Sentences with phrase «life outside the lab»

A functioning workaholic, Weiss enjoyed a full life outside the lab, too.
But life outside the lab has also been awesome.
People that do not have a life outside the lab tend to be very grumpy.
But striking a balance between work and life outside the lab — whether it's family responsibilities, hobbies, or time spent with friends — can improve both personal well - being and scientific productivity.
«She's been like a cheerleader for me, understanding that I have a life outside the lab
Kathryn Shows, a postdoc at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond who studies the genetic disorder Treacher Collins syndrome, credits her postdoctoral adviser and mentor for helping her return to science after leaving to start a family: «She encouraged me to come back, and she's been like a cheerleader for me, understanding that I have a life outside the lab
As a graduate student, you probably have the opportunity to determine the research schedule that is right for you, both for your research productivity and your life outside the lab.
Striking a balance between work and life outside the lab — whether it's family responsibilities, hobbies, or time spent with friends — can improve both personal well - being and scientific productivity
«It's easy to forget there's life outside the lab,» Cohen says.
«It won't be able to live outside the lab
As life in the laboratory was different, so was life outside the lab.
To cope with the worries of finding a career path, neuroscience Ph.D. candidate Sam Israel recommends sticking to the basics: adequate sleep, relationships, hobbies, and a life outside the lab.
Despite her great dedication, Beddington created a life outside the lab.
Without discouraging those eager and available to work long hours, Barker's book offers the promise of an alternative — sound management leading to greater productivity — for those who want to have a life outside the lab.
\ nSo it seems the usual story of someone who did not believe that her career would survive telling unpleasant truth, like she needed more time to do the experiments (was tired, needed a life outside the lab, whatever else..)
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