Sentences with phrase «life is meaningless»

To summarize, our daydreams are of no substance, life is a meaningless blur until we meet our soul mate and that only when we find that one person will our life purpose will be achieved.
The story centers on a group of 13 and 14 year old classmates struggling with what to do when one of them, Pierre, suddenly declares that «life is meaningless,» and promptly climbs a plum tree.
He comes to the realization that life is a meaningless void and it's best to just smile.
After all, even a profound life is meaningless without some laughs now and then.
There's much to be made of the place, or lack thereof, of Catholicism in modern Ireland, but this is not the movie for that; it comes dangerously close to suggesting that life is meaningless and people are cruel without the intervention of Christ, and it never manages to be as affecting as it intends.
Far from satisfying Megamind though, he soon realises that without an enemy, his life is meaningless, especially since his beloved Roxie (Fey), a TV news reporter has no interest in him.
Long time with it makes life is meaningless and our life seems as just we are living.
This is a man who thinks your life is meaningless without religion and who also believes that men and women can't work together because of women's sexualization.
«Without Christ man is meaningless, without man the evolution of life is meaningless, without life the earth is meaningless, but all things have meaning in Jesus Christ, to whom all things visible and invisible are relative, and to whom all things bear witness in their being.»
Some people just have to believe in something and without that «something» then they feel that their life is meaningless and not worthwhile.
The idea that life is meaningless if it doesn't somehow persist forever is the equivalent to a software glitch.
Why do people have to convince themselves that life is meaningless unless there's a spaceman on a cloud that is pulling the strings for them?
If Ra is not god, life is meaningless.
Really though, all life is meaningless before death, except to answer where you will go after.
It's simply what I do; for my life is meaningless, and I feel just a tad bit better judging the mistakes and flaws of others.
as Keller pointed out: if one claims to live in an existence that is — from inception — meaningless, then ALL of life is meaningless.
and if one claims life is meaningless, but then feels the need to fabricate meaning... which is broken: existence or us?
There are two possible conclusions: Either true freedom is impossible, in which case life is meaningless and the world is designed to frustrate human desire; or, true freedom will be realized in a future Kingdom of Christ, when Ego will be finally overthrown.
We also know that life is meaningless, yet we continue with our lives as if we're doing something important in the universe.
Desperate for answers, I turned to the most melancholy parts of the Bible I could find: David's grief - stricken psalms; Ecclesiastes, in which the writer declares that life is meaningless; and Lamentations, written in the form of a funeral dirge.
Even when we see someone who feels that his life is meaningless and as a result contemplates and may even commit suicide, there remains that hidden sense of meaning — for to be a suicide is to say that at least in this way, if in no other, I may act out meaningfully what I think is worth doing.
In which case I see three choices: get on with the party and live it up because this is it, blow your brains out since your life is meaningless, or try to be the fittest and decimate those around you (One with the most toys wins).
you are ignorant if you think atheists think that life is meaningless by definition.
So with our revised definition of meaning, most decisions you make are meaningless, meaning most of your life is meaningless.
When a teenager kills himself and leaves a suicide note stating that the reason he did it is because life is meaningless (the ultimate logical and honest conclusion of atheism), why do we not utilize the same «logic» and blame atheism?
I do NOT believe that life is meaningless.
Clearly, sick and suffering people feel that their lives are meaningless.
First he perceived that his conviction that life was meaningless took only this finite life into account.
Everything will eventually be gone and all life was meaningless.
I had someone call me this morning and say she's devoted eight years of her life to him, and does this mean eight years of her life were meaningless?
But their longer shelf lives are meaningless.
Anyone with eyes to see could tell them their lives are meaningless and they aren't getting any happier.
I read a story decades ago about a man whose life was meaningless.

Not exact matches

The Wall Street Journal in August spoke with a South Korean trader who provided perhaps the best insight into why: «If war breaks out with North Korea and they fire a nuclear weapon, it becomes a matter of life or death, and at that point, what happens in the stock market is meaningless
3) admitting you believe existence to be meaningless at its core, meaningless throughout, and yet we are supposed to fabricate meaning & «just get on with it»... not only is that utterly self - contradictory but it sounds like you saying: «yep, just live life with your head in the sand.»
If it is something not real (that is, it actually is an untrue thing, therefore meaningless), those in whose behalf it is done do nt know anything, and their living reletives shouldnt care one way or the other.
«I am saying if there is no life after death and eventually the sun itself goes out our existence is meaningless.
To believe with all your heart that everything in life is ultimately meaningless and purposeless, but to act like it does have both meaning and purpose is contradictory behavior.
-- Life without an afterlife isn't meaningless.
Their lives before the fall were meaningless and stupid.
It connotes the passage of time; the fleeting moments that make up our memories at the end of our lives; but most importantly, it conveys just how meaningless any gifts would be compared to the gift the Polziecs gave the Gerstens.
But if all we live in is a universe that ultimately has an expiration date, every single thing that we do ultimately is meaningless.
Living one year or one hundred years is meaningless without the Lord in our lives.
Sorry, I kinds missed this:» If it i just to live and then die and stop existing, I feel that that is meaningless.
The moment your religious beliefs turn derisive towards others who just want to live life in peace and happiness, that's the exact moment your beliefs become meaningless.
If it i just to live and then die and stop existing, I feel that that is meaningless.
If the point of the journey is just to be on a journey, then everyone's life is just as meaningful / meaningless and we are still left with no one having meaning in their lives.
If it is meaningless, then there is nothing for which to live.
For those who see prayer as meaningless, is it not because that they have no recognition of a Creator, a Supreme Being who made the universe with all life.
@TG: «For those who see prayer as meaningless, is it not because that they have no recognition of a Creator, a Supreme Being who made the universe with all life.
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