Sentences with phrase «life of the believer»

And we live in times that are, in their way, even more stressful for the religious practice and intellectual life of believers.
Rather, like Luther, they believe that «[w] hen our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, «Repent,» he willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance.»
Muslim's Lifestyle: he teachings of Islam not only set forth a stern religion, but they govern the total life of the believers as well.
The revelation of God to the fathers of Israel must be confirmed and renewed in the inner life of every believer.
Another modernizing element is the transformation of the daily life of the believer toward a new ethic proposed by the religious group.
As Luther said in the first of his 95 Theses, «When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said «Repent,» he intended that the entire life of believers should be repentance.»
The life of a believer in Christ is demonstrated through their service to all mankind — «by this shall all men know that you are my disciples, because you have love for one another».
It was exciting because my theology was changing and I was discovering new vistas on about the grace of God and the role of faith and works in the life of believers.
That happens in the life of any believer sometimes.
Lots of people wonder about the role of good works in the life of the believer.
Baptism is a step of obedience in the life of a believer.
Our struggle starts like this: All Christian disciplines are beautiful and beneficial in the life of a believer.
b) In my entire Christian and atheist experience, I have never witnessed, in the lives of believers or non believers, any significant difference that would confirm to me that believers are in any way influenced by a loving supernatural God.
This was apprehended by the believer at conversion by faith and was actualized in the life of the believer over a course of a lifetime.
Were doctrinal statements true in an objective sense, or were they true only because of their subjective impact in the life of the believer?
Cobb contends that the Wesleyan project, yesterday and today, centers on love, faith, good works, and the Holy Spirit's action in the lives of believers and in their life together.
As you have discovered, there is a lot of confusion among Bible teachers, pastors, seminary professors, and Christian authors about the role of faith and works in the life of the believer.
I too struggle with how best to explain the role of works in the life of the believer.
The rich biblical understanding of faith, including the living faith that transforms the life of the believer, is reduced simply to trust.
Hopefully this will be enough for now to steer you in the right direction on the role of faith and works in the life of the believer.
An earlier version of this book was of immense help to me as I learned about the roles of faith and works in the life of the believer, and how to understand most of the tough texts in the Bible on this topic.
Lots of Christians struggle with the role of faith and works in the life of the believer.
There are certainly other distinctions that could be made, but these are some of the basic ideas to get you started as you seek to understand the role of faith and works in the life of the believer.
Despite all the attendant dangers and reservations, a few biblical scholars are now seeking the illumination which psychological models bring to the text and the lives of believers.
The context is not ancient history, in the life of the believer Christian or not, as they live today.
What role does water play in the life of the believer, and what does it symbolize?
God not only invades the life of the believer through the Holy Spirit, but takes possession of that life, filling it with new meaning.
For others, though — especially for some conservative and fundamentalist Christians - Halloween is a celebration of evil and has no place in the life of a believer.
Origen, one of the giants of Christian thought, helped the church in the third century to perceive the rule of Christ in the life of the believer, not in the external world.
It will also value fidelity to the revealed and transcendent nature of Scripture and its central role in the faith and life of believers.
The role of faith and works in the life of the believer is a controversial issue.
In the life of a believer (Job is an example) the devil and his minions are limited by what The Lord allows them.
Stalin's nefarious 1929 law, which had completely subjugated the churches, was abolished, along with the dreaded Council for Religious Affairs, the arm of the KGB which had «supervised» the lives of believers.
This movement began inside Evangelical churches, though, and emphasizes the work of the Spirit in the life of the believer just as Pentecostal and charismatic churches do.
Jesus says in John 16:14 that one of the main ways the Holy Spirit works in the life of the believer is by bringing glory to Jesus Christ.
There are a wide variety of applications that this sort of truth might take in the life of the believer.
They were looked upon as an expression of the power of papal universalism; the popes and churchmen who sponsored these enterprises hoped that they would demonstrate to the whole world the strength of the church's control over the lives of the believers.
The writer of Ephesians uses the language of courtship and marriage to convey the passion and mystery of Christ's union with the church.12 Yet anticipation of full union with Christ does not deny the reality of inevitable daily conflict between the «old» and the «new» in the life of believers.
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