Sentences with phrase «life force within»

What is to be awakened is the inner receptivity to a life force within.
So in order to optimize the flow of prana or life force within our Sacral Chakra, we must turn inward first to help clear away any blockages.
When I inquired about this new foray into brief stretching, he started talking about helping out his Qi (sounds like chee), which in Traditional Chinese Wisdom is the circulating vital energy or life force within us.
The laws of DNA, RNA the living force within cells than makes them more than a collection of atoms and molecules but makes them vibrant and capable of actions point to an intelligent first cause.

Not exact matches

On digital platforms our list could be much longer, but on paper we are forced to live within the space we have.
Unleash the Power Within is a live 3 1/2 day event with Tony Robbins designed to help you unlock and unleash the forces inside that can help you break through any limit and create the quality of life you desire.
As AI becomes a more pervasive force within private and public life, key players around the globe are dedicating resources to the implementation of this disruptive technology.
I did an analys of the 2008 crash and discovered that even if you are living off the fund and are forced to withdraw annual expenses at the bottom of the crash, the S&P 500 beat the government bonds (that didn't crash) within a few years.
Within days, a coaltion force consisting of elements from the United States, United Kingdom, France, Australia, Netherlands, and Turkey was mobilized, saving many lives.
Within the classical liberal tradition, there is desire for a political system to respect the right to live free from physical force, for a government of limited function in the protection of rights, and for powers to be exercised in accordance with laws objective and universal.
Lastly, I have never fed a homeless ex-minister living in tents during winter... even among all the released / paroled sex offenders deep within the woods, there has not been one ex-minister... they seem to all blend back in to the work force somehow.
No mention is made of a Supreme Being in his own religious philosophy, only of a mysterious life - force or universal will - to - live which appears as a creative - destructive force in the world around us and as a will - to - self - realization - and - love within us.
The possibility of autonomous forces» exercising power within a concrete human life is also offered by Christianity.
If Christianity is to remain a positive force and influence in American public life, all Christians need to be present within that life, as salt and light.
When the erosions of age begin to leave their mark on my body, and still more on my mind; when the ills that must diminish my life or put an end to it strike me down from without or grow up from within me; when I reach that painful moment at which I suddenly realize that I am a sick man or that I am growing old; above all at that final moment when I feel I am losing hold on myself and becoming wholly passive in the hands of those great unknown forces which first formed me: at all these sombre moments grant me, Lord, to understand that it is you (provided my faith is strong enough) who are painfully separating the fibres of my being so as to penetrate to the very marrow of my substance and draw me into yourself
The Coen's common tack of forcing the audience to confront the possibility of nihilism being true, of human life being essentially meaningless, which for them has usually played out within a crime drama, here occurs in a mundane set of events.
Oddly, the prudence - obsessed economists have themselves been forced recently in their very mathematics to admit that Homo economicus must live with an identity formed in a family within a community of speech constrained by virtues (a non-believer would call it, in summary, «culture»; a Christian would call it «a moral universe»).
To celebrate our sexuality is to make a theological and anthropological affirmation of the pulsating dynamic of created life, the force within us that moves us beyond ourselves toward others.
Within five years of President Kennedy's assassination in 1963, however, the postwar internationalist consensus disintegrated, and isolationism reemerged as a powerful force in American public life: not an isolationism fearful of America becoming contaminated by the world but the isolationism of the New Left, convinced that America itself was poison in and for the world.
It presupposed within the complexity of the conscious life of the soul a multiplicity of conflicting forces.
Either the Church learns to live within its means, or it will be forced to adapt in order to keep the collection baskets full.
Yet within a framework of disparate biological inheritance fixed by nature and of disparate social inheritance which is the result of both biological and human forces, the democratic ideal requires that every person be given an opportunity to experience the «abundant life» and do the work for which he is best fitted.
The evangelicals and fundamentalists, who were not seen as a major force within the mainstream of American cultural and religious life, existed mainly on the fringes of influence within the television industry.
But as insensibly and gradually as the force of life had been annulled within me, and I had reached my moral death - bed, just as gradually and imperceptibly did the energy of life come back.
When we inquire further as to the concrete meaning of Jesus, after his death, within the life of the early Christian community, we find ourselves at once forced to deal with two theological issues of fundamental importance: the nature of the church and the nature of revelation; for the essential and permanent significance of Jesus lies in the fact that he was the center and head of the church and that he was the central figure in that revelation of God which we have received and by which we are saved.
So if Socrates in the crisis of death had remained mute, he would have weakened the impression of his life and awakened a suspicion that the elasticity of irony within him was not a cosmic force but a life - belt which by its buoyancy might serve to hold him up pathetically at the decisive moment.
But if the gospel is really proclaimed in ways that reach the mind and heart, it has within it such compelling force that some will listen, some lives will be changed, some changes in society will certainly take place.
Yet even on these terms it should remain possible for an interpretive community to make a conscious decision to hear the Bible as scripture, to believe in the coercive and constraining force of the Bible's own unique literary construction, and to regard itself as trying to live out the demands of a word and a God that stand over it, in continuity with communities of faith within the Bible and in the church's ongoing history of interpretation.
