Sentences with phrase «life and limb driving»

Not exact matches

The event will be attended by thousands of victims from all walks of life - soldiers who lost limbs clearing landmines, mothers whose children were forcibly recruited by the rebels, never to be seen again and farmers driven off their land by right - wing paramilitary groups.
Their secrets drive them to risk life and limb in the cage of this most brutal activity.
But her intentions are good, and her fierce maternal instincts drive her to risk life and limb in order to protect her son, taking readers on one heck of a ride.
Everybody loves showing the world how they could have been Lewis Hamilton if they hadn't somehow fallen into that job pushing PPI claims at the call centre, via the medium of piloting exotic virtual machinery without the slightest risk to life and limb (even if they actually possess the skills of Maureen from Driving School).
Unless you're willing to risk life and limb, the following are some of the worst bad weather driving advice to ever make the rounds.
1) Risk life and limb doing a Drive By and post the images on your blog!
Thanks for risking life and limb to take us on your drive - by!
Risk life and limb with me as I venture into neighborhoods of Portland for another drive by See some fairytale houses in my favorite neighborhoods around Portland!
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