Sentences with phrase «life stuff»

The phrase "life stuff" refers to the various activities, experiences, and responsibilities that make up a person's daily life. It includes things like work, chores, relationships, and other things people typically have to deal with in their day-to-day existence. Full definition
Some real life stuff got in my way as well.
I love that you included normal life stuff on this list too!
Perhaps it would be a good idea to try and get all of her end - of - life stuff in order, including burial insurance.
But then you know, typical life stuff happened and sadly I forgot all about it.
Or are you staying away from toys to life stuff like this?
People make money and spend it on regular life stuff.
Her blog focuses on a little bit of everything from life stuff to parenting to travel.
I've been really busy with other important life stuff.
Taking general life stuff into consideration kind of shows where the flaws exist.
I often get so far behind in my own work and all the other life stuff thrown my way that I hardly have the time to comment on posts anymore.
I struggled with how to integrate real life stuff into a fluffy little sewing blog.
Daily life stuff plus donating items and clothing and gathering all my travel essentials for the trip!
I also love helping individuals with just basic day to day life stuff.
The point of it all is to actually live this stuff out in real - world relationships by loving other people.
We have to know our stuff, and we have to have lived our stuff if we want to build a relationship of trust.
It's so nice to do this healthy living stuff together.
I've been going through some rough life stuff, and seeing your name pop up in my comments brought me a smile!
It's about running a cafe and raising a dragon — you know, normal small - town life stuff.
And I've had a lot of real life stuff that did serious damage to what I've been able to put out in the last two years.
Don't get me wrong, I love all the CC sign - up bonuses and travel rewards posts, but in terms of super important life stuff, this article is great.
, and just general life stuff, have all kept us very, well... busy.
(Please note that puppies are not live stuffed animals, small people in a stuffed animal's body, nor an actual mini bear.
Nor, after his youthful run for mayor of New York, was Newman's life the stuff of bio-pics.
The UNEP reports that purport to show otherwise give a misleading impression by assuming the world ends in 2070, by failing to adequately take into account co-emittent of brown carbon (i.e. not really many strategies available to reduce soot alone), and by failing to ask the question of whether one could do better by ignoring short lived stuff for 50 - 100 years and putting the resources into CO2 reduction instead.
I chat about life stuff, it's not just «my books» all the time.
I LOVE the work you have done on your two story tan, and I can't wait to see where you go (not just in house stuff, but in life stuff too).
They share their boring lives with each other as friendships manifest itself in the most natural of ways... boring life stuff happens,
Amberville will be a crime drama set in a city populated by living stuffed animals, starring a reformed teddy bear pulled back into the criminal underworld for «one last job.»
My first instinct — I admit it, even after all this missional life living stuff — was to cocoon and withdraw.
I so appreciate your openness, realness, and casualty, and love reading about your findings, experiences, and all other kind of life stuff beyond food, so thank you for that as well!
Hope the cookbook work + life stuff is going well < 3
I'm running low on my vanilla Sunwarrior and when I finish it I'm hoping to replace it with the Sprout Living stuff - if I can find a UK stockist!
It's all well and good for broadcasters to try live stuff from the track but F1 itself should be doing more about this, whether it's a live feed of the pit lane, putting a few cameras around the circuit or doing regular live videos (like they did on Tuesday on Facebook Live).
@Shambo — I cant help you there, we do nt even have that kind of streaming bandwidth to watch live stuff.
Those who have a sun in Capricorn are industrious, are all about work and no play, and like to plan ahead for major life stuff like for an arrival of a baby, college funds, retirement and so forth.
There's no time for regular life stuff when a little one is crying, dirtying her diaper and needing more food.
Love every minute before the yucky life stuff comes in.
While some scientists are gradually training artificial nanostuff to build living stuff, others are exploring the flip side of self - assembly: employing natural systems to guide the construction of artificial devices.
Now, I must confess this post has taken me ages to get done, too much fun life stuff happening, you know; — RRB -.
Today, Nutrition Nut on the Run focuses on living a healthful and joy - filled life through nourishing recipes, intuitive exercise, endorphin - inducing workouts, travel adventures, self - love, and all of the perfectly imperfect life stuffs in between.
I feel like I've been playing catch up over the last few days getting my blog and just basic life stuff back on track after the hustle and bustle of Fashion Week.
I am the master at justifying a purchase and have managed to combine birthday shopping with retail therapy following some challenging life stuff on top of deciding to overhaul my make - up.
26 year old german guy into macro fetish and vore and looking for guys into swallowing live stuff including fish, mice, frogs...:) Also into bdsm stuff like facesitting.
Enjoy lots of different music especially live stuff.

Phrases with «life stuff»

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