Sentences with phrase «life of adults and children»

Traveling can be a very unsettling time in the life of adults and children alike.
With more than 19 years experience in national and international non-profit work, in 2002 Jenn co-founded Nomad Charities, a registered non-profit dedicated to improving the lives of adults and children that are homeless, exploited and orphaned by the devastation of the HIV / AIDS crisis in Kenya.
The classes transformed her relationship with her children and gave her direct experience of the ways in which the lives of adults and children can change when given the tools to build respectful relationships.

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The treatment, named Kymriah, was hailed by doctors and the life sciences community as a major advance in medicine and a boon to children and young adults with a certain form of leukemia (the group for whom the gene therapy is approved).
People — regardless of their gender — who were independently ranked as conscientious as children and as adults lived longer than their peers who were not conscientious during either phase of their lives.
The portable products to date are mostly improvements on the classic Life Alert «I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up» button, but services to remind taking of medications at precise times, direct doctor - to - device monitoring (as with embedded pacemakers), permitting adult children to easily monitor parents» activity in their homes at a distance, etc. are fast emerging and gaining traction in the marketplaAnd I Can't Get Up» button, but services to remind taking of medications at precise times, direct doctor - to - device monitoring (as with embedded pacemakers), permitting adult children to easily monitor parents» activity in their homes at a distance, etc. are fast emerging and gaining traction in the marketplaand gaining traction in the marketplace.
Typical freelancers, for the purposes of this experiment, are single adults with no children, moderate living expenses and a 1,000 - square foot apartment, «which is a good sized one - bedroom in most cities.»
«Every new person affected by measles in Europe reminds us that unvaccinated children and adults, regardless of where they live, remain at risk of catching the disease and spreading it to others who may not be able to get vaccinated,» said Dr Zsuzsanna Jakab, the organization's regional director for Europe.
There are worrying social impacts downstream as a result of these factors: a lowered marriage rate, more adult children cohabiting with their parents, a reduction in the birthrate, and young people holding off on major life events such as starting relationships or home ownership.
For instance, many Canadian adult households will be making mortgage payments and raising children through a significant part of working life.
Prof. Wolfson and co-author Scott Legree of the University of Waterloo have now completed a new report, called Private Companies, Professionals and Income Splitting, to consider how much income is flowing from CCPCs to spouses or adult children who are living at the same address as the company owner, which could indicate a tax - reduction strategy by splitting income with lower - earning family members.
We've all experienced some form of bullying throughout our lives both as children and as adults, there is no place for this behavior in your Legislature.
Or a young adult with little experience with children and life, and little personal investment in the character and development of the kids?
I don't want the gov» t to come into my home checking that I'm being a responsible adult... In New Hampshire, where I live, there are few gun laws... one of them is you can store and keep a firearm however you want... but if a child gets a hold of it, whatever happens is on you the owner of the firearm.
But when, by contrast, parental love is grounded in the facts of biological and historical bonding, the child lives in a setting offering the kind of acceptance human beings need in order themselves to become capable of adult commitment — a setting in which individuals who are separate but connected can grow and flourish.
Mathewes - Green believes that Baby Boomers» parents shielded their children from the trials of adult life, making us unwilling to grow up and assume our adult roles in society.
In my formative years, I saw excessive use of alcohol and tobacco by adults who were self - absorbed, bored with life, and, in fact, not very interested in their children.
If this quality of relationships is experienced, to some degree, part of the time, then a deep - level religious attitude toward persons and life will be caught by the children and reaffirmed in the adults.
A commitment to the larger good, a sense of wonder, and the ability to say «yes» to life and all it brings are caught by children who experience them in the need - satisfying adults in their early life.
This could only cause confusion in the minds of children (and adults) and fear that they may cause their father to lose his own life.
Parents of large families in which older children have already moved on to adult life report a «squash and a squeeze» effect where each child's birth makes the house a little less bearable until breaking point is almost reached... then older children spend the day at school, then they're off to university and adult life, and slowly the house becomes almost unbearably large.
In the name of stability of life and values, our children are presented with role models of adults who (at least on the surface) make every effort to block out the feelings and influence of the child.
For adults — which our children will become — this requires values that transcend pleasure and possessions, values that give meaning to our actions and our relationships and our whole way of life.
This operational description of growth has proved a valuable tool for breaking the control of the past (Parent / Child) and learning to live in the present (Adult).
Articulating a vision of the family centered on marriage but sensitive to the growing ranks of adults and children who do not live in conventional families is, of course, a challenging assignment.
Murray comes up with a very useful measure of community dysfunction: the percentage of «problematic people,» which he arrives at by combining prime - age males not making a living, single mothers raising children, a guesstimate of prime - age adults who are living alone, and those uninvolved in any community activity.
While many of us can thank God that our children are not likely to die from flu, diphtheria, or polio, or even suffer the mumps, measles, or rubella because of advances in medicine, we must be mindful of the enormous number of children and adults in this country and abroad who are forced to live as if these advances were never made.
