Sentences with phrase «life hands people»

WASHINGTON, D.C. — When life hands people problems, many try to find a way around them.

Not exact matches

Alcohol and cigarettes, which also «hook» people, destroy health and lives, and cause death and harm to those who don't use them (second - hand smoke, drunk driving, abused families) are legal, billion - dollar industries, and these drugs are available and consumed everywhere.
FIRE means having more time on your hands so you can spend more time with your kids, your partner, and other important people in your life.
The result is a new crop of sleep - focused geniuses putting tech in the hands of regular people to change their lives when they're not awake.
Being able to have a first - person account or by interacting with the world from your own perspective, you'll find the truth that's harder to obtain when you're focused only on big picture thinking and not also living the truths of the situation first hand.
Your phone is not as important as your life, and if someone is willing to attack you to take yours (which I'd be willing to bet doesn't happen as often as people just swiping it from your hand or purse), it would probably be best to let this violent person have the phone and walk away with your well - being intact.
Spending the time to talk to people about their lives outside work shows a genuine interest in them as individuals and sends a message that they're more than just hired hands.
On the one hand, this short life - span is the channel's biggest strength: When a major sporting event is taking place, people want to see it right away, and they are willing to pay handsomely for that ability.
If you're exploring new technology, making new discoveries, or developing any product, service, or process that changes the way people live, work or play, you've absolutely got a news story on your hands.
Many of the most stressful jobs involve peril and significant hazard, whether it's coming into contact with hazardous materials, or having other people's lives in your hands.
So every Monday morning we'd hire 10 people to haul the water we needed from the local hand pump to the different spots in the hospital, office and living quarters.
Leaders, on the other hand, are typically not the happiest people around because they are always living in the future.
«Growing up in Silicon Valley, during my time at Morgan Stanley and as a member of Stanford's Board, I've had the opportunity to experience first hand how tech companies can help people in their daily lives.
«We are handing the controls of important parts of our public and private lives to a very small number of people, who are unelected and unaccountable.»
I know my earlier book Principled Profit: Marketing That Puts People First has changed lives, and this book not only expands and amplifies those powerful concepts under a specifically eco-friendly lens, its also going to reach a lot more people because it has the support and power not only of my personal network, but also the resources of both a big NYC publisher (John Wiley & Sons) and my superstar co-author, Mr. Guerrilla Marketing himself, Jay Conrad Levinson — the man who brought us not only all the Guerrilla Marketing books but also Uniteds Friendly Skies, Allstates Good Hands, and even the MarlborPeople First has changed lives, and this book not only expands and amplifies those powerful concepts under a specifically eco-friendly lens, its also going to reach a lot more people because it has the support and power not only of my personal network, but also the resources of both a big NYC publisher (John Wiley & Sons) and my superstar co-author, Mr. Guerrilla Marketing himself, Jay Conrad Levinson — the man who brought us not only all the Guerrilla Marketing books but also Uniteds Friendly Skies, Allstates Good Hands, and even the Marlborpeople because it has the support and power not only of my personal network, but also the resources of both a big NYC publisher (John Wiley & Sons) and my superstar co-author, Mr. Guerrilla Marketing himself, Jay Conrad Levinson — the man who brought us not only all the Guerrilla Marketing books but also Uniteds Friendly Skies, Allstates Good Hands, and even the Marlboro Man.
This is where you'll really get the first - hand information straight from the horse's mouth... people who are living the good life abroad right now tell you in their own words how they did it, what worked for them, and just as importantly, what to avoid in your own adventure abroad.
Clean the World has a mission to put soap in the hands of people who need it most to improve hygiene and sanitation conditions, to reduce the impact of disease and to promote better hygiene and living conditions worldwide.
Being a Pure Barre studio owner gives the ability to touch the lives of people on a daily basis, which I know because I was able to experience this first hand as a client.
Through the use of local currencies, more people shop local, eat local, buy local, and live local, strengthening the local economy, and keeping the control of money in everyone's hands.
When a person needs cash loan singapore more than they currently have on hand, the situation can become a distraction in your day - to - day life.
To succeed in life, you need people to help you — to hold your hands and show you the way.
«Southwest is committed to connecting people to what's important in their lives, and we are honored to provide All Hands and Hearts travel support which helps connect staff and volunteers to communities affected by disaster.»
When people ask what life is like for a dog with brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS), veterinarian Sean Wensley will sometimes hand them a plastic straw.
When this bully ethics get in the hand of wrong people, they use this for their own selfishness (power & money to achieve & to maintain) So just we all must realise that, we all are living together among BIG BULLIES only.
We had an unprecedented political election, Samsung phones were blowing up in people's hands, #Brexit entered our vernacular and some larger - than - life pop culture legends passed away.
