Sentences with phrase «life experiences did»

This collision of wounds allowed us to both build trust in areas that our earlier life experiences did not allow.
The difference is that the people you are likely to meet share your worldview because they have the same life experiences you did.
My own views have evolved over time - life experience does that.»
Life experience does nothing to ease the jitters of meeting someone for a romantic connection for the first time.
Age and life experience do not equate.
What life experience do they bring to the team?
However, they're mostly unhelpful if your work and life experience doesn't fit neatly into a template.
An abundance of resume advice and templates exist online, but it can be unhelpful if your work and life experience doesn't fit neatly into a template.
Life experiences do not have to have permanent negative affects on us as individuals; we can learn to heal and have a healthy life.»
What similarities in lifestyle and life experience do you share with the client?

Not exact matches

The fact is most don't have the knowledge or real - life experience to make a difference for you.
Money and financial freedom enables you to do more traveling, trying new things, and experiencing all that is life.
First and foremost, we have never — and would never — do anything to intentionally shorten the life of any Apple product, or degrade the user experience to drive customer upgrades.
Most of us, however, need to intentionally identify our purpose and, upon doing so, will experience a wellspring of passion and inspiration that forever enlightens both our personal and professional lives.
Millennials will appreciate the experience since they have spent much of their lives with a mobile device within reach at all times, as will anyone in sales or manufacturing who uses a tablet or phone to get their work done.
Regardless of their age and experience, no founders of successful startups just woke up one day, decided to call themselves entrepreneurs, then sat around trying to figure out what they were going to do to live up to the label they fabricated.
Maybe, but they're also equipped with skills and experiences men don't always possess, and this fact can give them an edge when it comes to succeeding in business, and in life.
Geeta Wilson, vice president of consumer experience at the health insurer Humana, says she lives in fear, as do many executives, of this «discrepancy between how we think of ourselves internally and how our customers think of us.»
The first time I heard this military adage I thought it was just another one of those feel - good sayings that had little to do with reality, but the more I experienced army and corporate life, the more I realized it is absolutely true.
Unfortunately, 40 per cent of shoppers said the Canadian store experience didn't match the U.S. one and 89 per cent said the chain didn't live up to its tagline: «Expect More.
The buffer blog recently offered a helping hand, pulling together the latest insights from neuroscience on why we perceive time as we do and how we can manipulate our lives to slow down our experience of time passing.
Admitting that you didn't have an immediate solution highlights the fact you can use experience, a process or creative problem solving to overcome real - life challenges.
People know me not just as the guy who does live videos or digital marketing but they know more about me than that because they were able to share a kite - surfing experience, jumping fifteen or twenty feet in the air.»
Boil down their experiences and there are common things they did earlier in life.
However, I do believe that time spent reflecting, bringing awareness and healing to those challenging moments in our life, especially in the presence of a skilled guide, can speed up the process by which we can alchemize the life turmoil we've experienced into superpowers in our leadership and business.
I propose doing it to learn and grow from the experience, to see if you can keep doing it for the long run by finding you can live more consistently with your values even if others don't also.
Not only does it mean a better user experience — it can make the difference between life and death when it comes to trading on NASDAQ, or even a high stakes game of League of Legends.
In my four years of startup life, I've had the opportunity to experience a few hard - learned lessons that many entrepreneurs would do well to avoid.
They may appeal to geeks who get a kick out of talking into their wrist like they're living out some sort of Dick Tracy fantasy, but they simply don't add enough value to the mobile computing experience to make them worth buying.
Don't forget to highlight the experience you have accumulated in all of life's domains.
Sears grew dramatically, as did consumerism, because it did one thing above all else, it simplified people's lives at a time of increasing socioeconomic complexity by eliminating the friction in a transaction and replacing it with a trusted experience.
And while most of us may not update our online followers every half hour like Sullivan did in his heyday, fiending for a Facebook fix 85 times a day is still obviously a good way down the road towards online life crowding out real - world experience.
Zuckerberg said Thursday that «voters make decisions based on their lived experience,» continuing, «Part of what I think is going on here is people are trying to understand results of the election, but I do think that there is a certain profound lack of empathy in asserting that the only reason that some of them are voting the way they did is because they saw some fake news.
I think it addresses a lot of questions and issues that people experience in their personal and professional lives that don't get talked about a lot.
Is there something we experienced, something we lived... does it speak to the culture of the Seven Bucks production team... and will it help us not just play the game but also change the way the game is played?
«I approached fundraising as an opportunity to align myself with partners who have more varied experience and diverse backgrounds than I do, to help bring Glossier to life,» she says.
Not only does the ability to capture and recall knowledge make it more likely that a child will excel at school, but having rich, vivid memories of everyday experiences also help children make sense of the world and their place in it, enriching their experiences and building essential life skills.
Unconcerned about their personal health, they experience little stress and don't feel the need for more pleasure in their lives.
One day, she came to me and broke the news — she was experiencing big life changes and on top of all of that, she didn't know if this is what she wanted to do anymore.
From this and the work Volvo is doing with Microsoft, it seems clear that the traditional test - drive will soon be augmented by the living room experience.
Bringing outdoor recreation activities, something that previously would have been done outside work life, into the workplace arena is simply another way of making business a more authentic experience.
«You're so consumed with the start - up experience, you don't think about business or life plans,» says McManus.
But there's one easy, important thing you can do to settle in and become efficient in your new role, writes John D. Spooner, author of «No One Ever Told Us That: Money And Life Lessons For Young Adults»: Take an experienced employee out to eat.
The experience helped her grow: «It was such an honor and probably the most exciting thing I've done in my whole life,» she said on last night's show.
«I'll ask [potential hires] about something that hasn't gone so well in their life and then ask them what they've learned from it because the next thing I look for in people is curiosity,» he says, «I'm interested in people who take those negative experiences in their lives and are really curious about what happened and can talk intelligently about what they learned and what they might do differently.»
With a completed customer journey map in hand, you can then evaluate whether or not what you are currently doing lives up to the vision you have for the experience you want to deliver to your customers.
Zuckerberg is counting on the Oculus Go to widen the audience for VR, as Facebook tries to deploy the technology to reshape the way people interact and experience life, much as its social network already has done.
Why worry about being productive when life offers so much opportunity, so much to experience, and so much to do?
So why does nobody mention the fact that rich life experience is an essential ingredient of great storytelling to newbies struggling to learn the art?
My manager asked me recently why I don't like to share my personal life, and I gave him an honest answer (i.e., bad past experiences, unfair judgments against me, etc.), and I have the feeling that he thinks I'm weird.
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