Sentences with phrase «life went to hell»

Then to be honest, my life went to hell.
When your business fails and your life goes to hell in a handbasket, you think depressing things, from «Where did I go wrong?»
«I had run wild long enough, was seeing so many lives go to hell, didn't want mine to go there, but couldn't figure a way out,» he tells me as we stand outside the Grady Cole Center.
In it, the star plays a college student whose life goes to hell when screaming «ENOUGH!»
The shoddy script makes Buy's characterization weak, but she does a terrific job expressing the strain of keeping herself together professionally while her personal life goes to hell (in other words, her behaviour may not be relatable but her emotions are).

Not exact matches

If all goes to hell, it's nice knowing there's still a portion of your net worth to live on.
Daniels went on to clarify that she believed there would be legal repercussions if she didn't sign the statement, saying: «As a matter of fact, the exact sentence used was, «They can make your life hell in many different ways».»
You realize that the majority of our presidents have believed that a man died, went to hell and fought the devil, came back to life, and flew into the sky, right?
For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment; if he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness, with seven others, when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly; if by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them to extinction, making them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; and if he rescued righteous Lot, greatly distressed by the sensual conduct of the wicked (for as that righteous man lived among them day after day, he was tormenting his righteous soul over their lawless deeds that he saw and heard); then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment, and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority.
I suspect there are many Christians who question what they believe but are unable to let go of the «but what if I'm wrong and at the end of my life I'm thrown into the fiery pits of hell for not believing»?
christians today think when people are not living according to the bible then they have the authority to cast hell on whomever... its sickening... and can someone tell me that if a kid was gay and he was a full hearted christian that there preacher would look them in the eyes and say give up ur going to hell
I'm speaking about my own faith only: To become a Christian, it must be your own choice.No else can decide this life style for you.I know many in the past and present have thought raising a child under the Christian label will save them for hell but in actual reality, the choice is their own not their parents etc.This life (being Christian) goes deeper than just believing.You have to consider this yourself.Many today do not even consider Christ as their savior because they just believe what their church or family sayTo become a Christian, it must be your own choice.No else can decide this life style for you.I know many in the past and present have thought raising a child under the Christian label will save them for hell but in actual reality, the choice is their own not their parents etc.This life (being Christian) goes deeper than just believing.You have to consider this yourself.Many today do not even consider Christ as their savior because they just believe what their church or family sayto consider this yourself.Many today do not even consider Christ as their savior because they just believe what their church or family says.
Also a personal pet peeve of mine is when people suggest that suicide is a sin which implies that person goes to Hell... I believe someone who is at the point that they take their life is already in Hell... I can not believe in a God who would do that.
It's fine, Steve, for you to believe «unrepentant gays» (for example, people who choose to live as God created them, in committed same - sex relationships) are going to hell.
I deserve to go to hell for the life I have led, but Jesus through His sacrifice on the cross, delivered me from my inequities.
What, that god sent himself in human form to earth to live and die, so that he could live again and then rejoin himself in heaven, so that the creations, who apparently have original sin because a talking snake convinced a rib lady to eat an apple thousands of years ago, could choose to believe in Zombie Jesus and if they did they would go to heaven but if they didn't believe in Zombie Jesus they would fry in Hell forever, regardless of how good a life they lived on Earth?
Cicero might legitimately be cited in a «conservative» context because he lived in a moment when everything was «going to hell» and he was trying to preserve traditions under siege at the crashing of his own civilization.
Again no one goes to the final Hell or Heaven for at least one thousand years but you only have THIS LIFE
After I told her that she's all ready going to hell in that case, so she might as well be smart about her life here and now and use a damn condom, she stopped talking to me.
So I think you can safely separate the «you are going to hell» worry from the «I'm living in a Judeo - Christian based society / govt.
I don't think atheists are going to hell, but they'd better not make life hell for me.
It was either that... or spend the rest of her life listening to her future Catholic mother - in - law constantly reminding her that she is going to hell.
Even worse, those very atheists who spend all of their time on forums like this and fighting against the truth (rather than being out enjoying the world in what little time they have) will ultimately die and go to hell only to then find out the truth — that they've been wrong about everything they've believed their whole life.
Christians and Jews (who believe in only part of the Scripture), will suffer in this life and go to hell in the next.
If my pastor tried to tell me how to live my life I'd tell him to go straight to hell.
I think you have fear in us mixed up with the fear you live... the «believe in this imaginary god or else go to the imaginary place called hell»... that is the true definition of fear.
If all men are sinners, and the only ones that don't go to hell are the ones that accept Jesus, then life and the afterlife are tilted in favor of the people that can more easily experience God.
