Sentences with phrase «life count for»

Make your professional life count for something.
Now is the time to make your life count for something.
Its achievement involves clearing up the debris in one's inner life, striving for constructive relationships, surrendering one's self - centeredness, finding a place to make one's life count for something, discovering a sense of meaning in existence, learning to draw on the help of other people and also to be of help to them, and finding some transcendent resource for coping with the burdens and anxieties of existence.
True Christians are made to be slaves, and they know it and do not much mind: this short life counts for too little in their eyes.
If these men and women can overcome great adversities in their lives and make their lives count for something, than we who are recovering from infidelity can as well.

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Loneliness might have multiple causes on the national level, but for accounting software company FreshBooks (full disclosure: I'm a happy customer), the root of their concern about employee disconnection was a happy fact of startup life - their head count was growing wildly.
James Richardson & Sons Ltd. is living proof that you can run a commodity - based enterprise for the long term — try 158 years and counting.
Our recent survey of more than 1,500 young U.S. business school students and graduates finds that both men and women count on having flexible careers that provide room for life outside of the office.
One German study, for instance, showed that participants who had listened to music with prosocial lyrics (such as Bruno Mars's «Count on Me» or Aretha Franklin classic «Respect») were equally likely to help students with German and Turkish - sounding last names (there is a large population of Turks living in Germany).
Zuckerberg is counting on the Oculus Go to widen the audience for VR, as Facebook tries to deploy the technology to reshape the way people interact and experience life, much as its social network already has done.
The current place has appreciated $ 300K in 5 years, allowing me not only to live for free, but making an extra $ 56K if I sold today, including mortgage payments, insurance, property taxes, sales commission, improvements, and not even counting the interest deduction, which is equal annually to my property taxes.
Across Ecuador, you'll find expats living comfortably on as little as $ 1,000 a month if they own their own home, and rentals also remain affordable — count on paying around $ 500 for a three - bedroom apartment in a city, with small - town rentals costing even less.
Inserting additional questions on demographics which will likely result in invalid population totals must be avoided to preserve the fundamental purpose for the exercise — obtaining an accurate count and geographical distribution of individuals living in the U.S.
Joel Baker, president and CEO of MSA Research Inc., which closely monitors the property, life and health insurance industries, has estimated the additional GST bill for 2012 alone could be up to $ 200 million, or more than $ 1 billion in total once retroactivity to November 2005 is counted.
Live Greek referendum: Alexis Tsipras hails victory for No campaign - live updatesWith most votes counted, Greece has given a resounding No to the proposals from its creditorsRead Live Greek referendum: Alexis Tsipras hails victory for No campaign - live updatesWith most votes counted, Greece has given a resounding No to the proposals from its creditorsRead live updatesWith most votes counted, Greece has given a resounding No to the proposals from its creditorsRead more
No matter where you are or where you want to live, you can count on us for unsurpassed local market knowledge and a vast referral network.
First pay your bills on time, watch your balances, don't go overboard applying for credit, live within your means, mix up your accounts, and finally, look into the future — credit history counts.
Does it count in her favor that a Russian Jewish atheist made heroic (yes, heroic) efforts to leave the Soviet Union and become an American citizen, and that she defended her adopted home for the rest of her life?
These blueprints have ushered in excel spreadsheet upon excel spreadsheet for us to use to count and quantify every component of church life.
I'm not a Christian, though I played one for about forty years of my life, even though I was really an atheist in Christian clothes... Does that count?
I personally do believe that God is Love and that my expressions of love for my family and those in my life (guess that should count for all 7 billion + animals) are how I reflect God.
the design and slim chances for the universe to yield life are so impossibly small that it must be counted as evidence for an intelligent designer.
In looking for sources of inspiration for the White Rose, Inge Scholl quotes at length the protests from the 1942 sermons of Count Galen, Bishop of Muenster, who forcefully spoke out against the Nazi death sentence for «life which does not deserve to live» (Unwertesleben).
It is written that God knits us in our mother's womb, that he counts the very hairs on our heads before we are conceived, and that he has a plan for every life before conception.
Only my life has been turmoil and depression and sadness for 5 years and counting.
It is the Spirit who gives life, the flesh on its own counts for nothing, yet it remains true that unless we receive him in the flesh we do not have life within us (cf John 6,52 - 65).
