Sentences with phrase «lifetime history»

The present study extends this work into adolescence, and examines the relationship of lifetime histories of harsh discipline to adolescents» internalizing and externalizing symptoms and to their developing capacities for establishing autonomy and relatedness in family interactions.
Researchers used the National Child Traumatic Stress Network Core Data Set to analyze data from 5,616 youths with lifetime histories of one or more of three types of abuse: psychological maltreatment (emotional abuse or emotional neglect), physical abuse and sexual abuse.
The results of the clinical interview that assessed lifetime history of having an eating disorder indicated that 6 % of girls met criteria for a frank eating disorder in mid-adolescence and about 5 % of the sample met criteria for a disorder during the young adult years.
Maternal lifetime history of depression and depressive symptoms in the prenatal and early postnatal period do not predict infant — mother attachment quality in a large, population - based Dutch cohort study.
Our findings have implications for understanding the relationship of TBI to lifetime history of depression.
According to a recent survey, 30 percent of the entrepreneurs participating reported a lifetime history of depression.
I accept that Corbyn has a lifetime history of meeting that description and his remaining PLP support also.
To participate in the study, women were either required to have a lifetime history of major depressive disorder or no lifetime diagnosis of any DSM - IV mood disorders.
7450 mothers in the data from MoBa had a lifetime history of major depression.
The study involved a community - based sample of 2,892 good sleepers with no lifetime history of insomnia.
Each participant had active suicide ideation and / or a lifetime history of attempted suicide and had actively sought help at a military medical clinic in Fort Carson, Colorado, in 2013 and between January 2015 and February 2016.
This study describes the lifetime histories of trauma and developmental challenge among a sample of at - risk middle school girls and confirms Project Challenge as an effective program for helping girls recover their self - confidence and succeed in school.
Depending on the dog this may be true but when you are dealing with a dog who has a lifetime history of abuse and neglect, not to mention other health concerns you can't just wait for them to get hungry and see if they will eat.
Gwen has a lifetime history of caring for and working and volunteering with animals.
So the study looked at the association between a lifetime history of neck injury from a motor vehicle collision and the development of troublesome neck pain.
I read an interesting article in the European Spine Journal titled «The association between a lifetime history of a neck injury in a motor vehicle collision and future neck pain: a population - based cohort study.»
The Clerk's Office can provide a full history for a nominal fee averaging $ 16.25 for the first page and one dollar for each additional page for a lifetime history.
A lifetime history of SA was ascertained using a semistructured clinical interview established for the Munich Antidepressant Response Signature study39 and scoring points in the Hamilton Scale for Depression rating scale (score on suicide item = 4).
We assessed a lifetime history of phobias with an adaptation of the Phobic Disorders section of the Diagnostic Interview Schedule, version III - A.17, 28 We assessed 22 specific irrational fears (Table 1) and also asked respondents, «Is there anything else you've been unreasonably terrified to do or be near?»
Many have a lifetime history of alienating the people around them, so they look to others — professionals, friends and new acquaintances — to give them attention.
Participants completed questionnaire - based assessments of recent and lifetime history of IPV, family functioning, and alcohol use.
PACE includes an assessment of the lifetime history of mental disorder for the target child's parents.
Patients were excluded based on the following criteria: high risk for suicide; substance abuse or dependence in the past six months; lifetime history of psychotic, obsessive — compulsive, or bipolar disorder; eating disorder in the past year; borderline, schizotypal, or antisocial personality disorder; serious medical conditions; and failure of two empirically supported psychotherapy treatments or two adequate antidepressant medication trials in the past three years.
Furthermore, sex - stratified analyses revealed that lifetime history of exposure to violence moderated the association between within - person variability in diurnal testosterone and antisocial behavior in females only.
Adolescents» sex and lifetime history of violence exposure moderated the association between within - person variability in diurnal testosterone and antisocial behavior.
Within the 82 participating mother - child dyads, 21 mothers were currently depressed, 29 mothers had a lifetime history of depression but were in remission for at least 1 month, and 32 mothers had never been clinically depressed.
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