Sentences with phrase «life human beings»

Unfortunately the only people contacting us are computer software bots not real life human beings.
Stitch Fix is a service that employs real, life human beings to look at your style profile and make clothing and accessory selections based on your unique style so it stands to reason that there is going to be a certain base price you have to pay to make it worth their while to run their business.
And if you can't find mentorship with a living human being, look to history.
«If you're near (a bank branch) feel free to go in and initiate a conversation with a real live human being
Just make sure a live human being is on the other end of the phone number listed.
How about how do real living human beings think and feel about it today?
Each situation involves real, living human beings and I believe we should respect them by at least attempting to grasp the reality of their world instead or reaching for the nearest category to slap across their situation.
Anyone wanting to believe Jesus lived and walked as a real live human being must do so despite the evidence, not because of it.
Our bias would tell us that the world no older than perhaps the oldest living human being, or perhaps some structure in which we can be sure when it was built.
We provide an interpretation for (1) when we specify its domain as the set of all living human beings and let Q be the identity relation.
In live human beings, spiritual and mental health are inextricably interwoven.
«Good sex interaction not only expresses one's own feelings, but... the partner needs to feel valued and felt as a person of worth, as a real live human being
In truth, however, there were other reasons» apart from the desire for transplantable organs» to rethink the criteria for determining death, since one needed to decide whether a respirator was simply oxygenating a corpse or sustaining a living human being.
Make no mistake about it, he has the key of David and power over every living human being as I found out.
Sometimes in the questions raised in Miss Mac Donald's article, it seems that she is thinking of God as though he were just a larger - than - life human being, or another item in the inventory of the universe.
(Note that Arthur readily admits that «whether something is a living human is not the same as its being a person, nor is it necessary that persons also be human.»)
The Bible is unique because it suggests as no other book can that God has engaged in history with living human beings, who were inspired to convey their knowledge of God to others, actively expressing themselves in their given historical epochs and cultures.
To me the bible is not a «rule book» but a record of God's unique and dynamic working with individual real live human beings.
To send a minister forth from seminary without his having confronted himself and human need at a deep level is to graduate him without the very insights which can allow him to make his message relevant to live human beings.
He was saying, «Look, while you come up with your three simple steps to deciding whether you can heal on the Sabbath or not, here is a real, live human being who is hurting and in need of your help, and all you can do is sit there and debate about him like he was a log blocking the road.
For example, it seems that there have been a series of «bottleneck events» in the history of the human genome, which could explain the close genetic solidarity among all living human beings.
Or real live human beings that..
To The Source asked me to comment on the birth of the 7 billionth living human being a few weeks ago.
If yes to all four questions, then it is a unique living human being (or set of unique living human beings).
In Protestant circles especially plans were deliberately laid for giving an intelligible knowledge of the Christian message to every living human being, and efforts were made to enlist in the achievement of this goal all Protestant Christians.
Neither Atheists, Christians, Agnostics, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Italians, Venezuelans, or any other living human being on the planet truly KNOWS who we are, where we came from, where we are going, etc., etc..
Our subconscious understanding of the laws of physics and the natural laws He has set forth to allow our existence to come about can not be observed, and to say that He is flawed because we see disease is viewing things from a very limited point of view, that being a living human being with an aversion to disease and loss of health.
Besides, even those people with gloomier prospects would wish to be viewed primarily as living human beings rather than as patients.
as being such i realize the limits of my ability to impose rules on another living human being; which BTW isn't a fetus.
If the unborn child is a living human being, then abortion is nothing less than the killing of an innocent life.
Since nobody is born religious, there is no instinct inherent in human biology that would lead every living human being to eventually search for their «creator».
It is far past time that every living human being comes to realize there is no room in society for religious rigidity.
It is not possible for living human beings not to be «in the world» or to withdraw completely from «culture.»
Pro-lifers should beware of the syllogism: «A fetus is human, a fetus is living, therefore a fetus is a living human being
and since no living human being will ever truly understand the «beginning» of time (beginning is in quotes because even time is relative) then the easiest thing to do is speculate.
In other words, Iraeneus» observation that «the glory of God is the living human being» sums up the aspirations of contemporary faith.
Make sure you write a description for a real - life human being though — don't just stuff it with lists of words or repetitions!
But perhaps more importantly, no human infant (meaning no present living human beings) would or could be alive today had our ancestral mothers not have slept next to their infants for physiological regulation, management, protection, and to breastfeed throughout the night.
Every living human being has been angry at something or someone due to various reasons that are known best by them.
What seems straightforward and clear - cut as a set of principles typed out on a sheet of paper becomes more complicated when actual live human beings are thrown into the picture.
Nearly 100 % of people opposing abortions view the aborted fetus as a live human being, and therefore view abortion as nothing short of killing a human.
Note that some have such view for religious reasons, some have such view for purely scientific ones (e.g., for a fetus in a stage late enough that it would have survived in nICU if delivered prematurely, it's hard to make an argument that merely being attached to a placenta and not to nICU life support somehow turns the fetus from a live human being to «perfectly fine to surgically excise part of mother's body».
This leads us to the imperative to create content that shows the candidate not as an automaton spouting soundbites, but a real live human being who has a preference between cats and dogs and is just like the rest of us in general with opinions on the issues of the day.
Only one in 100 frozen eggs were even viable, and a smaller proportion of those resulted in a live human being.
Obtaining it from living humans is not difficult, but it's a formidable challenge to extract and sequence genome - wide aDNA, which can degrade into fragments, undergo chemical reactions that change its code, and be contaminated by modern DNA.
«This is the first time we have synaptic density measurement in live human beings,» said Carson, who is senior author on the study.
What brain imaging has made possible is being able to take live human beings — we call them normal human adults; in my lab they're MIT undergrads — put them in a scanner, and get them to do all kinds of things.
As Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan wrote in 1981, «There is almost nothing more convincing than a live human being who takes the stand, points a finger at the defendant, and says, «That's the one!»»
«But thanks to the wonderful person that donated her organs to help another living human being, she has another chance to live a normal life.»
Brain scans with names like PET and SPECT allow us to see the chemical changes in the brains of live human beings.
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