Sentences with phrase «life someone are living»

Either the presence of human life is life, and human life is a person, or it is not.
We encourage those, who like us, see the possibilities when life is lived with sleeves rolled up and minds left open.
This is where life is lived for the joy of it all, where rushing is rude, and the name of a new friend is never forgotten.
We encourage those, who like us, see the possibilities when life is lived with sleeves rolled up and minds left open.
The natural way of living is living the way that is created by God.
The little kids who gleefully run around these halls and swampy backfields don't seem to notice the disparity between their pastel - coloured surroundings and the hard - luck life they're living.
There was God and man; now there is also Jesus Christ, in whom God and man are so inextricably and personally united — united in act and not only in thought — that the very conditions of the divine - human relationship, and, by implication and application, the situation in which human life itself is lived in relationship to God, are different from what they were before, or from what they would be apart from, this fact.
The little kids who gleefully run around these hallways and swampy backfields don't seem to notice the disparity between their pastel - colored surroundings and the hard - luck life they're living.
Here at Treasury Wine Estates we encourage those who, like us, see the possibilities when life is lived with sleeves rolled up and minds left open.
Are you satisfied with the life you're living?
«True life is lived when tiny changes occur.»
I think work is work and life is life.
And this is scary for people because your digital life IS your life.
Their lives were lives of ever - present risk, says Sutphen, managing partner at the Brunswick Group, an advisory and consulting firm based in Washington, D.C..
Spiritual: staying true to and furthering profoundly held beliefs and values, whether they're expressed as a traditional faith or simply resound in the way life is lived.
You don't have to settle for the life you're living — reach your peak performance and start getting lasting results today!
Yet as exuberantly as life is lived, it's somehow simpler here.
Life is lived with passion, in plazas and parks, in mercados and shopping malls, in wealthy colonias and poor barrios alike.
All of the actions that you do in your life are your life.
We said that the only thing that can interrupt family life is life - and - death stuff.
It's such a strange idea for someone in heaven to even have when your life was lived to forgive, care, empathize, reach out, offer hope, pray for, etc..
«Life is life, and things should be taken as they come.
Ask yourself some good questions like: «Am I proud of the life I'm living?
On television, the popular Walton family series met a special kind of hunger for a family whose common life was lived with the graces of that transcendence.
Robert - the high price you are paying for possibly being wrong is the life you are living.
Nevertheless, he states that «For me a balanced intellectual life is a life of immersion in high technology pursued in a nurturing and remote natural environment.»
The political order includes this value, but it adds others such as the general well - being of the body politic, fairness, and the well - being also of the environmnent in which human life is lived.
Your life is your life: we can't all do this and we all don't have this.
She took Jesus at His Word: Real life is lived on your knees.
The blessed life is the life of the widow, the life of she who gives, and she who trusts.
Our entire lives are lived in worship, it ends up how we perceive it.
The Christian life is lived in freedom from the norms and expectations of the world because Christians live by divine standards; it is lived in celebration because they claim to live in the reign of God.
his life is lived out of transcendence, precisely because he has given himself to the eschatological situation introduced by John the Baptist.
His whole life was a life of knocking, seeking to understand the meaning of the Christ event.
No Hebrew person in that time (and perhaps no Israeli even today) would see a faithful life being lived alone.
It is taken for granted in the recorded teaching of Jesus (and in the New Testament generally) that this life is lived against a background of what can literally be translated as «the Life of the Ages.»
«You shall not bear false witness» is a call to a life that is open, free, vulnerable, and risky, but that is where life is lived, and that is where its meaning is found.
The Eucharist was a sign of the Church's distinctness from the world, a sign that she constituted a new «city» that had invaded the ancient city, a sign that, contrary to Aristotle, the virtuous life was lived in the Church rather than in the Greek polis.
The unsurrendered life is the life of the cage.
Man, like all other forms of terrestrial life from which he has evolved, is a physical mortal creature, whose life is lived within those limits of space and time to which his creatureliness subjects him.
Many in life are living like the army of God in that day.
The moral life is lived within limits that often severely restrict the ongoing assumption that we wish to do good.
You only have to spend a few minutes with Charlynne Boddie before you realise her life is a living demonstration of Jesus» words «with God all things are...
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