Sentences with phrase «lifestyle someone choose»

The way people choose to live is often the same lifestyle they choose for their pets.
If there's one thing that's certain it's that there's something for everybody, and everyone can find their perfect fitness tracker to suit whichever lifestyle they choose to live.
Let's face it — being a parent is hard work, regardless of what lifestyle you choose we are all faced with the obstacle course of parenting.
It's something we never would have experienced if it wasn't for the travel / house sitting lifestyle we chose.
Of course, everyone knows that bad foods should be avoided whenever possible, but for people who lead a fitness lifestyle choosing the right foods that will help them achieve their physique goals is an even harder choice.
From the booming metropolis of Albuquerque, five times the size of any other city, to the modest enjoyment of a smaller city such as Las Cruces, whatever lifestyle you choose for yourself can be had at your whim.
I'm saying this because this lifestyle we choose to live really brings out an individual from within that we never knew we had.
These crowd - pleasing dishes are often heavy on the butter, cream, sugar or all of the above, and not particularly consistent with the lifestyle I chose to live or my nutrition philosophy.
It shows people that options are out there and they aren't a compromise to the lifestyle they choose — in fact they enhance it.»
He lived his beliefs in the lifestyle he chose.
As a clinical psychologist who has spent a lot of time working with cancer patients and survivors, I know that even though genetics may increase your chances, you do have control over the lifestyle you choose.
However, for most of us, the risk of developing cancer is determined by the lifestyle we choose to adopt.
Online dating sites offer a convenient, time - saving method of finding partners for all levels of the social playing field allowing people to choose those who are more suited to the lifestyle they choose.
I doubt that her parents, because of the lifestyle they chose, would have recognized this.
After all, while you don't have total control over how much you save, you certainly have a lot more say over the lifestyle you choose to live and how much you decide to save than you do over the returns the financial markets deliver, which is no say at all.
YOUR LIFESTYLE Choose a breed that will suit you and your lifestyle.
I've found that most people who are serious about creating a non-toxic home and lifestyle choose to be on Essential Rewards.
I've found that most of our members who want to have a non-toxic home and lifestyle choose to be on Essential Rewards.
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