Sentences with phrase «life crimes such»

He said he agrees that young people shouldn't be jailed for quality - of - life crimes such as breaking park rules and loitering after dark, but he urged the council speaker to «talk to the people that do this for a living as opposed to the ones that just push a pencil.»
He harshly criticized Mayor de Blasio's relationship with the NYPD, as well as the Mayor's recent expansion of civil penalties, as an alternative to criminal charges, for quality of life crimes such as public drinking and urination.

Not exact matches

WASHINGTON The White House on Tuesday urged U.S. lawmakers to move ahead with legislation to help prisoners prepare for life after release, but stopped short of calling for broader reforms such as changing mandatory minimum sentences for drug crimes.
«I just can't imagine that Nikolas Cruz can commit such a heinous crime and then potentially we tell a 20 - year - old woman living alone that she can not buy a firearm to defend herself,» said Rep. Jay Fant, R - Jacksonville, a candidate for attorney general.
«I just can't imagine that Nikolas Cruz can commit such a heinous crime and then, as a result, we tell potentially a 20 - year - old single mother living alone that she can not purchase a firearm to protect herself,» Representative Jay Fant of Jacksonville, a Republican running for attorney general, said on the House floor.
But I don't think we live in such a time, at least not with respect to the sadly familiar patterns of crime and police violence when it comes to race.
The application of these principles in the United States would be relatively easy if the criminal justice system operated such that those guilty of capital crimes remained behind bars for life.
We are not the ones committing such horrific crimes and if we do, then we pay for it in the here and now and not in some after - life that will never be proven.
This suggests that black theology should enable blacks to stop victimizing each other, such as through black - on - black crime, or perpetuating the poor self - esteem engendered through years of living in a racist society.
I am not, and should not be, forced to live under its laws, except those which agree with common sense morality such as crimes against others, theft, etc..
Some would say it is a clear - cut case of street crime by hooligans — which crime has made city life a terror for decent, innocent citizens: «The reason such crime has increased so much is that we are too soft on criminals.
Perhaps the ideal time to live in such a neighbourhood is after the crime rate has dropped but before the chains move in.
Comparing the coverup of such henous crimes to people doing what all of us humans (and all life) do naturally — preserve their own life, is disengenous at best.
It has proven very difficult for judges and politicians to resist this trend, especially when it comes to horrific crimes such as the Oklahoma City bombing: at McVeigh's trial 38 witnesses described in heartbreaking detail how this event destroyed their lives.
This is why Vancouver is one of the best cities in the world to live in and has such a low crime rate.
Now with Panama invaded, we Latin American Christians feel indignant when we hear the count on North American victims of an operation that was planned with evil intentions and hypocrisy, and yet nothing is said about the hundreds or thousands of Afro - Indo - Latin American lives... destroyed physically or psychologically by such an abominable adventure, which is a repetition of past crimes in Santo Domingo, Grenada, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador... etc., in an endless list.
Perhaps the ideal time to live in such a neighborhood is after the crime rate has dropped but before the chains, those clean well - lighted places, move in.
It is defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG) as «any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the groups conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.»
In some states, a parent can refuse visitation if the other parent's living arrangements are considered dangerous, such as living in a crime - ridden neighborhood.
Violent crime in some of America's largest cities is on the rise thanks to the «false narrative» perpetuated by groups such as Black Lives Matter, a prominent policing expert said...
I believe we all observe the basic social criteria that... «Protecting human lives and their basic rights of living supersedes teaching, doing business or doing research»;... Before this case clarified, and those fascists along with this criminal suspect Gabriele Scheler and Sebastian Thrun being concurred, I bet nobody would like to play up personnels associated with fascism crimes, the likes of Sebastian Thrun and Gabriele Scheler, nor cover up their fascism crimes and everybody has the obligation to fight against such anti-humanity crimes;
On how to criminalise such attacks, the parties agreed to «evolves legislative instruments such as hate crime laws to promote tenets of solidarity, support and protection for Nigerians living in (The Diaspora) towards finding lasting solutions to the crisis in South Africa and other similar cases.»
Shot on four continents and including contributions from global figures such as Bill Clinton, Desmond Tutu and Joseph Stiglitz, Fire in the Blood is the never - before - told true story of the remarkable coalition which came together to stop «the Crime of the Century» and save millions of lives in the process.
«I feel youth court is such a good program because instead of a child getting a violation or — it's usually violations or minor crimes — instead of sort of getting slap on the hand, you're incorporating restorative justice into their lives,» Ms. Maccagli said.
Crime will sore to levels not seen since New York's bad old days if the City Council decriminalizes quality - of - life offenses such as fare - beating, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton warned Monday.
Such real - life patterns point to cold's potential for curbing crime and reflect some of the difficulties associated with trying to study crime triggers in a controlled setting.
A detailed analysis of the lives of nearly a thousand people from birth to age 38 shows that a small portion of the population accounts for the lion's share of social costs such as crime, welfare dependence and health - care needs as adults.
Across two studies in the lab and field, women observed images and real life situations that varied in the risk of crime, such as crime hotspots and safespots, and were asked to rate their perceived risk of victimisation — a measure of fear of crime — of various crimes.
