Sentences with phrase «life circumstances such as»

As the therapist guides the child in play therapy, the therapist is able to provide observations, reflections about the child's feelings (statements, not questions), and interpretations to help children make sense of confusing life circumstances such as a parent's divorce, grief and loss, adjustment issues, trauma, etc..
It is also used to help children process through difficult life circumstances such as death or loss, divorce, domestic violence, personal illness, traumatic experiences such as physical and sexual abuse, and natural disasters.
We offer a safe option for owners who are forced to give up their dogs because of changing life circumstances such as relocation, financial hardship, divorce, allergies, illness, or death.
Unforeseen life circumstances such as losing a job or unpaid time off due to illness can force you to use a credit card to pay for utilities and other necessities.
Spending habits can change at any time, depending on life circumstances such as a new job, so go over your recent card charges to detect any new patterns.
It's estimated that about 50 percent of emotional health is determined genetically and another 10 - 20 percent is controlled by life circumstances such as age, gender, and occupation.
It is also used to help children process through difficult life circumstances such as death or loss, divorce, domestic violence, personal illness, traumatic experiences such as physical and sexual abuse, and natural disasters.
Genetics account for approximately 50 of a person's happiness set point, and life circumstances such as gender, ethnicity, marital status, occupation, and religious affiliation account influence another 10 percent.
Whether they are forced to surrender their dog due to a change in living circumstances such as a lost job or foreclosure, or because a member of the family finds out they are allergic, or even if it is discovered that the dog is not a good match for their lifestyle, many dog owners would rather give up their dog to a good rescue organization than to a shelter where the dog may be euthanized.