if going to heaven is not real or after life or hell how can u explain my experience..
While that is not desirable, which is worse: to occasionally fall into sin ourselves, knowing that such sin is covered by the grace of the cross, OR telling the whole world that although we've been rescued from sin and death and the devil, they can just go to hell because all we care about is our own eternal life?
In many such sayings life before God is pictured as a brutal prospect: «It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell...» (Mark 9:43 b).
And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire.
Since the gospel is about way more than just receiving eternal life but is also about how God's people are to live their lives in this world, then the goal of living out the gospel is not primarily to rescue people from hell so they can go to heaven when they die.
there is no need to judge anyone of anything, seeing christians aren't allowed to judge; so thus by telling anyone that doesn't follow your idea of the correct way to live that they «are going to need to get right with god» or the ever so famous» you're going to burn in hell» speeches you are thus breaking one of «gods»» commands and all sin is equal in his eyes so we'll be seeing you in hell.
All gays (sinners) will be judged after death by god (if they don't repent) and go to hell (if you believe this sort of thing) so death in this life is really no big deal.
To the best of my understanding, the deposit of faith clearly affirms the following: that God desires the salvation of all and offers the real possibility of salvation to all; the offer can be accepted or rejected and, if accepted by faith, such faith is recognized as the gift of God; if the offer is knowingly, freely, and definitively rejected, even at the very last moment of life, one goes to hell, which is eternal; but the deposit of faith does not tell us clearly that anyone is in fact eternally damneTo the best of my understanding, the deposit of faith clearly affirms the following: that God desires the salvation of all and offers the real possibility of salvation to all; the offer can be accepted or rejected and, if accepted by faith, such faith is recognized as the gift of God; if the offer is knowingly, freely, and definitively rejected, even at the very last moment of life, one goes to hell, which is eternal; but the deposit of faith does not tell us clearly that anyone is in fact eternally damneto all; the offer can be accepted or rejected and, if accepted by faith, such faith is recognized as the gift of God; if the offer is knowingly, freely, and definitively rejected, even at the very last moment of life, one goes to hell, which is eternal; but the deposit of faith does not tell us clearly that anyone is in fact eternally damneto hell, which is eternal; but the deposit of faith does not tell us clearly that anyone is in fact eternally damned.
None of us has any knowledge or authority to say who is going to heaven or hell or who has eternal life.
On that day all people are awakened and their deeds are weighed; those having a heavy weight of good records will live happily in Paradise and those who have light weights will go to a Hell full of fire.
I don't want to be a christian anymore if my life is just going to be hell.
I'd much rather spend my life believing, living my life as if there IS a heaven as a reward, having the comfort of thinking that God will be there when I draw my last breath, and being comforted with the thought as I watch the world go to hell in a hand - basket... and not be aware after death that I was wrong because, as Hawking says..
Eventually, we made our way to «you're going to hell if you don't believe in Jesus,» and I remember his response being something like «I live a moral life, why would I be going to hell
Yeah, there's a billboard where I live that says I'm going to burn in hell... complete with an image of flames.
It's not the thought of dying and going to hell that scares me, it's the crazies who are intent on turning our democracy into a theocracy who scare the living daylights out of me.
Those who go to hell are completely cut off from God, the only source of life and ground of being, and they finally must cease to exist.
Then he doesn't love us that much he just leaves it to luck like if the child is born in a good family christan family then chances are very high that he will go to heaven but to a bad family and also god knows better than me that if he destroyed satun and did whatever i mentioned in my commented the world would have been a outstanding place to live in if god can send his son to suffer then why not destroy satun or give him life sentence in hell or even better why din't he paid attention while making Adam and Eve and even if he din't why din't he renoved the tree of knowlage from the garden of Eden then he woundn't have to tell Adam and Eve not to eat any fruit from that tree
Which is more condescending, David, to believe that everyone who disagrees with you is going to hell (a deserves torture for eternity) or to call someone for their self - righteous proselyting ignorance due to a habit of living in an echo chamber?
Only Jesus can pray to Jesus that Jesus doesn't cast us into the Hell that Jesus created because Jesus loves us and wants us to live for eternity in His Heaven unless we do not believe in and honor Him, whereupon He will vomit us up and into the everlasting agony of Hell which He prays we do not go to because He loves us so much even though we are born evil and vile in His eyes and require being born again so that He does not condemn us to a fiery eternity and, rather, can love us in Heaven for ever and ever, Amen.
1) if your god requires us to go through hell here while alive just to avoid hell in the next life, so what's the difference?
Which is better — to go through a rosy life and to end up in hell or to endure such issues and grow closer to God as the result — and entering into heaven as the Bride of Christ?
fred8680 gods word is the word of life and if you cant recieve it than thats your soul going to hell cause its your choice.
It is better for you to enter life crippled than with two hands to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire.
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