In the Life and Work movement of the non-Catholic churches in their search for social justice and international peace (which is now part of the WCC) and in the Second Vatican Council of the Roman Church, Christian Ecumenism has given up the church's traditional pietist and negativist approaches to modernity and has been involved in the attempt to redefine the forces and values of secular culture within the framework of Christian anthropology.
It forces you to look within at your own life and see what needs to be changed.
An individual stands within a strong system that rein - forces certain life - styles, attitudes, and behaviors.
What makes it human is its living intelligence, that is, the force of intelligent life that is incarnate within it.
The author's central claim is that a crucial impulse for St Francis» conversion, and the inspiration for his way of life, was a re-interpretation or inversion of the code of chivalry that was both a product and the regulating force of the feudal system within which he was born.
He was falsely accused, arrested, slapped, spit on, had His beard pulled out of His face, sent to court where though no guilt was found was sentenced to be beaten to within an inch of HIs life, struck with rods, whipped with a weapon that had sharp bones and different pieces tore large chuncks of flesh off, drug back to court wearing a robe which when the blood dried to it became its own bit of torture, the first beating not good enough so sentenced to die, had a crown of thorns pressed down into his skull causing much more blood loss, beaten some more, forced to carry an extremely heavy wood beam as he marched toward His death, whipped and beaten along the way, had huge nails driven through His hands and feet, and had a shoulder separated.
Now 30 years later we get another donor who instead of doing what is right for the school long term supposedly dictates terms to force the school to live within the same outdated footprint with the same outdated capacity and then he slaps his name on the building so the school continues to look like a small time program despite our recent on - the - court successes.
With the exception that these communities are forced to live within the legal structure of their host states.
«She understands that New Yorkers hunger for committed leaders who will uphold American values like traditional marriage, fight to create jobs and force government to live within its means.
And there was Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, insisting that his members «are ready, willing and able to... pass a responsible budget» — a budget that would borrow billions rather than force the government to live within its means.
If this is not possible, then a Labour - led coalition with the Liberals would be preferable to a Tory government or a Tory - Lib coalition — for the same reason that this gives the working class a slightly better relationship of forces within which to resist the assault on its living standards which will be unleashed by any government arising from the current election.
The disabled child rate is payable if: · disability living allowance, personal independence payment or Armed Forces Independence Payment (AFIP) is payable for the child or is normally payable but has ceased because they are a patient in hospital; or · they are certified as severely sight impaired or blind by a consultant ophthalmologist, or has ceased to be registered or certified blind within 28 weeks immediately preceding the date of claim The severely disabled child rate is payable if: · the highest rate care component of disability living allowance or the enhanced daily living component of personal independence payment or any component of armed forces independence payment is payable for them or would be payable but for suspension or abatement due to hospitalisatForces Independence Payment (AFIP) is payable for the child or is normally payable but has ceased because they are a patient in hospital; or · they are certified as severely sight impaired or blind by a consultant ophthalmologist, or has ceased to be registered or certified blind within 28 weeks immediately preceding the date of claim The severely disabled child rate is payable if: · the highest rate care component of disability living allowance or the enhanced daily living component of personal independence payment or any component of armed forces independence payment is payable for them or would be payable but for suspension or abatement due to hospitalisatforces independence payment is payable for them or would be payable but for suspension or abatement due to hospitalisation 3.
The price is that we have to live within a coalition and it's not a forced marriage, but it's a marriage of convenience.»
In his role as a leader of the Syracuse Gang Violence Task Force, John brought prosecutors, police, clergy, community leaders, and neighbors from differing backgrounds together to successfully reduce violence crime and improve the quality of life in targeted neighborhoods within our community.
«Families across the state have been forced to cut back and live within their means and governments and school districts must do the same.
He said: «This Prime Minister seeks to paint the millions of trade unionists and their families as «the enemy within», with a Tory party drunk on class prejudice, intent on destroying this movement as a force in British life
«Families across the state have been forced to cut back and live within their means,» Cuomo said.
In November 2007, several former Chiefs of Defence — including General Lord Guthrie, Admiral Lord Boyce, Marshal of the Royal Air Force Lord Craig, Field Marshal Lord Bramall and Field Marshal Lord Inge — criticised Brown for departing from the military covenant — a convention within British politics stating that in exchange for risking their lives for the sake of national security, members of the armed forces should be suitably looked after by the government.
But what this long - overdue budget correction will do is force school districts and the medical community and others to live within their means, without relying on excessive payments from the state for support.
Zilmer's call for renewables on the battlefield highlighted a growing awareness within the Pentagon that clean energy initiatives are more than just good public relations; they can save lives and make the American military a more effective fighting force.
Although destruction is more gradual on the continents, the same forces plundering Hawaii are likely to deprive the planet of as many as half its life - forms within just a few thousand years.
Although the pentaquark's life span is rather long by subatomic standards (10 - 20 seconds), it's so unstable that it can be created only by high - energy cosmic rays striking Earth's atmosphere or by the forces at work within the center of a neutron star.
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