Not exact matches

This unique vehicle return protection program allows you to walk away from negative equity when life changing circumstances arise such as involuntary unemployment, physical disability, and more.
In such circumstances the fundamental gospel promise of forgiveness and eternal life is heard as genuine Good News.
For «providence» is a word which tells us of the conviction that God exercises a never - failing and personal control over, even as he unfailingly works within, the events and circumstances of life, molding them and molding us in such a way that his grace and power are manifested in human history and in personal experience.
Our situational anxieties have to do with the circumstances and security of our lives, how they are to be affected by such technological advances as cybernetics, by inflation, or by war.
So also the Christian faith should lead to understanding for those to whom life brings unwanted and difficult circumstances, such as those who want the companionship of marriage and are denied it, those for whom physical or psychological illness makes sexual experience impossible, those who have had tragic and wounding experiences and must find their way through them.
But the Church can not offer a concrete model of the economy as it might be today and as in certain circumstances it ought to be, in such a way that to realize this model would be a binding moral duty on those in charge of economic life.
The kind of action from social awareness that is demanded by perfect love is such as must admit the tragic reality that there are people who are genuinely intent upon using their freedom to destroy the freedom of others, and that, under certain circumstances, love itself may dictate that «It is better that many should die prematurely than that nearly all men should live in a permanent state of hostility or slavery» (MVG 173).
A man who is utterly self - contained and whose chief ambition is to be «self - existent» and hence to exist without dependence upon relationships of any sort, is a man whom we regard as an unpleasant if not vicious specimen of the race; and it is odd that deity has been regarded, and this even in Christian circles, as more like such a self - contained human being rather than as like a man who in every area of his life is open to relationships and whose very existence is rich in the possibility of endless adaptations to new circumstances.
In that conversation, voices have been heard urging a view of conscience that is curious, even dangerous: Under certain circumstances, conscience may permit or even require that a person choose acts that the Church has consistently taught are intrinsically wrong — such as using artificial means of contraception, or receiving Holy Communion while living the married life in a union that's not been blessed by the Church.
In Jesus» case it was a combination of factors — such as the fervent longing of oppressed people, their religious preparation and ethical sensitivity, the remarkable personal power of Jesus, and the particular circumstances of his death — which produced among his followers a mental and emotional situation favorable to the attainment of a remarkable new intensity of life, marked by love, loyalty, courage and joy, all for the sake of the Master, who had sacrificed his life for them and for the larger good he saw through them.
In assessing the legal prospects for mediating structures, I have mentioned the technique employed by Congress in the Adolescent Family Life Act, the receptiveness of the majority of the Supreme Court Justices in Bowen v. Kendrick toward that technique, and the openness even of the dissenting Justices to accord weight to the protection of intermediate associations as such under certain circumstances.
We all know that this is made much harder by living in a culture which takes it for granted that in such circumstances they will actively seek a new «relationship», and this attitude is found among fellow Catholics too, as often as not.
Such «religious intuitions» are the «somewhat exceptional elements of our conscious experience» that Whitehead seeks to elucidate as evidence for God's consequent experience of the world.9 Only a living person experiencing a whole series of divine aims, sensitive to the way in which these shift, grow, and develop in response to our changing circumstances can become aware of their source as dynamic and personal, meeting our needs and concerns.10 Jesus, full of the Spirit, knew God personally in this intimate way, until these aims were taken from him in the hour of his deepest need, when he experienced being forsaken by God on the cross.
We can hardly wonder, in the circumstances, that agnostics such as Sir James Jeans and Marcel Boll, and even convinced believers like Guardini, have uttered expressions of amazement (tinged with heroic pessimism or triumphant detachment) at the apparent insignificance of the phenomenon of Life in terms of the cosmos — a little mould on a grain of dust.
But to attempt to comprehend his ideas as the work of such circumstances alone» as merely the heat thrown off by his life» will not do.
But the fact that we may be called to such heroic self - determination in some occasions of our life does not mean that we may not at other times be called to a more relaxed acceptance of circumstances as they develop or to a spontaneous love arising quite unforeseen and beyond the bounds of duty.
Depending on the circumstances, a traumatic event such as parental divorce could actually contribute to a longer life, if the child learned to be resilient.»
Some children may act aggressively because of life circumstances, such as experiencing domestic violence or playing violent video games.
An ideal bedtime is based on the child's age, development, and life circumstances (such as their required wake - up time for school).
Published in 2012, this endearing, profound book introduces us to the eternal struggles of parenthood, as viewed from families with uniquely challenging circumstances, and it offers insight and hope for all of us who live side - by - side with such families...
There are a variety of reasons for grandfamilies to come together, such as death of parents and difficult life circumstances for the parents from financial difficulties and military deployment to incarceration, mental illness and substance abuse.
And if it does, it will be very short - lived when real - life circumstances come your way — such as travel and illness.
Social circumstances, such as living in high - violence areas or having friends or family members who had already murdered Tutsis, probably played a role too.
Hedonic adaptation helps to explain why even changes in major life circumstancessuch as income, marriage, physical health and where we live — do so little to boost our overall happiness.
Researchers at Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University of Utah announced today the results of a study that found that circumstances in childhood, such as parental occupation at birth and neighborhood income, might be associated with different risks of certain cancers later in life.
The study, recently published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface, reports there are circumstancessuch as when geckos fear for their lives, leap into the air and are forced to grab on to a leaf below — when they need every bit of that fabled adhesive ability, and sometimes it's not enough.
Such scholars also frequently examine the impact of life circumstances, such as unemployment stress, infertility problems, a cancer diagnosis, or an attractive co-worSuch scholars also frequently examine the impact of life circumstances, such as unemployment stress, infertility problems, a cancer diagnosis, or an attractive co-worsuch as unemployment stress, infertility problems, a cancer diagnosis, or an attractive co-worker.
What about the cases in which an exterior circumstance such as trauma in late pregnancy leading to premature birth with all the developmental issues those extra fragile babies have, trauma during delivery including the use of forceps or vacuums, or even vaccines post birth that can cause «severe abnormalities» does the same «option» stand - to kill a life or not?
If you're looking for very particular traits and interests, the choices available are useful in most circumstances and the results are displayed effectively in a gallery style which shows some basic details about members, such as their gender, age and the city they live.
When online dating, it's only fair that major life circumstances, such as children, should be out in the open quickly.
It's more about the unfair circumstances of her life, which put her in such a position to be seen as a target for these men.
Now, in this Berlin Silver Bear winner from Mia Hansen - Løve — writer - director of such intimate films as Father of My Children and Goodbye First Love — Huppert delivers a note - perfect warm and wry performance as a philosophy teacher whose life is defined by ideas rather than circumstance, a woman of substance — intellectual, emotional, financial — who faces unexpected constraints and freedoms when the assumed certainties of her domestic life unravel.
But in 2013, few traditional romantic comedies follow the traditional formula of boy meets girl in unlikely circumstances, falls in love and eventually lives happily ever after, a model that made films such as 1990's «Pretty Woman» or 2001's «The Wedding Planner» into romantic - comedy staples.
The Kansas legislature allowed a variety of different taxes based on local circumstances such as high cost of living, low enrollment, and extraordinarily declining enrollment.
When life circumstances are threatening (such as from deep poverty, significant neglect, or repeated exposure to violence) the body's stress response system is activated and heart rate, blood pressure, and stress hormone levels go up.
We endeavor to make proactive, positive efforts to recruit, retain and serve the highest - need students, such as students with disabilities, English language learners, students from low - income backgrounds, and students with challenging life circumstances.
As such, while a fascinating examination of two very interesting lives, it also gives much insight into the inspiration for and circumstances surrounding the writing of his various works.
This is a beneficial option to have in case circumstances in your life change, such as an adverse medical diagnosis or the insurance coverage is needed for a longer period of time than originally anticipated.
You need to carefully consider the many factors affecting that decision, such as taxes, your investing skills, your financial circumstances and your life expectancy.
They also had suggestions for the financial aid application process, such as having the FAFSA consider consumer debt, not consider parent income and assets, use regional cost of living adjustments, and provide a way for families to explain extenuating circumstances.
If you are facing extenuating circumstances, such as a major life change, state these issues as a reason for requesting the lower rates.
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