Sentences with phrase «life forms developed»

«Concerning biological evolution, the Church does not have an official position on whether various life forms developed over the course of time.
Evolution says life forms developed from previous ones more simple than they, going back all the way... to what?
This life evolved for millions of years until, relatively recently, one life form developed the imagination to create gods.

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Cleverly developed algorithms seem to rule today's betting industry, however, the decentralized approach of newly forming blockchain technology based solutions will change the way we live - making financial transactions, buying products and... betting.
An intelligent life form (Scientist), developed an environment in which he added various subtances and matter (laboratory), and added some energy (electricity) and wahlah, the building blocks of life were formed.
If we compare it with biological evolution on different Geological Time Scale first developed life was also in the form of fish which originated during Cambrian period.
i think your forgetting that if scientist found a single cell life form that that would be a living fully developed organism and a fetus is a multicellular organism and isn't fully developed yet
Every life form on this planet is a bag of chemistry, starting from a simple egg, developing in some cases to extraordinarily complex life forms.
I still give praise to the Genesis creation story as it was «down to earth» for its time as to how life formed and not altogether out of date given today's more developed creation story.
In the light of eternal life in its developed forms, even the most cohesive national solidarity tends to disintegrate.
The symbols, concepts, images, stories and myths of Christian origin, which remain deeply embedded in the fabric of western culture, will continue to offer the raw material from which people form their understanding of life, develop their capacity for spirituality and experience satisfaction at the deepest levels.
Even if new forms for marriage contracts or family structure develop into the norm of the future, these standards will still be relevant for they center on the sacredness of life.
Not only did ethnic tribalism spring to life again with the fragmentation of Christendom, but Christianity and Islam have each tended to develop further forms of tribalism — religious tribalism.
Then the social - ethical task of the church would not be simply to develop strategies within the current political options — though it may certainly include that — but rather to stand as an alternative society that manifests in its own social and political life the way in which a people form themselves when truth and charity rather than survival are their first order of business.
God: Yeah, one of the species of life has developed some primitive form of speech and they have started calling on me to intervene on their behalf.
My encouragement to you is to not worry too much about which forms new followers choose to keep or cast aside, but to focus on developing the transforming life of Christ inside them (breath and reality) and let the Spirit show them how to express what's inside in a way their community can understand.
We have to learn how to be friends... intimacy with God is developed through intentional spiritual practices and habits... Such habits form us into people of virtue capable of living as the friends of God we are created to be,» Makant says.
EVOLUTION: the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
American Protestant institutions in general are in flux; the common life of the Protestant church is in part seeking institutional forms through which to express and discipline itself, in part it has developed such forms without officially recognizing their presence, continuing to think in terms of historic structures or polities that do not fit the actual situation and operations of the various agencies.
Rapid population growth is a pervasive fact of life in less - developed countries today — a form of social change so typical, and at the same time so profound, that it may spuriously be associated with almost any other social phenomenon of the present generation.
An example of this would be the origin of life in general in dead matter which in its highest and most complicated possible forms develops in the direction of the frontier with living things.
If the majority of society put half of the effort into developing their intellect and forming their own beliefs that many put into living a life controlled by what any random man who claims they are spreading God's message, perhaps people would actually come to their own conclusions rather than simply accepting the ones presented to them as the one and only truth.
His futuristic vision combines molecular biology, neurophysiology and space physics to foresee new combinations of biology and computer technology sending new forms of life into outer space to develop where it can and will.
What makes good sense with regard to «things,» namely their conception as a «society» of more fundamental Unities, is thus not called for with regard to the more highly developed forms of life if one does not want to run the risk of missing from the start what is distinctive of living things.
For it is necessary that the faith of the Church, as this has been articulated during the two thousand years of Christian history in the form of theological statements, should be made known to the people; it is equally necessary that the developed principles of Christian life, in respect to devotional practice and in terms of daily conduct, should be taught.
The second consideration is that as the individual develops in his life of prayer, he will find that petition for material advantage is less and less a part of his asking, and that more and more he desires only that he may be conformed to God's Will, so that as Christ's Spirit is formed in him he is enabled to live as un autre Christ — that fine phrase which was so often used by French devotional writers in the seventeenth century.
A new outlook begins to develop and form a new phase» in the life of the world.
8 «The metaphor of a war of nature», Keith Ward writes, «here gives way to a different metaphor: that of a developing emergent whole, with increasingly complex and beautiful co-adaptedness among organic life - forms, and which pictures nature as expressing a continuous growth in harmonious complexity.»
