Sentences with phrase «life concepts such»

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As a young entrepreneur, when you have spent such a large percentage of your life building this concept — your baby — bringing it to life, eating, sleeping (rarely) and breathing it, failure can seem to take on monumental significance.
From the earliest weeks of life, when an infant is taught to control hunger in order to meet the sleeping needs of parents and to fit into a social pattern in which people do not eat during the night; through babyhood, where etiquette skills include learning conventional greetings such as morning kisses and waving bye - bye; to toddler training in such concepts as sharing toys with a guest, refraining from hitting, and expressing gratitude for presents, manners are used to establish a basis for other virtues.
-- both to life and thought is in fact a very proper plea, if for no other reason than that it claims for itself such relevance; but to establish some concept of «relevance» as the criterion of Christian belief is a sad mistake.
Emotional abuse --- religious concepts such as sin, hell, cause feelings of guilt, shame, fear, and other types of emotional «baggage» which can scar the psyche for life.
[49] Our purpose is better served by the former because our concern is not so much on the theories and concepts of religion, but on the interactions between living and active religions on such central concept as salvation.
In our own day, however, there has been some return to the concept among many Protestants, indicated by such practices as the renewed belief that one may pray for those who have departed this mortal life.
And yet, such concepts are not so strange to one who believes that God is alive and that religion ought to integrate and influence the dynamics of human living.
Such a concept of the freedom of choice atomizes it by attributing it exclusively to the individual human acts, held together only by the identity of their subject and the length of his life.
These two concepts come up in fiction (such as those with fantasy pantheons) much more often than in real life.
Boyd also reveals a basic misunderstanding of other key ideas as well, such as the term «salvation,» the requirements for eternal life, and the concepts of great faith, small faith, etc..
The process - relational model of God as the most extensive exemplification of primordial creativity, with every worldly occasion in its own process of becoming; the process - relational concept of God as the principle of order channeling the world's becoming toward ever richer and more harmonious experience (the primordial nature); and the process - relational concept of God's preservation of every worldly occasion in God's own everlasting becoming (the consequent nature), with each such occasion evaluated and positioned for its greatest possible contribution to the divine life — these perspectives on divine reality which process - relational thought claims to find exemplified in the very nature of things are separately and together congruent with and supportive of the biblical images and events which describe the «already» in inaugurated eschatology.»
[16] This heritage, which many Indian - Christian theologians have too often accepted uncritically, accepting the broad brush - strokes, without going into the nitty - gritty details, needs to be re-examined and re-evaluated so that the meaning of several concepts which such a heritage has spawned and which is reflected, often unconsciously, in the present attitudes of Indian - Christians, can be liberated «from the socio - cultural, philosophical and historical contexts in which they have been deified, and make their theological insights reincarnate in the life and concerns of the people.
But such an abstraction or formlessness of energy and life is the equivalent of the «Pure Act» concept of God, an actuality that has realized every possible form.
Because the concept of religious freedoms differ among people, often such that a person's religious ideas cause that person to try to influence the lives of others, it's important to examine what a person is calling a «religious freedom» for snares and poison for the rest of us.
But, as Bohm points out, such a position can not stand up to critical analysis, for the molecules studied by biologists in living organisms are constituted of electrons, protons and other such particles, from which it must follow that they too are capable of behaving in ways that can not be described in terms of mechanical concepts.
Not only do they bring best practice in innovation tools and methodologies, they also use best in class approaches to design and visualisation such as bringing your ideas and concepts to life with 3D design and prototyping.
These are not life - saving skills like how to treat a high fever, but rather revelatory concepts, such as things you can do with a kitchen sponge to entertain a baby.
The poorest women I interact with seem to be okay with this concept however we as a couple would be such a mismatch that any life with her would raise constant suspicion and questions.
The appropriate integration of resilience factors born out of ACE conceptssuch as asking for help, developing trusting relationships, forming a positive attitude, listening to feelings — can help people improve their lives
Adoption is changing the way people form families, as well as affecting the way society perceives the fundamental concepts of life such as nature and nurture and the role of biological relations with an adoptive family member.
Comparing video footage of their stay with their brain activity (see video, above) revealed that the neurons remained virtually silent for most of the time, bursting into life only when the volunteers talked about numbers or numerical concepts such as «more than» or «less than».
The dominant model of learning in games is built on the idea that exposing players to concepts, such as violence in a game, makes those concepts easier to use in «real life».
The researchers are using «big data» concepts and techniques to discover and design new nanomaterials — a priority area under the White House's Materials Genome Initiative — using a methodology that will revolutionize materials design, impacting a broad range of products that affect our daily lives, from drugs and agricultural chemicals such as pesticides or herbicides to fuel additives, paints and varnishes, and even personal care products such as shampoo.
Even though such clones would be just a collection of cells, the concept unleashed a firestorm of criticism, leaving some researchers fearing for their lives.
Chris McGowan takes his readers on fascinating tours of the animal world, organised not by phylum or location but by biophysical concepts such as energy economy, scales of size and life cycles, and adaptations to the elements of earth, air, fire (or temperature to be more precise) and water.
Because we live in the physical world, he explains, we're very familiar with physical concepts such as spatial distance, or warmth and cold.
This proof - of - concept development is the result of the Doherty Group's expertise with crystallization processes coupled with the Peters Group's expertise in «rare events» — relatively infrequent and short - lived but highly significant phenomena (such as reactions) that fundamentally change the state of the system.
