Sentences with phrase «life human companionship»

The absence of real - life human companionship allows your mind to run free to envision the most perfect first date and the most perfect real connection.

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, but they have only very hazy ideas about what the Church really says on human dignity, the value of each one of us, the beauty of human love, the value of authentic family life, the mutual companionship of men and women.
In these quite different ways, something is being said about a refreshment or enablement which is provided for human existence; and something is also being said, even in a fashion which sometimes seems curiously negative (as in Indian religious thought and observance), about a relationship with a more ultimate and all - inclusive reality that establishes a kind of companionship between our own little life and the greater circumambient divine being.
Yet to live from that very different future alienates us from our own place and our present human companionship.
Sharing the table, gathering for shelter, food, and companionship, is so much a part of our human life — recipes are the continuity, the legacy, of those gatherings.
It would be a pleasant addition to my life to have occasional companionship with a suitable human
However, while human companionship alone can often meet a dog's social needs well enough to prevent visible signs or social deprivation, doing so is still depriving the dog of a rich social life with their own species, at least for those who clearly enjoy each other's company.
A puppy isolated early in life from other puppies and humans will not only fail to establish satisfying social contact with conspecifics or enjoy companionship with people later in life (such puppies are extremely fearful of any social contact), they will also exhibit widespread behavioral and cognitive disabilities as well.
The Vizsla will adapt to city living, but will require long walks and human companionship as they have enormous stamina.
The Doberman is happy living anywhere just as long as he has plenty of room to be active and human companionship.
They are also good for older adults or those who live alone, as they are very loving lapdogs that thrive on human companionship.
They usually find that these big cats lead less stressful lives and are more excepting of human companionship when they are nurtured by humans from birth or shortly there after.
A Bullmastiff is a sensitive dog that loves human companionship and affection he might look tough but he doesn't do well living outdoors and being left alone or outside for long periods or used purely as a guard will increase aggressive tendencies.
These dogs are definitely people lovers and need human companionship rather than kennel life.
Dogs thrive on human companionship throughout their life, and can become anxious when left alone for too long.
For hundreds of years, dogs have lived side - by - side with humans, not only offering companionship and unconditional love, but working alongside us, performing tasks suited to the inherent physical and mental traits of their breeds.
But, as long as pet shops are permitted to sell dogs, «puppy mill» dogs will suffer horrible pain & miserable lives in a cage without ever placing their wire sore paws on the ground, without vet care, without socialization, with no love, human companionship, and no way out.
Because the breed loves human companionship, kennel - living is not a good idea.
No pets would know the horrors of trying to live without human assistance: being struck and killed by cars, foraging through the trash, trying to survive cold and heat and predators, and missing the Most Important Thing, human companionship.
Because they love human companionship, kennel - life is not advisable.
A cat that lives in a house with many other cats, or other pets, will not be so dependent on one human for companionship so may not give you as an enthusiastic welcome as an only cat.
They need the foundation work all dogs need in order to live in a human home: supervision, containment, comfort, play, companionship, and training.
Other organizations bring dogs and cats to visit senior living facilities, children's hospitals, and other places where humans might need companionship or a pick - me - up.
Not only do all large CBEs fit the dictionary of puppy mill, but a study published in the Journal of Applied Animal Behaviour Science found that «Common to virtually all CBEs are the following: large numbers of dogs; maximally efficient use of space by housing dogs in or near the minimum space permitted by law; housing breeding dogs for their entire reproductive lives — in most cases, years — in their cages or runs; dogs rarely if ever permitted out of their primary enclosures for exercise or play; absence of toys or other forms of enrichment; minimal to no positive human interaction or companionship; and minimal to no health care.»
And as a study in the Journal of Applied Animal Behaviour Science found, «Common to virtually all CBEs are the following: large numbers of dogs; maximally efficient use of space by housing dogs in or near the minimum space permitted by law; housing breeding dogs for their entire reproductive lives — in most cases, years — in their cages or runs; dogs rarely if ever permitted out of their primary enclosures for exercise or play; absence of toys or other forms of enrichment; minimal to no positive human interaction or companionship; and minimal to no health care.»
While practicing TNR, we noticed some little eyes staring at us from the bushes and realized we wanted to offer these kittens more in their life than to follow in Mom's footsteps; never knowing human companionship and love.
Often known as puppy and kitten mills, these facilities repeatedly impregnate female dogs that spend their entire lives in cages without human companionship.
In one study, researchers concluded that women living alone were «significantly more lonely» than those who were living with pets, and noted that having a pet might «compensate for the absence of human companionship
She warmed to human companionship and three square meals and now enjoys life indoors.
Yet the breeder herself had no fenced yard and her twenty or so dogs lived in crates in a kennel a good forty yards away from her house and any hope of human companionship.
All VOKRA cats are housed in foster homes, where they get to start life experiencing the love of human companionship while playing with their littermates and other foster furry children.
You must be willing to include the pet in family activities, allow the pet to live as a house dog with much human companionship, and provide some daily one - on - one time with your orphans, including cuddles, play, and walks.
Funded by a two - year grant from the Human - Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI), faculty from the University of Georgia's College of Public Health, College of Veterinary Medicine, College of Family and Consumer Science and the Obesity Initiative are collaborating on a new research project to examine the impact of pet companionship on mental and emotional health in older adults living alone.
Simply because a cat came from a tame ancestor is no evidence that human companionship is necessary for a humane quality of life.
Is human companionship essential to quality of life?
They often spend the last days of their lives in a small cage, void of the human love and companionship that they crave.
Pets of the Homeless believes in the healing power of companion pets and of the human - animal bond, which is very important in the lives of many homeless, who find solace, protection and companionship through their pets.
You must be willing to include the dog in family activities, allow the dog to live as a house dog with much human companionship, and provide some daily one - on - one time with your rescue, including cuddles, play, and walks on leash.
Laura Johnson, West Coast Territory Sales Manager, represented Trouw Nutrition USA at this inspiring evening that celebrated animal and human heroes alike and provided the crowd with stories of survival, companionship and acts of heroism — all in the name of raising money for life - saving spay and neuter programs.
For hundreds of years, dogs have lived side - by - side with humans, not only offering companionship and unconditional love, but working alongside us, performing tasks...
All of this companionship — as well as the growing number of dogs living in densely packed urban areas — requires training if dogs are going to play well with humans and other pets.
Give your older dog the benefit of as much human companionship as he's had throughout his life — even increase it, if possible.
Can you imagine forcing your dog to live his or her entire life in a small wire cage with no human companionship, toys or comfort, and little hope of ever becoming part of a family?
I particularly appreciated Foxâ $ ™ s comments about multi-cat households, such as â $ œâ $ ¦ I have found that cats who live only with humans more often become dull, obese and sickly than cats whose social environment is enriched by the companionship of other affectionate, playful cats.â $ His words reshaped my view of a multi-cat environment.
They live for human companionship.
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