Sentences with phrase «life teaching examples»

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Business schools are reaching for real - life examples to teach old - school business practices in an effort to engage their students.
You have to decide whether or not you want to be an example for others to live by, or a bad example to teach others what to avoid in life.
A number of the major religions have even accepted this as you're not actually worshiping Buddha, just following his examples and teachings as to how to be a better person in life.
The Eastern Orthodox Church, for example and certainly not exclusively, endorses the teachings of pioneering Christian monastics known as the Desert Fathers, who placed great emphasis on living in continual «remembrance of death.»
But Catholic teaching typically explains a hierarchy of public issues, prioritizing marriage and sanctity of life, for example, which are intrinsic to Christian faith, over important but less theologically binding issues of prudential judgment, such as federal entitlement programs or immigration.
The lives of the saints do not present us with a new theory of virtue, but a new way of teaching, a new strategy that builds on the tradition of examples, but enriches it by unfolding a pattern of holiness over the course of a lifetime.
He added, in a tone so humble and sincere that his character would never have used it: «She taught me to be grateful for my life regardless of what that entailed, and that's directly related to the image of Christ on the cross and the example of sacrifice that he gave us.
The present volume is really a collection of studies, and it might easily have grown to twice its size if other topics had been included: for example the miracle stories — I should have liked to examine Alan Richardson's new book on The Miracle - Stories of the Gospels (1942)-- or a fuller study of the so - called messianic consciousness of Jesus, the theory of interim ethics, the relation of eschatology and ethics in Jesus» teachings — see Professor Amos N. Wilder's book on the subject, Eschatology and Ethics in the Teaching of Jesus (1939)-- the influence of the Old Testament upon the earliest interpretation of the life of Jesus — see Professor David E. Adams» new book, Man of God (1941), and Professor E. W. K. Mould's The World - View of Jesus (1941)-- or sonic of the topics treated in the new volume of essays presented to Professor William Jackson Lowstuter, New Testament Studies (1942), edited by Professor Edwin Prince Booth.
Our duty to love our neighbours regardless of their racial and family backgrounds, following Jesus» teaching and example, will shape how Christians understand and respond to this distressing and shameful episode in our national life.
The life of a Muslim should illustrate the teachings and example of the Prophet.
At Key Stage 2 (Age 7 + to 11, Years 4 to 6) schools have to teach the following: Growth and reproduction; the main stages of the human life cycle; reproduction; the parts of the flower [for example, stigma, stamen, petal, sepal] and their role in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation, seed dispersal and germination.»
We look to Jesus — his life, teachings, death, resurrection, and eventual return — as our example, as together we seek to live in authentic, loving community with one another and those around us.
We can say such things, for example, as that he was born in Palestine during the reign of Herod the Great; that he was brought up in Nazareth; that he lived the normal life of a Jew of his period and locale; that he was baptized by John, a proclaimer of the early coming of God's judgment; that he spent a year or more in teaching, somewhat in the manner of contemporary rabbis, groups of his fellow countrymen in various parts of Palestine, mostly in Galilee, and in more intimate association with some chosen friends and disciples; that he incurred the hostility of some of his compatriots and the suspicion of the Roman authorities; that he was put to death in Jerusalem by these same authorities during the procuratorship of Pilate.
Or was it only an event in the lives of the disciples — a change in their outlook as they came to realize through further reflection upon their dead and buried Teacher, that his influence still lived on, that his teaching had been true, that his life must be their example and his character a pattern for themselves to follow, that although he was dead he must still be revered in their memory as their Lord whose spirit could still be recreated in themselves in so far as they dedicated themselves to the aim of following in his footsteps?
So, it is Christ his life, example, character and teaching who is our guide and our primary lens, not only for biblical interpretation but for doing life.
On the contrary, the true founder, like the true father, shows his love for his followers when he teaches them, often by example, that one's life is not worth living if there is nothing worth dying for.
I am also a follower of Jesus because I think that His teaching and His example is by far the best way to live life.
Cahill correctly points, for example, to Luke's understanding of Christian poverty, friendship, communal living, and care for the stranger or enemy as based on the teaching and example of Jesus and carried on within the early Christian communities.
If Jesus did not rise from the dead, as you point out, following Jesus» teaching and example is still the best way to live.
The fact that this was done in the name of Jesus shows the growing emphasis for new converts to «fully identify» themselves in their new life with the teachings, example, and values of Jesus Christ.
We can not convert people... we can only teach by example and pray that all non-believers will find Jesus someday and open up their hearts... should they live their lives as if there is no God, it is their choice.
For example, the Confucian teaching of POKUK ANMIN is a very relevant for the peace and security for life and community.
You have Christian faith when these basic attitudes are consciously and pre-eminently drawn from, based on, or focused by the teachings and example of Jesus whom we call the Christ or the body of the faithful that we call the Church, and when there is a deep commitment to living out these basic attitudes in your life.
Instead, he exercises the power of teaching and example to bring into being a transformation of life and community.
