Sentences with phrase «life patterns not»

Unseen forces that have held family members captive in life patterns not previously understood come to light.

Not exact matches

«He didn't want me to have the same conceptual problem... for the rest of my life, meaning he didn't want me to repeat this pattern of going through the motions and expecting good results.»
Consider a second pattern of focus that affects the quality of your life: Do you tend to focus more on what you can control or what you can't?
«City officials may not understand that they will get access to very little of what Google learns from their citizens... Meanwhile, Google will be gaining insights about urban life — including energy use, transit effectiveness, climate mitigation strategies, and social service delivery patterns — that it will then be able to resell to cities around the world.
Most life transformations follow a similar pattern: Planning alone leads to more planning, not action.
Available in a variety of colors and patterns to match your living room decor, it folds up neatly when not in your lap.
[30:08] Life is too short to suffer [31:01] It's the thoughts that are stressful that you believe that mess you up — when you question them, you break the pattern [31:20] The more you train yourself to do it, the easier it becomes [31:40] Don't wait to be rich, richness is joy and abundance [32:01] Loss, Less, Never: the sources of all suffering [32:06] The antidote is to see it for what it is, know it's «BS,» and find something to appreciate [33:49] So much of our life has become about expectatLife is too short to suffer [31:01] It's the thoughts that are stressful that you believe that mess you up — when you question them, you break the pattern [31:20] The more you train yourself to do it, the easier it becomes [31:40] Don't wait to be rich, richness is joy and abundance [32:01] Loss, Less, Never: the sources of all suffering [32:06] The antidote is to see it for what it is, know it's «BS,» and find something to appreciate [33:49] So much of our life has become about expectatlife has become about expectation.
Instead, there was a short - lived bounce that inevitably attracted some «late to the party» Charlies who were not paying attention to the bearish volume patterns in the market.
The index doesn't reflect changes in the quality of items over time and can't tell us much about the spending patterns of the poor, or of people living outside of urban areas.
In that moment, it was not my life that flashed before my eyes but a tableau, revealing the ingrained patterns of my long practiced selfishness.
Lee's plans are not silver bullets, but they can be part of an economic agenda that can appeal to persuadable Hispanics and African Americans (who — due to residency patterns — are more likely to live near people who are economically struggling) and working - class whites.
This decision should not be interpreted as an incipient feminism in Southern Baptist life (out of more than forty thousand churches, only a few dozen have female pastors), but rather as an affirmation of a pattern of cooperation that has served Baptist mission causes well for more than a century.
Our bodies» patterns of life tell us that our brain can't focus longer than 90 minutes at a time without a 20 - 30 minute break in between.
But I don't think we live in such a time, at least not with respect to the sadly familiar patterns of crime and police violence when it comes to race.
Not only are those sensible ways of living but they're also things that create community, interdependence, the sort of life that we're made for together — and break the patterns of unsustainability and also land us in a place where we're the wealthiest country in the world and also one of the most lonely, medicated and depressed people in the world.
The variations in the lives of the saints suggests that holy people do not conform to a predetermined pattern.
Croesus» hubris results in the loss of his kingdom, and his freedom, to Cyrus, who in turn repeats the pattern: After gaining great wealth, he decides - even though Croesus himself warns him against it - to invade a poor country, and he loses not only the war with the Massagetae but also his life.
The lives of the saints do not present us with a new theory of virtue, but a new way of teaching, a new strategy that builds on the tradition of examples, but enriches it by unfolding a pattern of holiness over the course of a lifetime.
Not only do the lives offer the unexpected, saints who do not always conform to stock virtues or conventional patterns, they also put a new figure on the stage, the holy womNot only do the lives offer the unexpected, saints who do not always conform to stock virtues or conventional patterns, they also put a new figure on the stage, the holy womnot always conform to stock virtues or conventional patterns, they also put a new figure on the stage, the holy woman.
If one has built a career, a home and family in a given community, the real world cost of outwardly contradicting the behavioural patterns of that community is too high for those unwilling to abandon not just the supernatural tenets and reliigious rites, but everything they've built in their lives up to that point.
These same male psychic patterns operate in our economic lifenot only in that of the criminal underworld but throughout the corporate - capitalist system.
From the earliest weeks of life, when an infant is taught to control hunger in order to meet the sleeping needs of parents and to fit into a social pattern in which people do not eat during the night; through babyhood, where etiquette skills include learning conventional greetings such as morning kisses and waving bye - bye; to toddler training in such concepts as sharing toys with a guest, refraining from hitting, and expressing gratitude for presents, manners are used to establish a basis for other virtues.
Here the Supreme Court began to set in legal concrete the notion that sexual morals and patterns of family life are matters of private choice or taste, not matters of public concern in which the state has a legitimate interest.
They teach that if you have patterns of habitual sin in your life, you have good reason to question whether or not you actually have eternal life.
The reality is that though we have all become experts at our own pain cycle, we don't always live in that pattern.
