Sentences with phrase «life styles»

Hot climates produce life styles that are suited to the heat, such as cooking and eating meals outdoors.
Nutrition and healthy life styles have always been an interest of mine, but it wasn't until I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in March 2010, and became a social work graduate student, that I truly realized the importance of both and my interest in advancing global health grew.
I love her blog because she gives us lots of handy information and recipes that are suitable for all types of vegetarian / vegan life styles.
Much has been made recently of the pluralism of people, cultures, religions, life styles, etc. of the contemporary world.
churches already hurt themselfs... with scandals... twisting the bible to fit there own life styles... not paying it forward ppl give there money to the church and when they need a lil help the church turns there back on them...
In these endeavors, they have sought something novel rather than a romantic or nostalgic return to previous tribal and pastoral life styles.
Such a loss of the sense of community is symptomatic of life styles in industrial, technological societies.
As small towns, small firms, inner cities, in spite of and at times, in their own way, because of gentrification, decline, and suburban life styles become increasingly mobile, privatized, and fragmented, the loss of the sense of community is more acute.
Process thought not only affirms this pluralism, it goes beyond most views in advocating such an attitude of openness that through the encounter with other peoples, cultures, religions, life styles, mutual transformation can take place.
Our indulgent, indolent and frantic life styles have triggered the new plagues of vascular disease, cancer and the now epidemic depression and senile dementia.
His speeches were not about life styles.
We need to focus on what he stood for and not get things twisted on life styles
How do the fundamental principles of Christian theology illuminate the question or complex of homosexual / heterosexual life styles?
And for many who were over 30 during the «60s, the radical changes in young people's values and life styles underscored the loss of a taken - for - granted morality that was once as integral to American culture as baseball, popcorn and Chevrolet.
Just as I have the right to choose not to judge them based on their life styles or beliefs.
It powerlessly contests the mass media, particularly television, whose ideal image of humanity and portrayal of life styles depict Christian claims as obscurantist and archaic.
Cultural patterns in recent years — in the arts, mores, life styles — all bear witness to this fact.
The churches could best contribute by joint efforts to promote the expression of Christian values in public affairs and in life styles.
He views the metaphysical use of theistic models as important but subordinate to their practical use in focusing values and influencing life styles.
After the parents spent their entire savings and remortgaged there house in repeated efforts to save their daughter from the evils of drugs, which lead to many other horrible life styles, including prostitution, she was finally murdered by her supplier / pimp.
The former believe that the most important consideration is to nourish a new consciousness — values, attitudes, goals, commitments, and life styles which will gradually remake society as the new vision takes hold of crucial segments of the population.
Other conventional signs of Christian identity are to be found in personal dress and life styles, church architecture, forms of worship, including music, as well as a concern with numerical increase.
Our daily work, our spending habits, our life styles — all are interwoven with the moral character of society, its justice and injustice, its compassion and its violence.
Alan Kirton described viewing «Life Styles of the Rich and Famous,» a Popeye cartoon, «The Price Is Right,» «The A-Team,» «Miss Marple,» «Miami Vice,» «Crazy Like a Fox,» the Jimmy Swaggart ministry, and a movie, «Charlie Grant's War,» in a small Caribbean community and commented: «We have a Cadillac mentality in a bicycle economy.»
Are we prepared to undertake the rigorous examination of parish, family and personal life styles called for in a world of scarcity, and as a Christian community to make a serious effort to understand and confront the systems which perpetuate the problem of separation between the rich and the poor?
MTV's products may be regionally customized, but its prime orientation remains to offer advertisers a profitable market for consumer products and to lure consumers, particularly young ones, to watch its programmes and in the process influence their tastes, life styles, and moral values.
The multimedia, directed by the corporate powers and agencies of the global market, subjugate cultural subjecthood, cultural values, life styles, perceptions of beauty and religious mystery, as well as ethnic national identities of persons and communities to the market's cultural wasteland.
In the UK Christians are not allowed to offer prayer in a hospital to the sick, on airlines wearing a Christian symbol of a cross is not allowed, Christian teaching in school must not be taught as the only truth, and a blind eye is turned to extreme religious life styles.
The public policy proposals put forth by Birch and Cobb are consonant with ones we have discussed in a previous chapter: «steady state» economics, simplified life styles, participation by all in the decisions that shape their futures, and the development of «appropriate» and ecologically sound technologies.
At first it took the form of wanting to understand radical Christian life styles.
The family has enough societal sanction for inducing claustrophobia that conflict there — as between mothers and daughters in the kitchen or between fathers and sons over life styles — can blight a personality.
Another preacher preaching what ever goes is ok with Christianity... If your going to preach Christianity based on the Bible, then you might as well forget gay marriages are ok... If you want to twist it around then thats up to you... Paul said, «The Berens were of noble charachter because they didn't believe what they heard, but they took what they heard and confirmed it with the Bible... So its like the Yen or Yang... Its either Gods church or Satans Church... Can't be any other way... Do I hate gays, no... I have some very close friends that I have had for over 30 years that are gay, but I think they will be accountable for their life styles... Thats the thing about Christianity, we are held accountable, its not an everything goes belief... Its rules we have to follow... And rules we will be held accountable... So maybe this preacher needs to start a dfferent faith or religion... One where there are no rules and where its people are not accountable for their actions...
As they sit in their family rooms with the remote in their hands, they are exposed to literally dozens of preachers whose primary motivation seems to be bilking elderly people out of their savings to support their exhorbitant life styles.
The exercise of authority is not located socially within a commonwealth but within a society of strangers who define themselves in opposition one to another by rights, possessions, and differing «life styles
Migration of workers, especially of women changes values and life styles of families both for better and for worse.
- creation of wants through advertising and the demonstration effect of the wealthy life styles.
Such a commitment places Volf at odds with two formidable rivals in the contemporary world: (a) those ecclesial traditions (Roman Catholic and Orthodox) that insist that the «constitutive presence of Christ is given only with the presence of the bishop standing in communjo with all bishops in time and space» and (b) those postmodern cultural and social standards that are grounded in individualistic and consumer - driven life styles and that simultaneously relegate all religious experience to the nether regions of the privatized soul.
That element can be provided only by a caring and gentleness that a variety of life styles teaches a variety of persons.
Finally, an observation at the personal, familial and community level: Although the global problems are compelling, we can not expect to resolve them without first reforming our personal values and life styles.
Until Americans wake up to certain realities their life styles will continue to decline AND there is no ** necessity ** for it to ever improve.
Churches can also encourage reflection about more communal or cooperative life styles.
He calls on society «to face up to vice» - he singles out immoral life styles and says that the Church should join in the battle.
Jitsuo Morikawa gathered around him a group of imaginative younger Christians (including Harvey Cox, at one time), and with them he initiated a program they called Evangelistic Life Styles.
Common to all Christian life styles include: 1.
In the present context this means pushing beyond current assumptions to changed life styles — but always with the wisdom of the serpent and the innocence of the dove,
Their path is attractive to less ascetic Christians and admittedly to those who find themselves heavily committed to consumption - oriented life styles.
There are serious consequences to changed life styles in an economy based in the short range on heavy consumption.
Still another consequence is exposed by people of the world's poorer countries, to whom talk about sustainability and reduced life styles has the familiar odor of injustice to it.
A few general elements common to all Christian life styles are clear.
3 - Practice tolerance and open - mindedness towards the choices and life styles of others.
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