Sentences with phrase «life decisions such»

Millennials are often saddled with higher student loan debt than previous generations and are deferring important life decisions such as marriage, having children and buying a home until later in life.
You may have to consult with each other on important life decisions such as medical needs, or see each other at milestones like graduations, weddings, and the birth of your grandchildren.
The «decision - making» that this refers to includes major life decisions such as education, health, and welfare of the child.
College students are also having to decide whether to delay certain life decisions such as pursuing a graduate degree, starting a family, or saving for retirement.
About 28 percent of young adults ages 21 to 35 say student debt has forced them to delay major life decisions such as starting a family, according to a survey.

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Given that all social platforms such as Facebook, SnapChat, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Google Plus utilize both live video and taped broadcast, this is a strategic decision that will powerfully enable our company to become a major content producer.
But now — as Ray nears retirement, he has made the decision to share even more of the systems and strategies that have brought him such massive success in his deeply personal book Principles: Life & Work.
That's why I dedicated this year as Mastery of Fear, which I made a few decisions to put me in an «uncomfortable» condition intentionally, such as committed to work part - time (living on half of the salary) to push me really go out get clients and keep the side business running.
It may well be the case that God so respects the «humanity» of each particular individual that he will seldom, if ever, override those decisions which are significant in an individual's own life history, even if the actualization of such decisions will negatively affect large numbers of people.
No rational person makes decisions based on such distorted logic in any other area of life, and decisions regarding the textual veracity of the Biblical text should not be an exception to that rule.
It forces recognition of the fact that Jesus» teaching did not center around such ideas as the infinite worth of personality, the cultivation of the inner life, the development of man toward an ideal; that Jesus spoke rather of the coming Kingdom of God, which was to be God's gift, not man's achievement, of man's decision for or against the Kingdom, and of the divine demand for obedience.
While I would of course be very happy for the cancer patients if this worked, I would find it very depressing to find there was such an ass of a god out there that he made decisions about random people's lives based on how many people prayed.
In our preaching of the gospel we must get at it, present its «offense,» in such a fashion that it is a challenge to decision for men and women who live in the middle half of the twentieth century.
while the writer has little knowledge of the bible, he is also greatly lacking what he should know to write such a article, the laws give to people of all walks of life is the commandments given by moses, religion does not have anything to do with goverments laws or rulings, he told us straight the one law that there is no forgiveness for is murder, rulers and goverments take it upon themselves to make the decision whether to go to war, or if a person should be put to death, as far as jesus and the apostles are concerned thier labours was a work of love and true humanitarian towards all peoples, races, religions, they never asked for anything for themselves, and they never took from one to give to another.
Most of us live in such a way that our most important relationships, lifestyle decisions, and assumptions are dependent upon certain ideologies.
I applaud their decision to stay true to their vows when the Church they have dedicated their life to serve treats them in such an unchristian manner.
For example, against both dualism and reductionistic determinism and in favor of the pancreationist, panexperientialist view that the actual world is made up exhaustively of partially self - determining, experiencing events, there is considerable evidence, such as the fact that a lack of complete determinism seems to hold even at the most elementary level of nature; that bacteria seem to make decisions based upon memory; that there appears to be no place to draw an absolute line between living and nonliving things, and between experiencing and nonexperiencing ones; and that physics shows nature to be most fundamentally a complex of events (not of enduring substances).
He can not by any decision or act of his own change his caste, and his activities in every department of life — particularly in such matters as marriage, eating, and education — are governed by caste regulations.
Those, on the other hand, who say that they are in despair are generally such as have a nature so much more profound that they must become conscious of themselves as spirit, or such as by the hard vicissitudes of life and its dreadful decisions have been helped to become conscious of themselves as spirit — either one or the other, for rare is the man who truly is free from despair.
Although they will in their future life be confronted with handicaps, sometimes very severe, their future prospects and their actual experienced quality of life can not be predicted with such certainty at birth that their lives can be regarded as hopeless or meaningless («quality of life judgments» as such being unacceptable in this decision making).
Discussions about life and death in one area influence such decisions in others.
Maybe you are facing such a decision in your life right now.
Man has the right and the duty to apply his knowledge of himself and others in the decisions and actions of his life, because otherwise one can not exist, and to abstain completely from such judgments would not avoid the risks, but would itself be a free risk and decision.
Such deliberations and the decisions which follow are the essence of politics — the sum total of all those actions by which a society organizes itself for the purpose of achieving the good life.
Such integrity can only be manifested in a temporal series of free decisions because we never confront the totality of those situations comprising our lives all at once.
In the first place such education, now as always, is concerned with the nurture of men and women whose business in life it will be to help men to see their immediate perplexities, joys and sufferings in the light of an ultimate meaning, to live as citizens of the inclusive society of being, and to relate their present choices to first and last decisions made about them in the totality of human history by Sovereign Power.