For example, if He gives the blessing of a good mind and knowledge, He wants us to use that knowledge to teach and apply the truth to our lives and others.
The materials that we possess for reconstructing the life and teaching of even the greatest of them — Hillel, for example, or Gamaliel II — fill less than a dozen pages, and must be collected from the most varied sources.
He attacks most mercilessly the men of his time who believed that haqiqa frees one from the moral obligations of the law, and appeals for a revision of Sufism in the light of the teachings of the old masters, calling upon the Sufis to lead a true religious life in accordance with the Qur» an and the example of the founders of the Sufi path.
Someone please argue against me that Jesus and his teachings are a bad example of how we should live as human beings.
Examples are 9/11 hijackings, The holding back of stem cell research that could save countless human lives, Aids being spread due to religious opposition to the use of condoms, Christians legally fighting this year to teach over 1 million young girls in America that they must always be obedient to men, the eroding of child protection laws in America by Christians, for so called faith based healing alternatives that place children's health and safety at risk, burning of witches, the crusades, The Nazi belief that the Aryans were god's chosen to rule the world, etc... But who cares about evidence in the real world when we have our imaginations and delusions about gods with no evidence of them existing.
No, what it means is that when you pray for the things Jesus prays for, when you pray for the things that according to the teachings, life, example, and will of Jesus, when you pray these things, they will be done for you.
He is the one whose life and message are central to our understanding of God and reality, the one whose teaching gives direction to our lives, and the one whose example of love and right relation and concern for others informs our attitudes and actions.
During the dozen years we were in the Heights, we made good friends, who through their example continue to teach us how to live a rich and rewarding life.
That's an extreme example, but I could give you examples of Christians who teach that you and I are gods, that Satan was Christ's brother, that Satan and demons are behind every sickness and everything that goes wrong in your life, that seeing a feather in church is proof that an angel is there, that God wants to change your fillings to gold, and that if you are not healthy and wealthy you are out of God's will.
The Apostle's Creed presents us with the Trinity (that is not all it presents, but just an example), which gives us the basic idea that the Gospel is about community, which then needs to be expanded through the teaching in the church to explain social justice, kingdom living, responsibility towards earth - care, etc..
Whether or not you share my admiration of the orthodox doctrine, we have to recognize that it represents an interpretation of God and Jesus which not only has had the allegiance of the vast majority of Christians in the history of the Church, but which also has a proven track record as a doctrine which can help people to lead faithful lives following the teaching and example of the Christ.
In his teaching and example of unbroken fellowship with God, of love and service to men, of humility and sincerity, of forgiveness toward even his most malicious enemies, of sensitive understanding of the spoken or unspoken needs of the humblest of persons whose lives touched his, we see the kind of living to which we are called.
There is a world of difference between seeing this teaching lived out with generosity and grasping the difference it makes and, for example, being told by a tired, cynical RE teacher: «Well, no one believes it anyway but we have to go through the motions of teaching this.»
These are all the result of my exposure to (1) the life and words of Jesus of Nazareth as contained in the Gospels; (2) the Church whose purpose and intent (if not whose actual accomplishment all of the time) is to promote and live according to his teachings and example; and (3) individuals who have tried to live out their lives according to the precepts of Jesus.
Some grew up in secular households with bad parenting, and bad examples, taught dishonesty and irresponsibility and later in life find solace in faith.
But yes, it would've been ideal if He had given an example of «how to make a living while teaching The Way of the Father.»
If we broaden our definition of teaching to include teaching by example, mentoring, living life together... apprenticeship style... it is easier to imagine these people doing so with regular day jobs as well.
We are called to live in peace with others as much as possible, to worship God be an example and teach our children is all we can do.
This means to place his teachings and his example at the center of your understanding of how to live, of what is important in life, and of what God is like.
(God has freely forgiven us of all these sins, but if we want to practically be cleansed from them, we need to admit that we engage in them, and then follow the example and teachings of Jesus in how to live with love and free forgiveness instead.)
I was an adult before I figured out who Jesus really was and I wondered why I had never heard anything about loving our neighbors and living like Jesus had taught and had shown by example.
In the New Testament we draw the most important theological sources for empowerment of women in ministry in the life example and teaching of Jesus Christ himself.
Discipleship as I am defining it is that phase of the Christian life when Christ is experienced primarily as a figure of the past who continues among us in his teachings and example.
For an example, some take Peter's instruction in Acts 2:38 as a prescription for the practice of water baptism ignoring other clear teaching that nothing we can do can save us and that baptism is simply an outward reflection of Christ's saving work in our lives.
The trouble is that not only has this understandable reticence deprived the dialogue of the vigor it needs to survive, but it has also produced another unfortunate consequence: Christians who think of Jesus as a model in other areas of their lives do not look to his example or teaching for direction in the dialogue itself.
Such an attitude undermines the Church's teaching about the crucial importance for the Christian life of, for example, participating in Sunday Mass or respecting the dignity of human sexuality by not cohabiting before marriage.
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