Sentences with phrase «life activities most»

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Automate and personalize your life with these gadgets that revolutionize the most basic activities.
Jurich's first reason to skip car ownership is perhaps the simplest — commuting by car is objectively awful (really, study after study ranks it as one of life's most misery - inducing activities), so given that she lives in a place that provides alternatives, it simply makes sense to take them.
To «go on claim,» insurance - speak for using the benefit, you must be unable to perform at least two «activities of daily living,» such as bathing, dressing, feeding and toileting, for most policies.
Yet, they are some of the most meaningful moments and activities of our lives.
But I think if you live by a beach with great waves and can surf easily, you're achieving the goals most people shoot for with the adrenaline - rush activities they plan and pay for people to give them, except you do it yourself.
Plays are play, as Walter Ong observes, except for the playwright and perhaps some of the paying public.5 Moreover, while most would say that tennis and drama provide at least the occasion for play (even if some tennis players, for example, are not actually «playing»), the list of possible play activities is much broader than we often imagine, including much of life - more, in any case, than just tennis, reading, dancing, etc..
However, the continuity of structure and function from nonliving matter to living and from the simplest forms of life to the most complicated strongly suggests that even the most characteristic human activities such as thought and consciousness have an explanation, as yet only partly known, in chemical and physical phenomena.
Perhaps one of the most telling statistics in Jewish life is that, whereas in the 1950s and 1960s Jews preferred engaging in non-Jewish activities with Jews, today the opposite trend is emerging.
«Education is the guidance of the individual towards a comprehension of the art of life and by the art of life I mean the most complete achievement of varied activity expressing the potentialities of that living creature in the face of its actual environment.»
Heck, virtually every Christian I know, yourself included, believes the most childish of things that they would never contemplate swallowing in their day to day activities — dead men rising, mind reading sky gods, life after death, being under constant supervision for the purposes of reward or punishment in some magic postmortem kingdoms — heaven, hell, purgatory, limbo etc...
Most dating takes place in leisure time when there is little opportunity for discovering how the person relates in the kinds of non-leisure activities which compose at least 90 percent of married life.
He was a parish minister for thirteen years in Detroit; he taught for a third of a century at Union Theological Seminary in New York; he was a constant «circuit rider» preacher to colleges and universities; he was kept busy most of his life with political activities; he made himself available to all kinds of people; and he was a prolific writer.
Since Aristotle, we've known there is something pleasurable about mimesis, the imitation of life as it is portrayed in drama, literature and even sermons, especially when the mimetic activity accurately portrays our most cherished or fearful experiences.
Finally one must here bring in again the most important biological discovery of recent years, and this is the discovery that the processes of life are directed by programs — which, besides manifesting activity, also in some extraordinary way produce their own programs.
The highest can no longer be defined by an exalted kind of activity; it all turns on the spirit in which one lives whatever one lives, even the most mundane existence.»
The dimension of training for life and witness outside the church emerged as the most legitimate church activity.
It may, therefore, seem odd to appeal to Russell in support of my argument, since it is his central contention that sexual activity should be determined primarily by romantic love, as it «is the source of the most intense delights that life has to offer.
This is why most universities now have full - time directors of residence life, directors of student activities, directors of counseling, and an army of professional and peer counselors and advisers in residence.
So the early Hebrews, whose most constant activity, next to sustaining life by labor, was war, needed a «Lord of hosts,» a superhuman leader of armies, and Yahweh met that need.
But for most people living in Australia today, the environment in which we are living has changed its character, and with it is changing also the subconscious «suspicion» that people have of God's presence and activity, a suspicion on which so much of our Christian apologetics and proclamation has depended.
What he said, which was much more interesting, was that «the chief business of the American people is business»: which is to say, most Americans are engaged in earning a living» a noble activity that confers real dignity on whoever undertakes it, no matter what their income.
However, as an athlete, you'll most likely require more protein than someone who lives a sedentary lifestyle, simply because your body demands more of your muscles through activity, training, and recovery.
In short, Griffin's first football activity as a Redskin was nothing short of a success, and it was among the most highly anticipated in D.C. in years — Shanahan noted there were more press there than he'd ever seen at a rookie camp, and SportsCenter cut live to Griffin's presser.
