Sentences with phrase «lifelong difficulties»

Doctors also determined Amelia suffered a stroke in the womb that affected a quarter of her brain, damage that likely would cause lifelong difficulties with motor skills and speech.
«However, many children who begin talking late do not catch up and have lifelong difficulties with language.
Handled poorly they can set spouses up for lifelong difficulties.
In the child welfare system, exposed to chronic trauma resulting in any of the following possible conditions: mood disorders; externalizing disorders; posttraumatic stress disorder; developmental trauma disorder (proposed DSM V diagnosis); aggressive, self - harming or risk taking behaviors; as well as lifelong difficulties trusting and attaching to adults.
Schema Therapy is based upon CBT, but it is focused much more on early childhood experiences which have caused lifelong difficulties.
We look at the intersect of parenting and shame, keeping in mind that shame is a normal emotional response to certain social situations, but like anger or disappointment, when unresolved, shame can lead to lifelong difficulties.
API looks at the intersection of parenting and shame, keeping in mind that shame is a normal emotional response to certain social situations, but like anger or disappointment, when unresolved, shame can lead to lifelong difficulties.
Often, this is when adults first realize they have ADHD — they re able to finally pinpoint whats been at the root of their lifelong difficulty of getting things done like everyone else.
Some puppies suffer from a lack of oxygen when they're born and this can lead to some lifelong difficulties.
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