Symrise works with its clients to develop new ideas and market - ready concepts for products that form an indispensable part of everyday life.
Disappointments: Life is often full of disappointments and sometimes it gets hard to trust life again, so you may inadvertently develop a shield in your mind in the form of negative thinking to help protect yourself from being disappointed by life agLife is often full of disappointments and sometimes it gets hard to trust life again, so you may inadvertently develop a shield in your mind in the form of negative thinking to help protect yourself from being disappointed by life aglife again, so you may inadvertently develop a shield in your mind in the form of negative thinking to help protect yourself from being disappointed by life aglife again.
Many babies develop a mild form of this yeast infection during their first months of living.
The appropriate integration of resilience factors born out of ACE concepts — such as asking for help, developing trusting relationships, forming a positive attitude, listening to feelings — can help people improve their lives
I am going to try this method to see how she will get on, I have kind of lost faith in her doctor since after she developed a cough he prescribed her a cough medicine, which when I did some research on it (because the leaflet was in Greek, I live in Cyprus) I found out it was an anabolic steroid in liquid form.
They also practice a new form of community life in which teachers, administrative staff and parents are partners in developing the community of the school.
The experiences a child has in the first 5 years of life is crucial in forming how they will be able to learn and how their emotional and social skills will develop.
Research that began with the late psychologist John Bowlby's Attachment Theory back in the 1950s has shown the critical need for consistently loving, sensitive responsiveness to develop a secure parent - child attachment — that component that forms the foundation of how our babies and toddlers go on to relate to others... in all relationships... through the rest of their lives.
Focusing on our sons, spending positive time together and talking about life lessons, scattered with a large dose of quiet and engaged listening, will help fathers and sons develop nurturing and meaningful relationships and help our sons form attitudes which will allow them to develop into men in the richest sense of that term.
Less likely to develop cancer of the penis later in life — although this form of cancer is extremely rare.
Most kids outgrow mild forms of VUR, but some can develop kidney damage or kidney failure later in life.
Stewart can still primary against the aforementioned state Sen. Joe Markley (Tea Party, but somehow likable) and Jayme Stevenson, Darien first selectwoman and escapee from a Fox News experiment to develop the perfect blonde Republican life - form.
A US poll with comparable questions by CBS News in October 2005 found 48 % of Americans believed in creationism, 29 % thought that evolution had been guided by God and only 15 % believed man had evolved from less developed life forms but God had no role in the process.
NAI Fellow Yanan Shen, whose research base is with an NAI team at Harvard, is interested in the relationship between life and the various environments that have existed as the Earth was formed and developed.
Because oxygen is critical to many forms of life and geochemical processes, numerous models and indirect proxies for the oxygen content in the atmosphere have been developed over the years, but there was no consensus on whether oxygen concentrations were rising, falling or flat during the past million years (and before fossil fuel burning).
In industry, he says, success is unlikely to come in the form of a Nature or Science paper but as a chance to develop a drug that ends up helping patients» lives.
Of course, attributing anything like cancer to being near the World Trade Center on that day or working on the pile in the months thereafter is made extremely difficult by the simple fact that roughly one in four Americans (and New Yorkers) will develop cancer in some form over the course of their lives.
Drake multiplied the number of sunlike stars in our galaxy that form each year by a handful of variables: the fraction of those stars that have planets; the number of planets per planetary system where life could exist; the fraction of habitable planets where life actually arises; the fraction of those where intelligence emerges; the fraction of intelligent species that develop interstellar communication; and finally, the average length of time that those communicating civilizations survive.
Taking their cue from nature, where structurally well - defined biopolymers are the norm, e.g. in DNA and genes where slight variations to the order of a small number of organic molecules gives rise to the diverse spectrum of life, they have developed a self - sorting strategy that regulates the order molecules take when forming long chain polymers.
People with the altered form of the gene have at least a 70 per cent chance of developing colon cancer at some time in their lives, and women with the gene also have at least a 50 per cent chance of developing cancer of the uterus.
The unique ecosystems of Cuatro Cienegas may yield insights into what sparked the Cambrian transition, a pivotal time about 540 million years ago when simple, single - celled life developed into a wide variety of multicellular forms.
Past studies have shown that when an expectant mother exposes herself to alcohol or drug abuse or she experiences some trauma or illness, her baby may later develop a psychiatric disorder, including some forms of autism or post-traumatic stress disorder, later in life.
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