The reason this imbalance occurs is that most of the activities of life favor the front.
Most of all, I love seeing our books brought to life in our Oxford and Concord, MA Studios — what we think of as «hubs» in our global community, where we have events like storytelling, arts and crafts activities, African drumming, puppet shows, yoga and even a family café serving healthy and organically produced food... all part of the Barefoot lifestyle and all about connecting families and nurturing creativity, imagination and diversity.
Learning how to cook is a life skill that most of us need to acquire or want to improve upon and it is an activity that also works well for team building in the corporate world too.
I learned how to swim when I was five years old, but for most of my life, swimming was just a recreational activity that happened when I went to the beach or community pool with my friends during Summer.
The court's rationale for awarding custody to the parent who handles the majority of the child's day - to - day activities is that the balance of a child's life might be upset if they were to be removed from the parent who is most frequently responsible for their day - to - day activities.
Leaving behind lecture and offering parents learning activities, New Parent Educators give parents access to evidence and hands on skills that will increase their confidence and competence in parenting, providing opportunities for them to integrate their own beliefs and culture with the most up to date information about babies and prepare for the adjustment to parenting life.
We hear it time and time again that writing down our feelings is one of the most therapeutic activities available, and if we enable our kids to reflect on their school days and emotions we are equipping them for an even fuller life.
Due to an increasingly sedentary way of life, most Americans aren't logging nearly enough hours of physical activity.
This activity challenges kids to think about the most important things in their own life.
Playing and learning with babies and toddlers has been my most challenging part of being a parent as J and T have become older the crafts, activities and play has become much easier for me to visualise and bring to life for them.
While not all children with SM will qualify for special education services and an IEP, most children diagnosed with SM will qualify for 504 plan accommodations since selective mutism affects the major life activity of speaking.
Nestlé believes that education is the single most powerful tool for ensuring that children understand the value of nutrition and physical activity to their health through the course of their lives.
However, this reporter in an interview with some youth who have lived in Libya for the past eight years revealed that most of the criminal activities in Libya are been perpetrated by the foreigners.
Our survey in 2011 of public perceptions of the most corrupt sections of British public life revealed that the revolving door comes a close second in the public's ranking of potentially corrupt activities.
New research presented today at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), found that 70 percent of patients consider sexual activity «relevant» to their life quality, and patients who receive surgical treatment for spinal spondylolisthesis (DS) and spinal stenosis (SS)-- common degenerative conditions most often occurring in older adults — were twice as likely to report no pain during sex.
Comparing video footage of their stay with their brain activity (see video, above) revealed that the neurons remained virtually silent for most of the time, bursting into life only when the volunteers talked about numbers or numerical concepts such as «more than» or «less than».
Founded in 1976, Toyohashi University of Technology — one of Japan's most dynamic science - and engineering - based universities — is a vibrant, modern national institute with research activities reflecting the modern era of advanced electronics, engineering, and life sciences.
Most research on epigenetics has focused on the way everyday experiences alter patterns of gene activity in DNA during life through a chemical process of gene tagging called methylation, which usually silences genes.
That was a promising improvement — previously discovered mutations extended life by only 35 % to 80 % and most drastically curtailed metabolic rates, physical activity, or fecundity.
The most effective networking activities center around meeting and discussing mutual topics of interest with people you meet in all aspects of your scientific life.
Most of the flurry of activity is in the life sciences, where, says Feller, «you have to be interdisciplinary to be world class.»
What matters most is whether screen use causes problems in other areas of life or has become an all - consuming activity
«If you're not replacing work with a work - like activity, your retirement is radically different than how you spent most of your life and not necessarily radically better.»
Many of those employees live in the coastal parishes that have suffered most from oil and gas activities and face the most severe consequences from the resulting land loss.
But the activity of the brain at rest — its «baseline» activity — may prove to be the most important aspect of our mental lives.
As the centerpiece of the medical innovation ecosystem, NIH not only supports the research that leads to treatments and cures for our most devastating diseases, but drives the life sciences economic engine, annually sustaining over 400,000 jobs and nearly $ 60 billion in economic activity nationwide.
As a result, one of the most important forms of human activity, with a demonstrated capacity to affect our lives in profound ways, has become isolated from the kinds of con - siderations that together define the term «human».
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