Sentences with phrase «lifelong relationship skills»

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It is my goal that when they leave my home, that they continue the friendships they are starting now in their early and middle childhoods — and have the skills to quickly re-establish their sibling relationships when strained by life changes — in order to enjoy secure sibling attachments lifelong.
Kat's coaching services walk clients through four basic aspects of finding and keeping a lifelong love: Dating readiness, dating skills development, active dating, and relationship upkeep.
A comprehensive school counseling program, when delivered in a collaborative relationship among school, parents, and community, provides students with the skills necessary for them to become successful lifelong learners, responsible citizens, and productive workers.
Our Citizen Scholars will be college ready, active citizens, and lifelong learners, by providing key social skills training, leadership development opportunities, building positive adult models and relationships through looping and small learning communities.
Each of these lifelong learning skills can be leveraged, not only for success in a postsecondary classroom or career, but also to navigate relationships, make practical decisions, explore life options, and engage meaningfully with society outside of the classroom or workforce.
Prepares students to be lifelong learners, requiring social - emotional development, by cultivating strong relationships between teachers and students, developing students into self - motivated learners, and integrates together academic learning, lifelong skills, and student dispositions.
Discover how the Youth Equity Stewardship (YES) program empowers students with lifelong skills that deepen relationships across differences, nurture their creative expression and cultivate their stewardship qualities.
Sex and relationships education (SRE) is a lifelong learning process of acquiring information, developing skills and forming positive beliefs and attitudes about sex, sexuality, relationships and feelings.
If you're looking to develop good obedience skills and the kind of relationship with your dog that leads to lifelong good behavior, check our list of class locations below.
Using food, toys, and play, we help develop a strong foundation of life skills that helps you and your dog build a lifelong relationship of trust, fun learning, and clear communication.
Strong communication skills used to build relationships with customers and create lifelong business partners.?
In a world where emotional intelligence is critical for lifelong happiness, successful careers, and healthier relationships, SEL gives students a framework for developing these skills.
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work is the culmination of Dr. Gottman's lifelong work: an overview of the concepts, behaviors and skills that guide couples on the path toward a harmonious and long - lasting relationship.
The foundation for a lifelong, loving relationship Is built as we commit ourselves to develop the awareness and skills necessary for love and intimacy to endure.
Using the therapeutic relationship, she helps individuals work through lifelong patterns that prevent them from feeling this way and helps them to build skills and techniques to stop these negative patterns from reoccurring.
Achieving these relationship skills will serve you well on your lifelong journey together.
Marriage Prep 101 is a comprehensive 10 - hour workshop for engaged, newlywed and seriously dating couples designed to prepare you for a lifelong relationship by building on your strengths and teaching essential relationship insights and skills.
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