Sentences with phrase «life in the ocean»

But remember — different types of fish live in the ocean and in the river.
The old way to search for microbial life in the ocean, he explains, was to isolate individual species by growing them in laboratory cultures.
The DNA in seawater can reveal the diversity and abundance of fish species living in ocean waters.
The other group lived in ocean water with extra carbon dioxide.
These animals live in the ocean but are able to come on land for long periods of time.
Through photosynthesis, tiny organisms that live in the ocean surface waters pull carbon - dioxide out of the atmosphere, which usually means cooler temperatures.
As scientists continue finding evidence for life in the ocean more than 3 billion years ago, those ancient fossils pose a paradox.
Knowledge of the diversity of microbial life in the oceans continues to grow.
The elephant seals spend about eight to ten months a year living in the ocean.
Although they spend their entire lives in the ocean, sea turtles return to sandy beaches to lay their eggs.
The amounts of CO2 involved indeed are huge to make that small difference in pH. What that implies for life in the oceans remains to be seen.
Climate change is now altering life in the ocean by affecting the food chains of the animals inside of it.
It manages to sum up in just a couple minutes the chemistry that is changing the balance of life in our oceans right now.
His specialty is microbial life in oceans, and his particular interest is the way that viruses drive the evolution and regulate the activities of bacteria.
For most life in the oceans, warming means faster growth, reduced energy requirements to stay warm, lower winter mortalities, and wider ranges of distribution.
A new study from the Ohio State University have tripled the known types of viruses living in oceans around the world, providing new insights on the role of viruses in marine environment.
«Once we have those answers, we can tackle the bigger question about life in the ocean beneath Europa's ice shell.»
In order to be able to make more precise and globally applicable prognoses concerning the effects of climate change on life in our oceans, marine biologists have long sought to find universal principles that would allow them to describe the living conditions in the oceans and at their borders.
«Although tiny, these organisms are a vital part of the Earth's life support system, providing half of the oxygen generated each year on Earth by photosynthesis and lying at the base of marine food chains on which all other life in the ocean depends
Adds Aronson: «We absolutely must control emissions of the principal greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, if we are going to preserve life in the oceans in some approximation of the way it should be.»
Ajit Subramaniam is a Columbia University professor who tracks microscopic plant life in the ocean.
Now, after running DNA tests on a gift of dried whale meat given to a scientist visiting islands in the Pacific, researchers have confirmed that there's a whole new species of beaked whale living in our oceans — and there may be others out there.
See also::: Up the Citarum, Without a Paddle,:: The Garbage Project,:: Searching for New Life in the Ocean Depths
«Since no organisms living in the ocean today would have time to adapt to these warmer conditions, many will either go extinct or migrate away from the western Pacific, leaving this area with much lower biodiversity.»
Organisms, including the single - celled bacteria living in the ocean at that early date, need a steady supply of phosphorus, but «it's very hard to account for this phosphorus unless it is eroding from the continents,» says Aaron Satkoski, a scientist in the geoscience department at the University of Wisconsin - Madison.
More distressing news about the decline of life in the oceans came in with another report, which shows that ocean acidification (fueled by ACD) is expected to cause skeletal deformities in half of global juvenile corals, making them increasingly susceptible to dying off.
Just another thread (besides overfishing) which very likely changes life in oceans (species variety et al)!!!
Viruses, which can live in the ocean for days or weeks, can be transported great distances via ocean currents.
Our brain structures are based upon how our species evolved from primitive worms living in the oceans, with limbic systems becoming mutated simply because such things survived to further evolve in random ways mostly affected by our environment and basically random chance.
She would live in the ocean if it was physically possible, but until then, she lives in Toronto, Canada.
Discover who lives in the ocean and count these adorably illustrated sea creatures by popping the plastic dots on one page, then turn the page and pop the sensory dots the opposite way for never ending toddler fun!
«At the heart of the investigation is the question about whether life in the ocean, as it moves about the environment, does any important «mixing,»» says William Dewar, an oceanographer at Florida State University in Tallahassee.
Metagenomics has already been used to sequence people's gut flora, and the geneticist Craig Venter famously tried to sequence the uncounted microbes living in the ocean.
They are also thought to have helped aerate ancient seas, boosting life in the oceans some 750 million years ago.
She was trained as a neuroscientist, but her specialty made her a good fit for the voyage: For her Ph.D. she had studied the neurological signal that triggers the flash of bioluminescence in dinoflagellates (mostly single - celled plankton living in oceans or lakes).
The presence of plate tectonic activity could have important implications for the possibility of life in the ocean thought to exist beneath the moon's surface.
Researchers think the moon's icy crust may be just a few kilometres thick — perhaps thin enough to crack open under tidal stresses and allow life in the oceans below to flourish by absorbing the Sun's energy.
And that this enabled the expansion of complex life in oceans, and paved the way for our own evolution,» says Dr Ernest Chi Fru of Stockholm University, who has led the research group.
They now live in an ocean whose noise impairs their very livelihood, that is perilous.
At a time when life in the oceans is threatened, cephalopods seem able to buck the trend.
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