Sentences with phrase «lifelong health of that baby»

But then there's the non-human event that is taking place simultaneously, a crucial event that is not visible to the naked eye, an event that could determine the lifelong health of the baby.
«By letting that baby get born at term, you're improving the lifelong health of that baby
Discover how proper nutrition contributes to the lifelong health of your baby (the «developmental origins theory»), the sacred fertility foods used by traditional cultures around the world, and how to avoid the alarming increase in infertility and birth complications in the modern world.

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Increasingly, we are learning that our emotional psychology has as physical roots as our bodily health — and how much our experiences as babies and young children, especially, form a foundation that can either be stable and secure, or predispose us to a susceptibility of lifelong difficulties.
These are ingredients that are well known to cause a slew of health problems in adults, much less babies whose intestines are struggling to create the balanced intestintal flora necessary for healthy lifelong immunity.
Buying the wrong products can not only alter the health of a baby, but it can also have lifelong effects on it as well.
You can watch the film now (or buy the DVD) on our website: The reason we made the film was to raise awareness that the seeding and feeding of the baby's microbiome is potentially vitally important for lifelong health - so as the article says, I hope that our film and this great article stimulates much more thought and discussion on the subject between birth educators, parents, midwives, doulas and doctors.
In a world filled with inequality, crises and poverty, breastfeeding is the foundation of lifelong good health for babies and mothers, WABA are excited to announce the slogan of World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) 2018: BREASTFEEDING: Foundation of Life The logo features the WBW - SDGs Campaign «triad» of two adults and an infant, which reinforces the importance of working together to protect, promote and support breastfeeding.
It is the leading cause of newborn death, and babies who survive an early birth often face the risk of serious and sometimes lifelong health problems, such as breathing problems, jaundice, developmental delays, vision loss and cerebral palsy.
Toni Harman, Your Baby's Microbiome: The Critical Role of Vaginal Birth and Breastfeeding for Lifelong Health (2017)
Good gut health also has a tremendous impact on lifelong health, and this is one of the most important things you can do for your baby's health.
The implications on immunity, allergies, and lifelong health of not having a diverse microbiome as a small child are huge — and all the more reason to do all you can to support your baby's microbial health from the get - go.
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