They told students about an alleged crime they committed such as assault or theft, while weaving in details of other events that did occur in their lives around the time.
who helped my vision become a reality, my intern Kate who makes my life easier every day and is such a special partner in crime and finally
I also want to majorly thank the team at chloedigital who helped my vision become a reality, my intern Kate who makes my life easier every day and is such a special partner in crime and finally Bekka who captures 99 % of the visual content you see on this site and puts up with me through it all!
It's really hard to understand how so many human beings out there can actually pursue a life of such petty, cowardly crime, trying to spoon a buck out of a complete stranger on the internet.
The truth is crime is found everywhere, and the incidents within the Ukraine are at the same level as countries such as the United States, Germany, Canada and many other Western countries that are considered to be safe places to travel, visit and live.
That it borrows heavily from classics like It's A Wonderful Life isn't actually such a crime — one suspects it unlikely the two will ever be confused — but the lack of a clear, unifying purpose leaves it wandering somewhat aimlessly.
And while women's rights advocates such as Betty Friedan took exception to the lurid premise of female victims being skinned alive (based on the real - life crimes of Ed Gein, who also was an inspiration for «Psycho»), a closer viewing will reveal it is probably one of the most feminist - forward - thinking horror movies ever made.
I usually enjoy such real life psycho - crime scripts.
For such a deeply American story, written by that chronicler of blue - collar New England life Dennis Lehane, the new crime thriller «The Drop» boasts a strikingly foreign pedigree.
They grew up together in Little Italy and Candella doesn't buy Martin's excuses of poverty and culture for turning to a life of crime, not with such salt - of - the - Earth parents who treat Candella almost like family.
Without giving much consideration to the context that breed such an environment, bar a couple of fleeting scenes where one of the Day's gang attempts to find work as a farm hand, it begs the question as to what the film is trying to accomplish by focusing on the gang; especially when the film's ephemeral style distances the action from reality, laying blame on the gangs for Day's downward spiral into a life of crime and not the faulty idealism behind the myth of American opportunity.
The Driver, though taciturn, becomes the antihero of the piece, as the one with the moral code that says that it's one thing for him to engage in a life of crime in order to make a living, but it's not in his code of ethics for it to spill over and effect the lives of those who never chose such a life.
Then again, poor Elissa is too busy rebelling against her fairly rational mother Sarah (Elisabeth Shue) to be bothered with such things as the disappearance of a girl who killed her parents, the surviving son who still lives in the house, and what must be a string of other crimes in the area, which, apparently, even the local townsfolk have managed to overlook.
Stephanie Holbrook talks about casting actors such as Jennifer Aniston in roles you wouldn't expect to see them in for Daniel Schechter's «Life of Crime
While the film is, on the one hand, effectively portraying the appeal of a life of crime, on the other, it is also unflinching in its portrayal of the consequences of such actions.
First, I use estimates that economists have developed of the social cost of crimes, which include tangible costs, such as lost productivity and medical care, as well as intangible costs, such as impact on quality of life; these estimates are extremely high for fatal crimes.
... except for «all idiots, imbeciles, feeble - minded persons, epileptics, insane persons; persons who have had one or more attacks of insanity at any time previously; persons of constitutional psychopathic inferiority; persons with chronic alcoholism; paupers; professional beggars; vagrants; persons afflicted with tuberculosis in any form or with a loathsome or dangerous contagious disease; persons not comprehended within any of the foregoing excluded classes who are found to be and are certified by the examining surgeon as being mentally or physically defective, such physical defect being of a nature which may affect the ability of such alien to earn a living; persons who have been convicted of or admit having committed a felony or other crime or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude; polygamists, or persons who practice polygamy or believe in or advocate the practice of polygamy; anarchists, or persons who believe in or advocate the overthrow by force or violence of the Government of the United States.»
Such trauma is consistently linked to a broad variety of negative life circumstances including poverty, juvenile delinquency, adult crime, low academic achievement, substance abuse, mental disorders and poor health.
If that is so, the greater frequency of violations among minority students could be caused by factors outside of the school's purview, such as more exposure to poverty, crime, and life trauma resulting from residential and economic inequality.
The information obtained by a mentor through interaction with the new teacher while engaged in the mentoring activities of the program shall not be used for evaluating or disciplining the new teacher, unless withholding such information poses a danger to the life, health, or safety if an individual, including but not limited to students and staff of the school; or unless such information indicates that the new teacher has been convicted of a crime, or has committed an act which raises a reasonable question as to the new teacher's moral character; or unless the school district or BOCES has entered into an agreement, negotiated pursuant to article 14 of the Civil Service Law whose terms are in effect, that provides that the information obtained by the mentor through intervention with the new teacher while engaged in the mentoring activities of the program may be used for evaluating or disciplining the new teacher.
These kinds of interventions typically produce cognitive gains that last a few years and then fade — but, more important, also produce better life outcomes, such as less crime, fewer teenage pregnancies, higher high school graduation rates, and higher incomes.
These methods to prevent blacks from living in white neighborhoods resulted in the segregation of neighborhoods that have had crippling effects for minorities in the U.S, such as increased poverty, poorer health, and higher exposure to violent crime (Bethea 2013).
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