Of course, being abused as a child does not excuse the one who abuses children when they are adults (and I know you are not saying that), but it does make one wonder about the cycle of sin that happens in people's liveOf course, being abused as a child does not excuse the one who abuses children when they are adults (and I know you are not saying that), but it does make one wonder about the cycle of sin that happens in people's liveof sin that happens in people's lives.
A comprehensive demographic study of more than 230 countries and territories conducted by the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life estimates that there are 5.8 billion religiously affiliated adults and children around the globe, representing 84 % of the 2010 world population of 6.9 billion.
For a «live» illustration of the use of T.A. in a growth counseling session, listen to cassette course 3A «Using Marriage Problems for Growth,» in Growth Counseling: Enriching Marriage and Family Life) Suffice it here to say that if both persons respond to the counselor's initial presentation of the P - A-C concepts, they should then be coached in using this tool to interrupt Parent - Child transactions and in learning to relate on an Adult - to - Adult basis.
The dumping of all adults into a unified life style called marriage may guarantee to a military empire the child - warriors it needs and to an economic empire the consumer - citizens it is greedy for — but it can not guarantee the existence of the authentic cell of society which is love - justice.
Otherwise, instead of dead fetuses, you'll have dead children and dead adults who have lived shortened lives filled with suffering due to an absence of basic resources like food and health care.
A darker assessment of current child well - being would accord more consistently with what Mintz's entire history reveals: that economic and social trends afflicting adults» lives have an even more negative impact upon the lives of children.
14 Daniel Levinson gives his report of fundamental research on men through mid-life in The Seasons of a Man's Life (a similar report on women is to follow).15 What these and comparable investigations show is that there are predictable stages and transitions in adult life just as we know there are for childlife in The Seasons of a Man's Life (a similar report on women is to follow).15 What these and comparable investigations show is that there are predictable stages and transitions in adult life just as we know there are for childLife (a similar report on women is to follow).15 What these and comparable investigations show is that there are predictable stages and transitions in adult life just as we know there are for childlife just as we know there are for children.
Older adults are sometimes attuned to the lives of children and youth in a congregation in ways that parents are not.
I had to grow up and be an adult... not the dependent child, the subject of a relegated religion, and not even the middle manager of my spiritual life.
Psychosis / most psychiatric illnesses often arise in adolescence or in early adult life however 75 per cent of children with mental health disorders / issues do not get the help they need — I fell into that 75 per cent, I was misdiagnosed by a doctor and then the self - induced trance - like altered state of consciousness induced by intense / deep meditation and prayer coupled with the theology about how prayer and God work in a Christian's life (more on this below) just pushed me right over the edge.
Sadly, many children who are simply prepared for adulthood, just as adults who merely prepare for retirement, find the time and space of their lives monopolized by what is not most important.
The use of supernaturalism to manipulate and control people is the world's oldest confidence scheme, it relies on the ritual abuse of children at their most impressionable stage by adults who have themselves been made childish for life by artifacts of the primitive mind.
Children experience time as moving slowly because they generally live at a less abstract and complex level of consciousness than do adults.
The contributions unloving people might make to children run the risk of damaging them, and there is little doubt on anyone's part that the contributions of hate - filled persons create serious damage to the lives around them, whether child or adult.
The children and young people of every congregation need adults who are able to help them think critically about life values to be their teachers, leaders, and role models.
What is the difference, really, between a four - year - old child who is incapable of making a conscious decision to trust Jesus because of his age and an adult living in outer - Mongolia in 50 A.D. who is incapable of making a decision to trust Jesus because he couldn't possibly hear of him?
Only in a tradition where adults continue to refer to the family life of individual church members as «the Christian home» would pastors, educators, and theologians have continued to believe for so long that parents are more important than the church is to the faith of children.
«The Social Significance of the Traditional Two - Parent Family: The Impact of Its Breakdown on the Lives of Children, Adults, and Societies» reinforces courage with an excellent summary of the pertinent findings from social science.
The great interest of the study arises from the fact that, as the years went by, the researchers noticed that many of the children they had identified as «at high risk» (i.e., children subject to four or more serious disadvantages) were able to lead satisfying and socially productive lives as adults.
How should the parents of single young adults respond to twenty - five - and thirty - year - old «children» who live lives so different from their own years as young adults?
While Christian parents may rightly wish to prevent premature sexual experimentation and possibly disastrous relationships, a parent of a young adult actually has little control over the private life of grown «children
But all contractual relationships are first founded on a prior community of kinship relations, which themselves are founded on ineluctable biological realities of mammalian life: mother / child, begetter / conceiver, infant / adult, and so forth.
I have deliberately left out of the discussion such topics as ethics and the Christian family — although I have talked about responsibility, both for one's own adult behavior and for helping one's children develop the essential emotional equipment with which to face life.
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