Sentences with phrase «life history traits of»

Better understanding of how particular life history traits of species predict vulnerability
Seawater acidification by CO2 in a coastal lagoon environment: Effects on life history traits of juvenile mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis.
Experimental results indicate that life history traits of reef fishes are remarkably tolerant to CO2 levels that could occur in the ocean by the end of this century, however, sensory systems and behaviour are severely affected.
The team is trying to understand life history traits of benthos at the initial stage and the influence of ocean currents in order to find out how these organisms expand their habitat and respond to environmental changes.

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«Usually, several species of wildlife live in a forest habitat, due to their biological traits like life history, strategy and diet, and their responses to livestock introduction are different too,» said Zhang, who also is an associate professor at China West Normal University.
Studying them has yielded insights into the workings of nature, including the surprising fact that the composition of ecosystems may be influenced far more by propagule pressure — the persistence with which new species are introduced — than by the life - history traits of organisms or by competition between species.
Unintentional selection in captivity can lead to rapid changes in critical life - history traits that may reduce the success of supplementation or reintroduction programs.
Furthermore, we showed that life - history traits related to reproduction of species with sexual size dimorphism and bi-parental care can vary exclusively with body condition of the sex contributing the most to reproduction.
Yet body mass, an important component of the physiological state of an organism, can affect key life - history traits such as survival, chick mass and breeding success and population dynamics.
«With our results of a negative relationship between predation pressure and longevity that is largely independent of other key life history traits we were able to confirm the universality of the 50 year old evolutionary theory of aging on a broad geographical scale» concludes Mihai Valcu, first author of the study.
And life history evolution involves strategic tradeoffs in terms of how an animal is using resources across these traits.
Artist's reconstructions based on life - history traits inferred from the study of new fossil remains.
An alternative possibility is that the associations of ecology and / or life history are related to convergent exon - coding mutations for those traits in avian genomes (89, 90).
Adds Dr. Patrick Jodice of Clemson University, an expert in reproductive energetics who was not involved in the study, «When we examine life history traits we tend to see commonalities within taxonomic families, but Rizzolo et al. demonstrated that within the Gaviidae, Red - throated Loons appear to be quite unique.
Tyrosine Detoxification Is an Essential Trait in the Life History of Blood - Feeding Arthropods.
An experimental study with size - selectively harvested zebrafish that began in 2006 at the Leibniz - Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in Berlin, Germany reveals that size - selective harvesting causes changes in key life - history traits, leading to low maximum body size and poor reproductive output.
«These changes in life history traits and population dynamics likely reduced and / or removed populations of many species, including important components of the food web,» in turn shrinking the food chain, scientists wrote in the new report.
Therefore, the aims of my PhD were to 1) determine thermal tolerance ranges of early development and survival of coral larvae 2) assess the extent to which this tolerance varies across space, specifically I aimed to test whether high latitude species have a broader tolerance and 3) test whether difference between adult coral assemblages across a hypothesized dispersal barrier (Great Barrier Reef to Lord Howe Island) can be predicted by life history traits related to the dispersive larval stages (e.g., mode of larval development, mode of larval nutrition), adult ecology, and / or environmental parameters.
Female life - history traits in a species pair of threespine stickleback in Mud Lake, Alaska.
While no correlation exists between relative neonatal weight and eye or orbit diameters, eye and orbit diameters have positive correlations with some, but not all, of the life history traits under study.
The identification of individuals within a population and the collection of reliable information on distribution, habitat use, and life history traits are the basic requirement for behavioral and ecological studies of a species.
Judging the effects of climate change on extinction may be easier than previously thought, according to a paper entitled, «Life history and spatial traits predict extinction risk due to climate change,» published today in the journal Nature Climate Change.
In other words, children's experiences play a part in whether a trait leads to positive or negative outcomes, and the history of a child's experiences with a given situation or another person becomes increasingly important in the child's life.
Negative correlations have been reported between bilateral amygdala volume and life history of aggression (Matthies et al., 2012) and between trait anger and local gray matter volume in the left amygdala (Reuter et al., 2009) in healthy subjects.
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