Sentences with phrase «life of cell phones»

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Cell phone bills, followed by transportation, rent and utilities, tops the list of living expenses, and with debt, parents are most commonly helping with student loans, followed by auto bills, medical debt and credit card bills.
Millennials, for instance, have always had cell phones in their lives, and think of them as a tool to communicate with others.
Savannah thinks that VAL is a better way to create live streams with a cell phone — a theory that is about to be assessed by a group that includes Kara Swisher, the no - nonsense editor of Recode.
A greater portion of adults living in poverty (66 %) and near poverty (59 %) were relying solely on cell phone service, the CDC said.
In China some cell phones, buses, and cars will be able to receive live HDTV broadcasts of the 2008 Beijing Olympics this summer.
Beyong the threat of radiation, there are many good reasons to continue studying how cell phones affect our lives.
While we thrive thanks to lightning speed Internet connections, cell phones that are smarter than the average human being and other neat gadgets that make our lives feel and seem easier, we are exhausting a number of non-renewable resources.
Cell phone has become a very important part of every person's life.
Legislation pushing cell phone carriers to activate emergency FM radio receivers in all cell phones during times of duress is necessary, and will save lives in a natural disaster.
I was inspired by the vulnerability of that culture; the way people spill their life out over their cell phones while you're sitting next to them on the subway.
The kind of science that makes the claim for evolution is NOT the same science that gives us the great quality of life that most of us have everyday (medicine, cars, electricity, airplanes, cell phones, etc).
David Robert Mitchell's film lives in a kind of temporal nowhere - land of modernity and antiquity, where there are few, if any, cell phones or computers but plenty of porn magazines.
The double meaning is that they are prayers from a cell phone, or they are the articulations of desperate prayers from the prison cells we sometimes experience in life.
A tacit assumption is that PowerPoint computer presentations are merely a means to an end, a value - neutral tool used for innocent, perhaps even noble purposes: enlarging text for the hard of seeing; reducing the demand for and thus the production of printed materials; and bringing younger people, who spend much of their lives in front of screens — TV, computer, cell phone, PDA — into worship.
For those who aren't in Miami and won't be able to catch it in person, yet still want to watch players pointing their cell phones at crowds of people while the people in the crowds point their cell phones at the players, the parade will be streamed live on ESPN3 and, one can only assume, the Watch ESPN app.
That is domestic violence and I was with this jerk / loser for 17 years, unknowingly attracted to him, and not even aware he was dating and screwing hookers, and living this double life, which came to the surface in 2011, and he kept cheating one after the after, begging me for mercy, but I had no where in my heart to feel anything for him, he had violated my trust, and when that trust was violated in 2011, he had nothing else left, but to continuing with his sex addiction on date sites, and on his cell phone where he never spoke to me, only told me to «shut the fuck up» even if I offered him food or a cup of tea!
Generation Z, the youngest generation and the offspring of Millennials, is growing up tech - supervised at every turn of their life with wireless baby monitors, baby wearables, parenting apps, smart home cameras, and cell phone trackers.
It's right there on their phone, which is, you know, we all can't live without our cell phones, so... It's right there, it's easy and it's convenient, and it's educating moms, it's giving them support, and giving them resources that... One of the things that I read about the app was that it will send them helpful link sometimes for whatever information they are seeking.
And the crumbs in the edges of my cell phone case — those are disgusting but so my life!
Yeah, cell phones are a big part of our life nowadays but don't get involved in any long conversations or discussions.
Aside from the basics and generic marvels of modern invention (roof over my head, car, cell phones, internet, elevators, dishwashers, tampons, etc, etc), in my own life and particular circumstances I'm especially grateful for my Ergo baby carrier, very involved and very good Grandparents on both sides, a very involved and very amazing husband, and the luxury of eating out more often than I should.
Your lack of judgement asounds me, and having more concern for your cell phone than your child shows ultimate recklessness with your child's life.
I would live to hear more about your opinions on disciplining older children at some point - I'm curious what you think of time - outs / grounding, removing privileges like car keys or cell - phone, etc..
