Sentences with phrase «life of the protagonist»

Internationally acclaimed Finnish filmmaker, photographer, and video artist Eija - Liisa Ahtila is known mainly for complex multi-screen narratives that reveal the fragile inner life of her protagonists, as well as the tenuous line separating fantasy from reality.
Thus, the day to day lives of the protagonists are of scarcely any interest, though Spielberg obviously thought he ought to try to make us care about the inevitable romance of Wade and Olivia Cooke's Samantha (or the pixie - ish Art3mis, as she becomes on planet - VR).
Navid Danesh's resonant and moving depiction of the impact the past has on the present lives of its protagonists is both culturally specific and universal in its reach.
Yes, the book exceeds the five hundred - page mark and thus requires a certain commitment, but the long and sometimes exhausting mental journey springs primarily from Atkinson's cleverness in using unconventional structure to her advantage — the pathway of the repeated lives of protagonist Ursula Todd.
Her multi-screen narratives reveal the fragile inner life of her protagonists, as well as the tenuous line separating fantasy from reality.
The music and sound design are strong too, especially during an astonishing climax where a heavy storm threatens the lives of the protagonists.
A drama teacher once told me that great drama is about the most important day in the life of the protagonist.
That said, Red Dead Redemption wasn't the depressive kind of serious like Max Payne was, a franchise which practically thrived on making the life of its protagonist as miserable as possible.
Engulf in the journey of land inhibited by fierce mechanical creatures and explore the life of protagonist Aloy to safeguard the fate of planet Earth.
Another dramatization of a real - life story of unlikely survival within a harsh environment, Jungle attempts to dig into the inner life of its protagonist, while exploring and challenging the concepts of masculinity that got him in this predicament in the first place.
Now a film like this, where the narrative is in and around a year of the life of the protagonist, fails or succeeds on the main actor's performance.
Following various threads from the lives of his protagonists, Betbeder traces their romantic travails and grave life challenges with the intimacy and casual warmth of storytelling between friends.
Someone whose presence in the lives of the protagonist and her friends alternately infuriates and scares you.
On another note, I read many years back that good plotting dictates that you begin your story at the point closest to the incident that will forever change the life of the protagonist.
While its exact meaning has not been established, the Pitti painting seems to represent a symbolic turning point in the life of the protagonist, who literally turns away from his companion toward the older figure, interrupting the performance.
That said, Red Dead Redemption wasn't the depressive kind of serious like Max Payne was, a franchise which practically thrived on making the life of its protagonist as miserable as possible.
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