I hoped for traveling to quell my boredom of life and make me feel as though it counts for something, but that's not what traveling is for.
It is the personal intent in the expression and discipline of sex which counts for the life of love.
For life within the Catholic Church, the stumbling - block as regards change in the Church's doctrine is not so much the question of defined dogmas as other doctrines of the Church in dogmatic and moral theology which are taught authoritatively but which in principle can not count as defined doctrines of faith or as irreformable dogma.
It is the egalitarian life in the community that counts — where the rich do not lord it over the poor (or in Amos» words, where the «rich do not sell the poor for a pair of sandals»), nor men over women.
His church has come under scrutiny for everything from its congregants (Hillsong counts Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez and Kevin Durant among its flock), to its stances («At this church, we are not saying «All Lives Matter,»» Lentz declared in Sep - tember), to Lentz's fashion choices (GQ dubbed him a «Hypepriest» for his col - lection of ultra-hip designer threads).
63 The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing.
A study of Beliefs That Count will provide a fine opportunity for rethinking our basic Christian beliefs in regard to such doctrines as God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, man, the Bible, the meaning of sin and salvation, the kingdom of God, and eternal life.
If this policy tries to treat us equally by remembering that we each live out the life span, it still invites us to treat some of our days and years as if they counted for less than others, as if each moment were not lived before God.
Screwtape knows how much the ordinary and the everyday count for in our spiritual life.
Why should a criminal be charged for two or more counts if of murder, in those jurisdictions, for taking the additional lives when at the same time it says that it is ok for a woman to take the same life of the unborn baby?
I count myself lucky that I am where I am today, and that even though I am with my deepest regards sorry for what has happened to 9/11 and other radical Muslim attacks, I am also sorry for those poor boys in Afghanistan, who believe they have no life in this world, the boys who will never get a good education, the boys who will never be thought of boys, but terrorists, murderers, and worthy of nothing but dirt by people, never to truly lead a good life.
He can count his blessings for living in one of the most wonderful places in the world, Cache Valley
I wonder what kind of an impact your life will count for to this world, probably about as much as if tossed a pebble into the ocean.
And he's waiting for you to choose contentment, like Paul, who was in prison when he said he counts his lot in life all joy.
Democrats for Life counts 21 million pro-life voters in the party — which is why the attack on the Hyde Amendment concerns the group.
Jesus summed it up in verses 63 & 64: «3The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing.
Note what counts as an offense for which a priest is removed from ministry for life.
Join the thousands of Christians who have already committed and contributed to make «Say Merry Christmas» by the American Christian Life United Choir the biggest Christmas song of all time, every 99c can and will count as an authentic vote for Christmas.
For that spirit finally calls us to live life and then to share life, without stopping to count the cost.
God is on our side in life's tragedy, in that he shares it with us, along with all our longing for happiness, so that this longing counts for all it is worth in the divine life, is just as real there as in us.
When saying Merry Christmas has become a bad thing, when we can no longer have the peoples vote counted and respected by judges and elected officials, when health care for aids and other associated dieses is covered, when kids in school have to be subjected to demonstrations of gay bedroom life when the mayor of NY will no longer without reason and against the law rent churches public buildings, when teen pregnancies up 45 percent will be paid for by us the people of the US with all the cost completely covered.
And without universal principles, how can we even define, much less strive for, justice, righteousness, and mercy where it counts - in the lives of the «real people involved»?
Count me in the believe - first - ask - questions - later (or not at all) crowd for the better part of my life.
They are maybe five years old, these three moppets, and I hear Their bus groaning a ways behind me, but they are totally into sculpting Little hills and ridges of leaves, and I can hear them giggling, and in one Minute the bus will hold out its arms and absorb them, and the parade is Starting to move in front of me, but for another perfect instant I can hear And see them skiffling and giggling, and smell the sharp savory death of The brilliant leaves, and see the shoulder of the mom or aunt or neighbor In the lee of the apartment building, where she is just lighting a cigarette, And we get these moments all day long, don't we, we get them all month And week and year all our lives, such a flood and flow of them, too many To count, too many to endure, they are too generous and savory and holy, We could not bear to see and savor and sing them all; we would go blind.
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