Why then should I be afraid or filled with grief, if the essential thing in my life remains untouched, if the pattern will not be broken off but will be extended further without any harmful interruption of continuity?
Entry into this relationship of grace and faith involves the imitation of Christ, but this does not mean an imitation of the individual pattern of life which was required of him by his unique vocation; it means the imitation of his total commitment to God, his obedience to God's will, and his attitude of unswerving love for others which was the fruit of his openness to God.
The tragic hero is not cured but saved, by an identification with the transcendent pattern of tragic life.
(Matt 28:19, 20) Why are they content to speak in their church but not go to individual's homes, as Jesus did, to assist them to make changes in their personality that conforms to Jesus life pattern,» stripping off the old personality» and putting on the «new personality»?
The famous treatise by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, «Live Not by Lies,» typifies this pattern of Russian thought.
It is important to understand, it seems to me, that the LCP should be considered unacceptable under all circumstances, not simply for Catholics but universally, since it is based on an ideological notion about the end of life, a pressing of all supposedly dying patients into a predetermined pattern of treatment involving the withdrawal of food and hydration (itself an unacceptable procedure under all circumstances) and not on an evidence - based assessment of the needs of individual patients.
With a number of fellow pastors who became lifelong friends, Rauschenbusch studied, read, talked, debated and plumbed the new social theories of the day, especially those of the non-Marxist socialists whom John C. Cort has recently traced in Christian Socialism (Orbis, 1988) The pastors wove these theories together with biblical themes to form» «Christian Sociology,» a hermeneutic of social history that allowed them to see the power of God's kingdom being actualized through the democratization of the economic system (see James T. Johnson, editor, The Bible in American Law, Politics and Rhetoric [Scholars Press, 1985]-RRB- They pledged themselves to new efforts to make the spirit of Christianity the core of social renewal at a time when agricultural - village life was breaking down and urban - cosmopolitan patterns were not yet fully formed.
Science in the usual sense does not deal adequately with the factor of coded sequence; it does not often even advert to it, though the use of computer models is beginning to enhance our understanding of the many possible patterns of information at every level of matter and life.
Personally, I like to struggle; I'm not very good at submission, but we see the pattern of struggle followed by submission in the lives of the Old Testament Patriarchs — Jacob for instance, wrestling with the angel.
But for this Christianity in the world itself, the decisive task of the Church is definitely not a facile preparation of concrete patterns for such a Christian life, of such a kind that it would only be necessary to copy them obediently, conscientiously and comfortably for one to be ipso facto a good Christian.
It is obvious not all maintained the pattern of sober, industrious life.
For that life the Church does not offer patterns, but strength to endure it even without patterns, and it offers this strength precisely by fulfilling the religious function which properly belongs to it.
A similar pattern appeared in response to an extreme anti-Otherworldly view: «It is not as important to worry about life after death as about what one can do in this life
After reading this beautiful summation of Alexander's life work, I couldn't help but return this week to A Pattern Language.
Churches need to help people in the art and practice of prayer, but not by denying the reality of the world we live in, not by calling us into patterns or practices we can not possibly adopt without serious mind - bending exercises.
Although even then I recognized that there were unrealistically alarmist elements in Ehrlich's book, it was clear to me that I could not continue to think and act as if the basic patterns of our global life were tolerable.
Because we think that we have rejected asceticism, we do not recognize the extent to which behavior patterns based on the first model are operative in contemporary life.
In archaic religion each man finds meaning by repeating the creation, or to put it the other way about, he finds meaning by projecting the pattern of his own little story into the great story which explains not only his own little life but how things are.
The inherited models by which men saw their lives as meaningful were breaking down simply because their lives were not fitting those patterns.
I'm not talking about enabling other people's destructive patterns while wrecking our own lives.
For the Western world, the main alternative to the pattern of repetition of the foundation - story in the individual life story developed in the Hebrew and Christian vision of sequential, successive time, a time of historical struggle and openness, a time which did not wash out the unique, unrepeatable event, but dignified it by giving it its own place in the unrolling process.
From this standpoint, the task of intelligence in relation to sex is not to master it or to control it in the way of earlier restrictive patterns of life, but to discover means of securing maximum sexual satisfaction for all people.
It is remarkable that this simple fact of human life fits in so closely with the pattern of the Christian interpretation of existence — so remarkable that we may be pardoned if we believe that it is not really accidental at all, but providential.
We have looked at various aspects of the pattern of the universe: at the way infinitesimal entities consisting mostly of empty space make up a solid world; at the existence of not only life itself but also conscious life; at the presence of ethical and aesthetic faculties in us; and at the soft but persistent pull toward love.
The problem, of course, is that it is hard for one person to live in ways that are not touched and shaped by the larger patterns of her culture, and ours is still a culture unfriendly to modesty.
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