It covers a broad range of topics, from basic scientific processes to specific concepts such as the electromagnetic spectrum, the life cycles of stars, the reasons for Earth's seasons, exploration of the Moon, and the ways in which we detect and study extrasolar planets.
That said, the concept of the «habitable zone» may be a bit of a misnomer, as life may be able to emerge outside of this area, such as on moons in orbit around gas giants.
Live - cell experiments involving translational research concepts, such as testing for ischemia - reperfusion in cells for research on stroke, involve a tight regulation of oxygenation as measurements are made in real time.
Providing such a European communication platform was our mission when, in April 2006, we extended the successful concept of our German language magazine Laborjournal (founded in 1994 by a handful of active life scientists in the south of Germany) by launching Lab Times, a new, free, Life Science journal for the whole of Eurlife scientists in the south of Germany) by launching Lab Times, a new, free, Life Science journal for the whole of EurLife Science journal for the whole of Europe.
Creating my online dance program B.O.D (Body of Dance) has been all about that concept of feeling good: dance has become a huge part of my life and it's such a fun way to stay fit and create something special for myself.
Luxury malls yet to catch on as brands can't find the right space (Live Mint) «With little expansion in the luxury mall space, what is emerging is a hybrid retail concept where luxury and premium brands are juxtaposed... For example, while there are pure luxury brands such as Burberry and Armani at Palladium in Mumbai's Lower Parel, premium brands such as Diesel and Zara on the ground floor.»
This is such a deceptively clever game, because it's really all about life and enjoying the simple things, without ever ramming the concept down your throat.
Perhaps not a concept album so much as a journey through the heart of the seventies, Daft Punk's best work so far opens with the terrifically uplifting «Give Life Back to Music», before dissolving into quieter, more poignant pieces such as «Game of Love» and «Within».
While significantly better than the first, Anarchy was still a sequel that didn't live up to the concept of what a night like this could entail and dare I say the excitement that should come with such a visceral idea.
Such is the concept embraced with both verve and style by William Friedkin in KILLER JOE, a tale of moral compasses gone askew, dysfunctional family dynamics taken to their logical extreme, and human life reduced to a commodity on a par with pork belly futures.
And as even a casual reader of such comics knows, the concept of a short - lived «superhero death» is a long - standing meme of the genre.
Such is the concept embraced with both verve and style by William Friedkin in KILLER JOE, a tale of moral compasses gone askew, dysfunctional family dynamics taken to their logical extreme, and human life reduced to a commodity on a... Read More»
I understood the social commentary of the film, but I thought other movies such as They Live did a much better job at conveying the concept of governmental fear, media brainwashing, and poverty stricken hope.
In the vein of such divisive cult favorites as «Primer» and «Upstream Color,» Mike Cahill's crazy - ambitious sophomore feature (after «Another Earth») refuses to let a modest budget constrain its larger - than - life - itself concept, cramming everything from the existence of God to a new, all - encompassing theory of reincarnation into the guise of a sexy, globe - trotting detective movie that very nearly collapses under the weight of its own mumbo - jumbo.
We spoke about his approach to playing such a strange being (Ego is a living planet, for those who don't know), the concept of digital de-aging, the most surprising aspect of making the 1993 western classic Tombstone, and more.
The work from home concept cuts back on such laborious commutes, fuel, and gives the employee more time to work and maintain a healthier work - life balance.
What can we do as educational and cultural workers, at this crucial moment in history, when corporate revenue expands as the job market shrinks, when there is such a callous disregard for human suffering and human life, when the indomitable human spirit gasps for air in an atmosphere of intellectual paralysis, social amnesia, and political quiescence, when the translucent hues of hope seem ever more ethereal, when thinking about the future seems anachronistic, when the concept of utopia has become irretrievably Disneyfied, when our social roles as citizens have become increasingly corporatized and instrumentalized in a world which hides necessity in the name of consumer desire, when media analyses of military invasions is just another infomercial for the US military industrial complex with its huge global arms industry, and when teachers and students alike wallow in absurdity, waiting for the junkyard of consumer life to vomit up yet another panacea for despair?
I wondered if such a magnificent experience would truly expand my concept of life itself and deepen my way of thinking.
«Kim Haynes, a K - 12 teacher and freelance writer, directs students to make collages that represent concepts, such as a biological life cycle,» writes Todd Finley (@finleyt); «Bates Middle School, in Annapolis, teaches velocity and acceleration in 8th grade science by having students reflect on paintings that depict battling ships being fired upon by cannons.»
Students explain how social concepts such as cooperation, communication, collaboration, consensus, self - esteem, risk taking, sympathy, and empathy apply in theatre and daily life
When learners have understood the concept of taking the initiative, ask them for examples of when they have taken the initiative in their own lives, and then have them post their examples on a collaborative online sticky board such as Linoit.
Adults may have to clarify some concepts and facts for youngsters, such as important dates; although a few dates are provided in the chapter on Parks's early life, there are none in the chapters covering the bus boycott and the early civil rights movement.
Although the concept of a culture of poverty has been refuted (Gorski, 2008), too many educators continue to believe that people who live in poverty share a common set of beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviors (such as a poor work ethic, alcohol or drug abuse, and apathy toward school).
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