Sentences with phrase «life changes requires»

All major life changes require an adjustment period.

Not exact matches

Audiences» changing viewing habits are likely one reason for the declining ratings for live award shows like the Oscars, as more and more people cut ties with the cable packages that are often required to watch such programs either on TV or online.
It requires listening to customers, paying attention to the context of their purchases, and becoming a «living business» that constantly adapts to changes.
If you want more happiness and joy in your life than smiling is definitely a good start, since other things mentioned above require not just change in your behavior but also your mindset.
The minimum viable personality asks that you define what you offer that changes your customer's life (elevator pitch), what you stand for (Golden Circle) but then requires one additional question you haven't been forced to answer: what do you love and what do you hate?
As people live longer and healthier lives, retirement income and distribution strategies require a flexible approach that provides for changing needs over time.
The fixed rate assigned to a loan will never change except as required by law or if you request and qualify for the ACH interest rate reduction benefit (s); ACH interest rate reduction (s) apply when full payments (including both principal and interest) are automatically drafted from a bank account and will remain on the account unless (1) the automatic deduction of payments is stopped (including times during deferment or forbearance) or (2) there are three automatic deductions returned for insufficient funds within the life of the loan.
It's one thing to say that the economy sprung to life after Trump took office, even if statistics say that there's not much change since the late Barack Obama years; one can certainly make a case for it, even if it requires a little cherry - picking of the right indicators.
also i am working to change it i lobby for thing that require police to be more accountable, right know were working on have cops were cameras on their person, and i plan on making cops not allowed to use guns with live ammo, unfortunately the FOP and correctional unions own California.
Talking about spiritual growth, and the comforts of daily life, Don suggests, «It requires that we change our lives to change the lives of others.
You said, «But your theory requires that we believe in two coincidences: first, that it just happens that their life changes, and second, that is just happens to occur right after the person asks God for help.»
Before answering this question, we shall grant that changing life requires change in the forms for meeting life and that we may well expect the form of the church's ministry to change if the truth is to be served and the meanings of life are to be met.
To advocate self - help, to argue that affirmative action can not be a long - run solution to the problem of racial inequality, to suggest that some of what is transpiring in black communities reflects a spiritual malaise, to note that fundamental change will require that individual lives be transformed in ways that governments are ill - suited to do, to urge that we must look to how black men and women are relating to each other, how parents are bringing up their children, that we have to ask ourselves what values inform the behavior of our youth» to do these things is not to take a partisan position, or vent some neoconservative ideological screed.
Truly following Jesus requires that we make changes in all aspects of life, not just in our behavior and dresscode on Sunday morning.
Before the change, gaining consideration for sainthood in the Catholic Church required martyrdom, living a life heroically of Christian virtues or having a strong reputation for religious devotion.
People know that seeking the truth, believing in God, and following Jesus will require them to change their lives, and most are unwilling to do so.
But since they possess the basic skills required in relating, they know how to go about changing and deepening their marriage to meet the needs of the second half of life.
Under modern conditions, with changes occurring so rapidly that most specific occupational preparation becomes quickly out of date, it even appears that a fundamental liberal education is the best vocational education, for it develops the powers of imagination needed to meet new situations and the understanding of interrelationships required by life in an increasingly interdependent civilization.
Marian Spirituality of the Magnificat can give an indication of the commonality of struggles requiring radical changes in economic, political and social life, beginning with personal humility, confident in God's promises to humanity, especially the poor.
And it requires each of us to contemplate the unfixables in our life, the decline we will unavoidably face, in order to make the small necessary changes to reshape it.
As Polkinghorne requires the continuity of something through all the changes of our material constituents in this life, so he should require the continuity of something between this life and the next if the same person is to survive.
Those who are truly serious about living the low - energy life divert their spending from consumer activities to direct investment in the tools they require to change and then maintain their life style: land, bicycles, pressure cookers, solar and windpower equipment, a garden, bus rides, etc..
Aristotle considered (prime) matter to be unintelligible andnon - being» Fourth, developments in genetic engineering will pose a challenge both ethically and metaphysically in the way man deals with attempts to manipulate life (and change it) via cloning, hybrids, and the integration of human (organic) and machine technology (via nano - technology); issues of conscience, soul, purpose, intelligence, memory and morality will require the Church to articulate competently its understanding of the human person in order to provide an ethical voice.
