Sentences with phrase «life conversation does»

Except... real life conversation doesn't happen in text blocks.

Not exact matches

Shira Abramowitz, the director of content on the community team at Summit, does this by framing event topics as if they're living room conversations.
You don't get included in conversations about movies, trends, family life — the world outside work.
Tailored beauty ads are unlikely to do any harm (except perhaps to less digitally savvy lipstick manufacturers), but the idea that we may soon be living in information bubbles so finely crafted as to suit our very personalities and bombarded with political messages designed to push our specific buttons, has worrying implications for civic conversation.
Kurtz brings together eight to 15 clients for conversations that focus on questions like: How do you feel money influences your life?
Playboy's decision to accept payments in bitcoin and ethereum doesn't do much beside put its brand in the cryptocurrency conversation, and make life a little bit easier for users that prefer to pay with digital currencies.
In a blog post clarifying its policy, the company said its televisions do not monitor living room conversations, but they do send voice data to Nuance Communications, the recognition technology provider, to evaluate and improve the feature.
Some sports fans clearly relish the idea of being able to combine a love of football with live Twitter conversation — something that the service does well around major sporting events.
From our first telephone conversation, I knew Bonnie would do an outstanding job she certainly lived up to our expectations.
However, I do understand the concern of the professor that the conversation extend beyond the person's family into the subject of salvation and eternal life.
When we reduce this complex and important conversation to two «sides,» as though it were some kind of college football rivalry, we do such an injustice to the Bible, to Christian history, and to the millions upon millions of real people whose lives and whose futures we are discussing.
There's a way to do it as a life of invitation as opposed to seeing your changes as a need to slam doors in people's faces and shut down conversations.
I have heard thousands of prayers in prayer meetings that are genuine, heart - felt, meaningful, conversations with God about Who He is, what He has done, and how we would like Him to help us live life and serve Him better.
After only a few conversations it was evident that a catechetical approach — one in which I would ask what an informant understood about some credal tenet such as the Trinity or salvation — did not plumb the richness of that member's perception of life.
I can't guarantee that you will like Holy Rollers, but I'm pretty sure it will start an interesting conversation in your living room, as it did in ours.
So if that is the case, why do I have such a humanitarian heart, compassion to those that are even of evil doing, forgiving to those who do wrongs against me, and why is my conversations on issues in my life with Christ the utmost civil and peaceful?
I would strike up a conversation, then say «you don't know me but I'm a Christian and God is going to share with me about your life» I don't mean simple things like «you have the flu» or «Headaches», but deep, personal things that others couldn't know or even guess.
It calls us to uncomfortable conversations with people who don't look like us, talk like us or live like us.
I didn't want to see him, but the Ammas and Abbas that I had spent all my time working on and with whom I had many conversations on prayer kept saying, Look, the goal of the Christian life is love of God and love of
The church needs to have a more critical conversation about which parts of economic life contribute to freedom and which do not.
By entering into conversation with texts from these traditions and considering perspectives largely forgotten by modernity, participants will discover truths that will enable them to live better lives and confidently propose alternatives to those in our age who wish to do likewise.
We had a long conversation before we went off to the meeting, and the maxim he gave for taking a decision in one's life has stayed with me ever since: «Positive for peace» — that is, do that which gives you the deepest peace in your innermost self.
If he wants to invite people to believe in Jesus for eternal life, let him do it in one of his numerous speaking engagements, or in personal conversations with friends off the field.
They might argue even (against Paul) that doing such things sends people to hell, rather than seeing references to the «Kingdom of God» or «Kingdom of Heaven» as Jesus used them, as being about out lives here and now and what we might accomplish as we follow Christ (to which a «beneficial» conversation is much more fitting).
With a few exceptions teachers and students do not engage in a denominationally restricted discussion but participate in a Protestant and a Christian conversation or debate about the ultimate problems of faith and life.
«I don't know if it is going to become the paradigm for organizing the theological curriculum, but I do know that the congregation is interesting enough, varied enough and goes deep enough, and has the kind of inescapable connection with the living stuff of the church, that it can at least be the source of very interesting conversations.
Yeah you're going to hell because you believe the Earth is older than 6000 years old... but the guy who commited sin all his life, cruicified on the cross next to Jesus went to heaven after a few minutes conversation with Jesus that didn't include how the universe was created.
