they are ok then what do you think they are going to say and there is no proof of the numbers either.
Jesus died for ALL sins, not just some, not the ones that we like to consider big because according to the Word of God all sin is equal, big or small, obviously murdering someone will have more of an impact than lying because the individuals family is affected among other things but in the eyes of God ALL sin is equal but Jesus died for ALL sins and I believe Paul's testimony shows that there are no sins that can't be forgiven, the power of sin has been taken away.
They just can't stop Lying because is part of what and who they are.
You christians lie because you can't do anything else..
Those who tell you that they are absolutely sure of themselves are surely lying because the only absolute thing is that no one can be absolutely sure.
You are liers and have no trouble lying because yourself is your own filthy standard.
Don't lie because the time signature shows on every post you've made.
That is an outright lie because the Bible and God will not force you to do anything.
It is his nature to lie because there is no truth in him, and with a web of untruth he ensnares the world.
Those that worship the SATAN in them say that God is LYING because God is in their heart.
But, of course, I'm lying because this, this is my favorite.
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