We sat down with our kids and looked closely at their day - to - day lives and then decided on what we would pay for such as clothing, cell phone plans and after - school activities and sports fees and then gave them a budget for the rest such as entertainment (the price of a movie ticket once a month), gifts (birthdays, holidays, church), their craving for school cafeteria food — which we capped at twice a week — plus a small stipend.
According to a new survey report from the Pew Internet and American Life Project, 88 percent of registered voters have some kind of cell phone, and of those, over half are smartphone users.
An attempt to judge the public reaction to the speech by analyzing social media posts on the fly, alongside the impressions of people using a live - polling application on their cell phones.
Photonics are used in nearly every part of our daily lives, from cell phones to bar coding.
The suspects were also found in possession of one Golf car; two Ak - 47 rifles; one locally made pistol; three live cartridges; five cell phones; assorted charms; a touch light and the sum of N86, 000.
He said, «We recovered the following items from the suspects: one Golf car; two Ak - 47 rifles; one locally made pistol; three live cartridges; five cell phones; assorted charms; a touch light and the sum of N86, 000.
Live interviewers surveyed 1,317 registered voters via land lines and cell phones, and the poll has a 2.7 percent margin of error.
Planning board chairman Drew Boggess, a Rotron engineer and manager, was nominated by his wife Judith and again seconded by Horner, who noted his background as someone familiar with technical aspects of modern life... a theme quietly played out over the evening as some noted Rozzelle's unfamiliarity with and distaste for voice mail, cell phones and email.
The poll of 673 likely voters in the district was conducted by live operators who called land lines and cell phones on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Already used in cell phones and other small devices, OLEDs were not initially employed in TVs because of a short life span of only a few thousand hours of use.
The consequences of modern life, eating and staying up later, shift work, cell phone addiction, and travel across time zones, all disturb internal clocks.
So many moments of our lives are chronicled in social media and with cell phones now.
There is, thanks to the spread of Internet access and smartphones, more information on our daily lives than could have been imagined even a decade ago: We Google our aches and pains and stalk our former lovers, leaving a virtual trail of our daily movements simply by carrying a cell phone.
No one knew where I was — this was before the era of cell phones — and I had to try and save my life.
Eventually, plant - based solar cells might be built into the case of a laptop computer or cell phone to extend battery life.
Today, his legacy is evident in everyday life, far outside the labs of physicists — from cell phones and satellite communications to nuclear power plants to medical scanning devices.
In fact, if the bonds holding the key molecules of life together could be broken at the energy levels of cell phones, there would be no life at all because the various natural sources of energy from the environment would prevent such bonds from ever forming in the first place.
If you do choose to employ just a cell phone, make sure you have one of those pocket batteries that allows you to get an instant charge when the «battery life is at 10 %» notification pops up on screen, and keep it with you at all times.
Still, cell phone bans may save lives, says David Strayer, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.
The convenience and relatively low cost of cell phones in the U.S. has made them an indispensable part of life.
Whether or not these studies are valid, on top of the lessening quality of life that I perceive to be caused by my personal cell phone use, questions about my health and my impact on the environment are enough motivation for me to put this particular technology away for a while.
Now, sure, I can leave my cell phone at home, but there's still that expectation of making a connection, a constant state of «reachability,» if you like, in which we are all expected to live.
Even though both men and women say that their cell phones allow job worries to affect their home lives, only women experience the opposite effect — the spillover of home concerns into work.
Tools such as Skype, Internet - based video chat, and even cell phones are allowing potential clients to search for a coach who can address their unique needs, regardless of where they live.
Modern life inflicts constant assaults on our bodies in the way of industrialized foods, environmental toxins, chronic stress, lack of sleep, and even electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) from cell phones and computers.
Feelings of «everyone is watching me in gym class», to how world events affect their lives, to a deep longing for the latest and greatest cell phone are just some of the examples of self - centeredness teens can express.
mammography), and those merely «suspected» or probable contributing agents including nutritional, emotional, spiritual factors, cellular oxygen deprivation, fungal pathogens, lymphatic restriction, geopathic stress, viruses, fluorescent lighting, toxic chemicals & pesticides, parasites, aspartame, cell phones, lack (or blockages) of «life force energy» etc..
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