These people offer themselves to sit next to, listen, and hold strangers hands as they face perhaps the most difficult time in their lives.
Nothing is more liberating than realizing that your life is in your hands, and the impetus for being a good person comes from you and your own values, not from a deity in the sky who will punish you.
On the other hand, people who categorically deny the existence of God and live life in the «nothing matters here on Earth» philosophy, those are the people who are bitter, often depressed, and find no hapiness in life.
With regard to another post regarding faith... I have seen my preemie child struggling for life... I have held the hand of an old person as they slipped from life to death... I have stood vigil in the room of a man of faith as over 40 friends and family crammed into a room sharing pain and suffering as he slipped away suffering from cancer at a young age.
religion was estabished to keep peopke in line, weak mined people need somebody to hold there hand in life
«The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands «Acts 17:24 «Then I heard another voice from heaven say: ««Come out of her, my people,» so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues;» Revelation 18:4
There are many people today who walked an isle at a revival service, raised a hand at a youth event, or prayed a prayer in a trying moment of life, and they think that these actions «saved them.»
That the church ought to be put back in the hands of the lay people — those wanting a closer life with God?
And through the Internet and other technology, folks are aware that the world we've been handed is fragile — and if our faith is only promising people life after death and not asking if there is life before death, we are going to lose them.
He went about Palestine announcing that the kingdom of heaven was at hand, already beginning wherever people became his followers, forsook the values of Satan's kingdom, and started living the values of a very different kingdom.
Esther saved a nation by asking favors of a king who held her life — and the lives of her people — in his hands.
We try to contribute to the renewal of these treasures of salvation in the lives of Gods people through a renewed clarity of understanding of Gods plan of Wisdom and redeeming Love for his creatures, a renewed enthusiasm for handing on his Word, a deepened personal love for our Lord Jesus Christ and a fresh dedication to living the high standards of integrity in both charity and chastity which should mark his true disciples and apostles in the modern world.
It provided a respite, a space for repentance, before the final stroke fell; and so far as we can see, it was because of that respite that the Jewish people, unlike their kinsfolk of the north, survived the utter destruction of their state, and lived to hand on a great religious inheritance to the wider world.
Put in the right hands, the Enneagram is a tool to show people how their inner life blinds them to certain patterns and motivations — even to certain virtues.
I knew when I was reading the unfinished manuscript of «The Purpose Driven Life» that I was holding a treasure in my hands, but I was clueless as to how deeply the book would strike a nerve in the souls of millions of people around the globe.
Acts 17:24 - 28 «24 The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; 25 nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; 26 and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, 27 that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; 28 for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, «For we also are His children.»»
But the Word of God, written at about the same time, recording the events of an obscure Jewish man and Jewish girl, has survived through time to give evidence to God's hand at work in the lives of His people.
It could have made the lives of BILLIONS of people better by just telling them to wash their hands.
Rather than staying becalmed in the sacristy, the sanctuary, and the presbytery, the clergy of his day, he urged, should lead a demanding, Gospel - centered life of proclaiming the Word and celebrating the sacraments, nourishing their people with the tangible realities God had entrusted to human hands as pathways to the Trinity: the Bible and the Eucharist.
bootyfunk your and idiot because that passage in mathew 10 its a parrable he is trying to get people to realize that God needs to be the most important thing your life because with him you would not be period so to say that Jesus Christ the son of God is promoting volience is ridiculous, it tares me up that people like you take bit's and peices of the bible and make sound like you want it to if your going to read the Christian hand book then read it all do nt take stuff out of contence just to suit your life style your truly and always be a devoute Christian
On the other hand, I've started in this way because my experience of people living out their vocations doesn't always fit easily into these categories.
You idiots post about how there was first hand accounts from people who lived during the time Jesus walked the earth, and not one of them bothered to sculpt or draw an image of Jesus?
Or would any person who believes that he has received at God's hand an intimation of the life according to which he desires to model his own life, could such a man really think of worshiping the world in this way?
Some of them were of the bones of the hand, others of coins and keys photographed through the opaque walls of a leather pocket - book, all clearly demonstrating that he had found some strange new rays which had the amazing property of penetrating as opaque an object as the human body and revealing on a photographic plate the skeleton of a living person.
Scholars, on the other hand, as we have seen earlier, mean by it «a traditional narrative involving supernatural persons», of which the truth is not literal but to be understood as illuminating the meaning of human life.
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