As Christians, we strive to live out a life of worship in whatever it is that we do — through our conversations, our interactions with other people, the way we spend our free time and, of course, through our work.
I believe that God whispers to me that the Day Nursery I run from my house with my daughter is a church in His vision of Church — a place built on love, supporting staff children and families, yes a business, but one run for love, providing wages to live, to support charities too and to enable me to have a break every now and then — but God is not yet overtly mentioned other than in 1:1 conversations where I share my faith (more than I ever did in Church).
What was striking to the outside observer in these events was that the inevitable interdisciplinary conversations dealt primarily with the transformations of traditional patterns of life — transformations that seem to some so glacially slow that everything should be done to speed them up, and to others so incredibly rapid that people and morality were getting lost in the swirl of change.
When you read the Gospels, how does Jesus» life and teaching specifically come into this conversation?
The Faith Movement has large youth gatherings — but much of the real work is done more personally — the eager questions asked after a formal talk, the sacramental encounter in the confessional, the one - on - one conversations that run on late and tackle some of the great issues of faith and of life's purpose.
This was before the pall was cast over social life by the dreary anti-smoking orthodoxy, and I'm convinced that the enveloping smoke had much to do with the liveliness of these conversations.
A great conversation to have early and often is, «So where do you see your life going?»
Not only will I never get to read most of them, but even if I did, they wouldn't help me develop relationships or have conversations with most of the people I interact with in life.
And maybe one reason orthodox culture has lost its standing in the world's ongoing conversation about how to live well is that it does not affirm this instinct as it should.
Yet outward life aspects seem to show that I am living more by the Spirit and in fact have had way more opportunities to have conversations about how I think and decide what to do in line with my connection with God.
I know you don't either, I am just saying that as people start to live naturally with their neighbors, normal and natural conversations seem to start happening.
But I like the way Jeremy and Bob start the conversation out --- «Do you know that Jesus gives eternal life to all who believe in Him alone for it!»
Here's a few Mormon factoids (dem darn facts is really painful) 1) J. Smith was a convicted con - artist on numerous times (non-post Mormon cult creation) 2) He said God is 6» 2» living on the planet Kalob on the other side of the galaxy (at the time the extent of The Universe was believed to be the Milky Way Galaxy — and oh, how convienient it could not be proven otherwise at the time) 3) Science proved since E. Hubble there are billions of galaxies (did Smith's personal conversations with Jesus and God limit to a narrow Universe?)
Despite his own monastic formation, this eloquent preacher to the turbulent, variegated «audiences» of the two Eastern capitals was certain that monks were not the best fitted for the role of priests, but rather those «who, though having their life and conversation among men, yet can preserve their purity, their calm, their piety, and patience, and soberness, and all other good qualities of monks more unbroken and steadfast than those hermits do themselves.»
Over delicious Cuban fare at the IMF food court, our two - hour conversation began with jobs and life in DC, and slowly transitioned to life dreams and the importance of doing what we truly believe are important to us.
I should also make it clear that I don't befriend all homeless people, just the ones I pass on a regular basis because I feel like it's my duty as a human to extend any act of kindness I can — whether it's a big ass grin or a cup of coffee or an hour long conversation on aforementioned bench in the dead of winter — to the people who appear in my life more days than not.
Greg and Scott engage in a conversation about the art and process behind producing a live, weekly podcast show, plus divulges in some of the BBQ do's and don'ts he's gleaned over the years.
The Portuguese tactician did not go into great detail about what he said, but admitted he could not relay the conversation live on TV because so much of it would be censored out.
Welcome to the internet mate, you cant really compare the two periods... don't worry these fans you speak of most likely wouldn't have these types of conversations in real life.
I want a frank, open, and honest conversation with her to make sure I've not missed something but time is passing me by too fast and I don't want to go to my grave feeling I wasted my entire life.
Having kids — what kids do to an adult life already in lotion, what they do to a romance, to your couch, your car, your time, your money, most of all your art — had been the constant bass line thrumming through our conversations in the months before I got pregnant.
Surely they would save lives with these conversations but do they have the time?
After several conversations and real - life practice, when she comes crying to you down the road about one of these scenarios, you can empower her by asking her what she intends to do to solve the problem.
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