Sentences with phrase «life span»

"Life span" refers to the length of time that something is expected to live or exist. It can be used to talk about the duration of a person's life, the longevity of a particular species, or even the lifetime of an object. Full definition
For most people to get beyond the average life span of about 78, the variation has to do with lifestyle, with being healthy.
It can reach about 15 - 20 feet per year, with an average life span of about 5 - 7 years.
Due to the short life span of pets in relation to people, proper home care of your pet's teeth becomes an important health measure.
After all, you've probably heard about the scientific studies showing that drinking wine is associated with better health in general, and a longer life span in particular.
In good news for food lovers, studies threw doubt on the idea that restricting calories to very low levels might extend life span in humans.
The rapid decline in birth rates from 1960 to 1980 and the extended life span of people 65 and older have changed the face of many religious institutions.
Better health care, nutrition, and genetic background have added to an increasing life span in dogs.
Most devices have about a two - to - three year life span for support, before they are phased out.
Advances in medicine, nutrition and diagnostics have led to longer life spans for pets just as they have for their owners.
Unless you're experiencing declining health or have a family history of shortened life spans, medical advances make it likely that you're going to spend many years in retirement.
If that's the case, it would mean that stopping aging would not extend human life span by much.
With pet and human life spans increasing, more and more senior pets are ending up in shelters and rescues through no fault of their own.
Human females can live a normal life span with the disease, as can female mice — the latter species also frequently becomes obese.
The standard warranty and expected life span on flat panel displays is shorter; between three and seven years.
That's bad news: Y chromosome loss has been linked to a shorter life span as well as a higher risk of cancer.
Lastly, you expect a dramatically limited life span of 12 months or less in the absence of extensive medical treatment.
This friction forces use of expensive rings, and ultimately reduce life span of engine block itself.
Researchers have discovered a large - and continually growing - number of ways to significantly extend healthy and maximum life span in mice.
That 24 - hour period constitutes the entire life span of this time traveler.
The typical life span on gas caps is 5 - 6 years.
It is clear that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is the foundation of avoiding chronic diseases, extending healthy life spans, and possibly optimizing fertility.
The concept of a natural life span needs, finally, a grounding in our biological nature, not just in our history.
Also, my understanding is that a 25 % increase in median life span would bring us up to 100, which would mean a reduction of mortality at very old ages too.
I didn't like the stock battery's short life span between charges, but an extended battery took care of that problem.
The average life span from diagnosis is two to five years.
It can require monitoring or therapies but does not necessarily affect life span.
All of these strategies make charter schools more appealing to lenders by aligning their legal life spans more closely with that of mortgages and bonds.
«In our hands, we see a robust life span extension,» he says.
Possibly it will accelerate the trend of decreasing life spans even more.
You should also know that in order to ensure a good life span for these diapers, you'll need a stash of at least 24 per child.
It's possible that those in the healthy food group had an extended life span because they had a reduced rate of chronic disease.
Permanent life insurance lasts your full life span regardless of age or how long you've had the policy.
I knew all that, yet the prospect of a slimmer body, better health and longer life span did not motivate me to change my eating habits.
One is a product of ignorance and one of knowledge and both will be in infinite supply as long as we have finite life spans and share cultural knowledge.
A third goal can be called maximizing life expectancy, aiming for life spans beyond 150 years and then indefinitely long after that.
It is really a good thing to do to improve life span and overall quality of health.
They try to tell the whole life span of their subject making the film feel rushed and a bit generic in its approach.
Turns out that interactions with the opposite sex really do control life span, at least if you're an insect or a worm.
Because adult life spans are only about a month, the journey is a family affair: Up to six generations are needed to make the round trip.
Throughout its three - month life span, the plant now emits a green glow that's about as luminous as a glow - in - the - dark stick - on star.
When you combine this with our longer life spans when compared to previous generations, there are a lot more seniors who are single, than there use to be.
With an expected remaining life span of less than a year or two, insurance companies began offering this rider.
Large dog breeds tend to have shorter life spans due to extensive strain on their cardiovascular and skeletal system.
The breed has a very long life span compared to many other breeds.
It has a 10 year life span making it one of the best to purchase for your baby.
Some 85 percent of all large dams will have passed their projected life spans by 2020.
Our DNA shows that our ancestors had roughly the same life span as we do (though shorter life expectancy due to environment / medical knowledge).
An increased life span means more number of years post the retirement.
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