Sentences with phrase «lifestyle someone are living»

I'm not here to judge you whether you believe or not or what lifestyle you are living.
I am a senior in college and I was so sick of the unhealthy lifestyle I was living.
Your decision to buy a smartwatch for Android depends on what kind of lifestyle you are living.
By being upfront about the entrepreneur lifestyle you're living and what you're looking to get out of your relationship, you end up not only saving your dates from getting involved in something they may not want, but also become much more efficient in your dating life, which is what entrepreneurship is a lot about, after all.
Rev Iain May, 57, was the group head of planning and strategy at Allied Irish Banks in Dublin when he began questioning the lavish lifestyle he was living.
Being a beleiver in god would only interupt the cush lifestyle they were living.
As a fashion blogger, I'm not even close to perfect, even though I dedicate to create interesting content and show a great lifestyle I am living.
The Afghanistan lifestyle she is living is quickly becoming normality, her dead - end relationship has finally imploded, and we are told that despite Americans caring about the troops, there isn't much interest in news coverage there (Iraq is what's hot), leaving her job on the rocks.
It is advisable to choose a cover which will help your family with a regular monthly income to lead the current lifestyle they are living and fulfill their monthly needs despite paring off all the debt and liabilities.
After careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that the pay you are offering would neither fulfill me nor support the lifestyle I am living in light of the work I would be doing for you.
Lifestyle is life.
In my opinion the main issue we've had at the Boro, is that we became far too accustomed to the lifestyle we were living.
But if you really are happy with the lifestyle you're living, no one should be telling you otherwise.
In most cases the cooperate job titles do not define the results a worker does or the lifestyle they are living.
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