The pastoral role is concerned with ministry to individuals; the priestly role has to do with the proclamation of the faith and with leadership in the liturgical life of the church; the prophetic role focuses on judging the level of humaneness in the social order and pointing to the changes required if common justice is to be approximated; the kingly role takes up governance and the expression of neighbor love through responsible corporate action.
But now if the individual, yes, if you, my listener, and I must admit to ourselves that we were far from living in this way, far from that purity of heart which truthfully wills but one thing; must admit to ourselves that the questions demanded an answer, and yet in another sense, in order to avoid any deception, did not require an answer, in that they were, if anything, charges against ourselves which in spite of the form of the question changed themselves into an accusation: then should the individual, and you, my listener, and I join together in saying, «Indeed our life is like that of most others»?
It is with the idea and in the hope of advancing towards a solution of the problem that I here venture, basing my argument on the widest possible zoological and biological grounds, to put forward a coherent view of the «thinking Earth» in which I believe we may find, undistorted but yet embodying the corrections required by a change of order, the whole process of Life and of vitalization.
Among his strongest points is that observations that demonstrate gradual evolutionary changes in specific characteristics (beak shape of finches, color of forest moths, for instance) do not establish how gradual changes could bring about major evolutionary transitions that require concerted functioning of many specialized organs — such as the change from arboreal mammals to night - flying bats, or the origin of life.
Very true, the baptism of the Holy Spirit does not require any water but brings about great change in the life of an individual.
We are pleased with the idea of a forgiving God, but not if it would require us to change our lives.
Both substantive knowledge — some of it fairly abstract — and practical know - how will be required, and because ministry takes place amid the changing circumstances of life, intelligent adaptation and renewed learning will often be necessary as well.
Again, the evasion is readily applicable to feminist theology: «I can accept women as equals and co-workers in the public world, as long as my wife remains a traditional homemaker; I'll support the ERA, but I won't have to change my own life style; it's all right for women to become ministers, but my congregation will never call one as pastor; it's OK for a few women to come into our system, as long as their presence requires no major structural changes
They like living in the past because the changes involved in the future require «work».
Yet even if «Follow me» sounds more subtle, it too has high urgency, and requires a life - changing response from us.
Grace is only cheapened when we try to add human effort such as requiring people to have a changed heart, life, lifestyle, mind and character in order to assure them that God loves and forgives them and freely gives them eternal life.
Such change requires experiencing our organic bond with nature — with the air, the ocean, and the earth; with all living things; and with the worldwide human family.
Profound change in a human life requires a change in sedimentation.
Its doctrines are a by - product of its life, and they therefore require repeated transformation as society and knowledge change and grow.
The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA voted today in favor of changing ordination standards to remove language requiring ministers «live either in fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman, or chastity in singleness.»
If we ever want to see a change in our lives, it requires us to lay down our pride, to lay down our desires, to lay down our wants, and to press into God's Word.
Given the existence of slightly changed circumstances, he could have recommended adherence to an orderly way of life, required not only of church officers but also of Christian women (e.g., I Tim.
To accumulate the extra 3.6 years of life requires sticking to the veggie diet for 17 years, however, though even modest changes to the way we eat — such as joining Meat Free Monday — can make a big difference.
As a follow - up to last year's rules change that requires players to sit out one play if their helmet comes off while the ball is live, the committee approved three additional rules extending that change:
Living in alignment with your values may be a matter of «just doing it» (getting up 30 minutes earlier and taking a brisk walk) or it may require more daunting changes (downsizing to a smaller home).
Breastfeeding requires a number of adjustments to your daily life — including, possibly, changing the type of bra you wear.
Changing the lives of children, youth, and families requires cooperative effort.
Like so many things in life, the issues surrounding stillbirth will require significant efforts, resources, and people to realize changes in the number of families affected every year.
Collaboration Required When conflicts, disagreements, struggles, or massive life changes arise both parties need to be heard, validated, educated, or supported.
Pregnancy — is a wonderful event, completely change the life of every woman.Adjusting to the beat of a small heart, the mother tries to do everything to make your child feel comfortable during all nine months.Unfortunately, for many weeks, forty expectant mother has to experience not only the joy of emergency meetings with the baby, but also a lot of unpleasant sensations that accompany pregnancy.Some of the inevitable companions of pregnancy do not carry any hazard to the fetus, while others require constant medical supervision.One of the most serious complications in the waiting period is a child gestational diabetes — a condition in which increased levels of glucose in the peripheral blood.
Even for the mother, life changes after having a newborn baby, which is why, she also requires enough rest, and hence we should not stick around for hours together.
Forward movement and creating change in your family requires a delicate balance of acknowledging and sharing your own life story, and taking real life - changing steps forward.
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