Sentences with phrase «life against death»

Under this policyholder can insure his life against death for the benefit of his / her survivors.
Jeffrey Dennis blogs his notes on a recent lecture, Clyfford Still: Life Against Death, by David Anfam at Chelsea College of Art, London on May 12, 2011.
As Genesis 3:15 makes clear, the battle of life against death depends on the woman's seed.
This is reminiscent of Brown's statement in Life Against Death that «competition between... [current psychoanalysis and current neo-orthodox Protestantism] to produce an eschatology for the twentieth century is the way to serve the life instinct and bring hope to distracted humanity» (p. 233).
OLDTEASER: Life against death.
(Elements and aspects of this new consciousness, its forms and contents, can be found in the following sources: William Braden, The Age of Aquarius (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1970); Charles Reich, The Greening of America (New York: Random House, 1970); Lewis Mumford, The Pentagon of Power (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1970); Erich Fromm, The Revolution of Hope (New York: Bantam Books, 1968); Herbert Marcuse, Eros and Civilization (Boston: Beacon Press, 1966); Norman O. Brown, Life Against Death (Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1959); Ferkiss, The Technological Society; Lynn White, Jr., Machina ex Deo (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1968), and Roszak, The Making of a Counter-Culture.
It chooses and sets in order... [Creation is the] conflict of energy and resistance, a struggle of life against death, from which the word takes its impetus....
He was able to picture early Christianity this way with the more assurance because he did most of his scholarly work before attention shifted back to Palestine in the time of Jesus (thanks in part to the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls), and before the themes of light against darkness, life against death, came in the 1960s to be understood as first century Jewish themes.
That it is so is not surprising because the defense of life against death was the heart of Richard's life.

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Universal life insurance is permanent life insurance coverage that helps you preserve your wealth and protect your family against loss in the event of your death.
Conservatives are railing against dual decisions by the British government to prevent Alfie Evans» parents from transporting him to Italy for further treatment, and to order Alfie's doctors to withdrawal life support from Alfie, which they did, and which soon led to Alfie's death.
The choose to go against God and that is why we live in sin and imperfection and all man experiences death.
They celebrate unique rituals, observe a unique set of laws, cherish and tell a unique set of stories, perceive life (and death) against a unique horizon.
Reproduction is the best weapon against death, but as soon as a new life is created, death is ready to destroy it, sooner or later.
19 This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.
In looking for sources of inspiration for the White Rose, Inge Scholl quotes at length the protests from the 1942 sermons of Count Galen, Bishop of Muenster, who forcefully spoke out against the Nazi death sentence for «life which does not deserve to live» (Unwertesleben).
It was the spiritual guide, the moral and legal code, the political system, the sustenance of life, whether that meant endurance of hardship, the endless struggle against nature, battle with enemies, or the inevitable processes of life and death.
(Isa 2:4) These then are not involved in protest rallies, nor prays for or against any political candidate, but rather it prays for God's kingdom (Matt 6:9, 10), a heavenly government, to bring total peace to the earth, removing all national boundaries, sin, sickness and death and raising «meek» ones to perfection to enjoy living on a paradise earth forever.
In other words, this text is not about how to go to heaven when you die, but rather about how to go from slavery to death in this world as we war against others (Eph 2:1 - 3), to unity and peace with others as we live in the family of God (Eph 2:11 - 22).
Deuteronomy 30:19 — I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse.
Against these two views, I argued that the biblical gospel is pretty much everything related to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, including the prophecies about Him, and the ongoing empowerment for life with God that we receive as believers.
He challenged ISIS leader Abu Bakr al - Baghdadi to a debate that pits Islam's theology of life against ISIS» cult of death.
He never thought, after the Greek fashion, of soul as pure being, capable of disembodiment, but spoke, as his Jewish contemporaries did, of future life in terms of bodily resurrection, and on that basis he discussed life after death with the skeptical Sadducees, protesting only against the popular, contemporary ways of conceiving the raised body and its uses in the next world.
In Evangelium Vitae, Blessed John Paul II says Mary is the «living word of comfort for the Church in her struggle against death».
He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people, who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither.14
Dr. Cobb indicts the church for substituting the service of wealth and death against service to God and life.
Recovery, after all, can be seen as life's bold act, affirming itself in angry defiance against death.
I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live.
I agree with your over all statement that we as individual Moslims are responsible for making sure we are portrayed accurately but I will tell you that against such a orginized movement that is a task as difficult as parting of the sea or giving life to a death body.
The member of the Ugandan Parliament behind a controversial «anti-gay» bill that would call for stiff penalties against homosexuality - including life imprisonment and the death penalty - says that the bill will become law «soon.»
«I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;» (Deuteronomy 30:19)
Even when it's a matter of life and death, our laws do not compel someone to do something with her body against her will without infringing on the rights guaranteed by the Const i tuition.
Belief in christianity definitely worked against humanity, nad led to many, many more deaths, incalculable lives lost, due to silly superst!tions fed by belief in myths.
The Church stands against suicide, in all circumstances, because she believes that life is sacred and that death, though it must be accepted, can never be proposed or endorsed as a solution to the problem of suffering.
So if you are trying to point to the «sancti.ty» of life as an argument to support being against abortion you are ignoring the «natural» death toll that God allowed to befall those before proper prenatal care came into being.
No one can be forced to donate a kidney, even in a matter of life and death, yet you think that somehow women be forced to remain pregnant against their will?
There are of course further issues with capital punishment, like the number of innocent people who have been executed by our gov «t. I would think anyone on the «sanct!ty of life» bandwagon would necessarily be against the death penalty for that reason alone.
His call to take up the cross comes to those who are busy trying to secure their lives against the threat of death and meaninglessness.
I hope some day, the citizens of Earth will be brave enough to speak out about the reality of life and death and speak out against the fabrication of ancient writings!
«I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.
Death, therefore, though a punishment, is also a simple fact that defines the creature over against the living God.
In a similar way, Catholic teaching today, as notably set forth by John Paul II, strongly encourages the fullest possible cooperation among Christians in contending for a culture of life and of truth against the encroaching culture of death and deceit.
When the life and death of Jesus are viewed against the background of this hope (and this is part, at least, of what the apostles did after the death of Jesus) those who have felt the attraction of what Jesus said and did are led to the conviction that the judgment of God is already clear.
Life that posits, affirms, and defends all we believe in and hold dear — loving justice and tenderness against all attempts by the Enemy, who always appears as an angel of light, to wipe them out and return the world to the power of death, to the anarchy of «might makes right» and «only the fittest deserve to survive.»
But religion is a man - made system that tends to go against the flow of what the Lord Jesus brought to life through His death and resurrection.
These pastors who advocate violence against gays are living in the Old Testament, they may as well ask them to be stoned to death.
Here I side with John Howard Yoder against the view prevalent among social ethicists today that the early church found Jesus» sociopolitical ethics, including his teaching on peace, irrelevant and was interested in his life, death, and resurrection only as the basis for justification by faith; that whatever ethics the church taught was drawn from Hellenistic culture, particularly Stoicism.
Dr. Altizer's book — also black — is a kind of volcanic eruption against the «Christian death» which threatens the life of faith.
The basic form of the anthropological argument against the possibility of life after death has already been answered in what has gone before.
«for Jesus to actually preach against the State would have meant immediate death» Yes, he might have been crucified instead of living to a ripe old age.
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