The idolatry of «the family pew» may be the motivating force for such decisions if the life of a congregation is organized around rituals that do not give meaning to the lives of participants.
Finally, it can be argued that God so respects the «humanity» of each particular individual that God will seldom, if ever, override those decisions that are significant in an individual's own life history, even if the actualization of such decisions will negatively affect large numbers of people (PS 11:18 - 19).
I guess my question, with that in mind, is this: After reading such an intimate account of the challenges that come with a life of celibacy, is it fair for those of us who are not in the position to make such a decision ourselves to demand that others choose that life?
By reason of this prior decision Whitehead is forced to interpret all those beings of higher order that manifest themselves as unities, such as living beings and humans, to be a multiplicity of entities, that is, to be a «society,» [253] or even more as a whole gradation of inter-compartmentalized «societies» and «subordinate societies.»
I am not suggesting that the decision to end Ms. Busalacchi's life was the right one, but I am suggesting that Ms. Harvey's argument is flawed and, as such, contributes to the pile of emotion - laden rhetoric clogging the channels of genuine moral and theological debate.
Life does not yield to such universal codes, and the fatal attraction drawing Ms. Harvey into the fray is the desire for some legal decision in some court, or a theological discovery in someone's heart, that will once and for all resolve every such case and eliminate all ambiguity.
Such a society will ensure that satisfaction of human needs takes immediate priority over the satisfaction of anyone's desires, and that the dignity of each individual is honored by providing opportunity for all persons to participate responsibly in decisions which will affect their individual lives and the common good.
In spite of the faith of the 18th - and 19th - century political reformers such as Voltaire and Marx in the «verdict of history,» the arena of political decisions is not likely to be a place where the big issues of life are discussed or decided solely or even primarily on the basis of truth and justice.
Broadly defined, such a system is one in which the decision - making process and control are concentrated in the hands of persons or groups whose interests are so fundamentally inimical to the well - being of life as a whole.
Such a life is realized in decision and resolve, which has to be continually renewed in response to the word or kerygma of the Church.
It proposes to include all people into decision - making that affects their lives and to extend such participation beyond the political realm.
Such decisions can change the whole course of events in a country and so change the lives of millions of people.
Decisions that affect people's daily lives are taken in such matters as the quality of information, the diversity of cultural products, or the security of communications.
And the question of the meaning of our lives may well be tied up with such a decision.
The main thrusts of Rank's theory are particularly useful when counseling with persons caught in severe independence - conformity conflicts (such as some adolescents) those who are paralyzed about finishing a project or chapter of their lives (e.g, pre-graduation anxiety attacks) and in danger of sabotaging the successful completion of something they really value; those who are afraid to make decisions or try something new which they want but which may mean giving up old securities; couples who are struggling to find satisfying closeness without either of them losing their identity and autonomy heir lives (e.g., pre-graduation anxiety attacks) and in danger of sabotaging the successful completion of something they really value; those who are afraid to make decisions or try something new which they want but which may mean giving up old securities; couples who are struggling to find satisfying closeness without either of them losing their identity and autonomy.
Right, it's best to brainwash them early instead of giving them the chance to decide on such an important life decision when they are adults.
Whatever Christianity considers to be a gratuitous event, a free decision of the love of God, not reducible to the exigencies of the mind as such, is considered inversely as a mythical pattern which is merely the expression of an inferior level of needs constitutive of the life of the mind.
Such an offended man lives on like a shadow; his life is consumed because in his inmost soul he is constantly preoccupied with this decision.
I can remember sitting right back there just a few rows from the back in worship when there was a time of silence, and all of a sudden I knew I was on holy ground — such a glow within me and around me as I became aware of the invisible presence of all those who have stood in this place and heard God's call, of all those who have made life - changing decisions right here.
But look at other Islamic Arabs majority countries such Egypt, Sudan, All North African Countries you would find Worship houses for Muslims, Christians, Jews and God know what else and been living for years in Peace and Respect until this Era since WW's + 1948 unjust decisions the world is changing badly separating brothers of one blood in different faith & beliefs become to doubt each other in to some race towards power and dominance over each other in to some Jungle Laws, this has brought negative feeling and emotions among all multi religion cultures that were living and trading in peace...!
Such directives, which encompass the well «known «living will» as well as documents assigning health care decision making to a family member or others, are designed to allow a person to refuse even life «saving treatment or medical care if the person becomes mentally incapacitated.
But this would be incomplete unless it is linked up with a permissible, maximum... The logic of such a minimum / maximum would be a simplification of life - styles, a reduction of wants, and a dethronement of the materialism that governs economic and social decisions.
In order for the over-all values of a relationship to be served by this decision, such a couple must not only build a high level of mutuality between themselves but also use their relationship for life - serving; functions in society.
This is easily one of the top 3 most important decisions he will ever make in his life and this kid is showing maturity beyond his years by treating it as such.
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