Sentences with phrase «lift his leg between»

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«Put your finger between the diaper and your baby's leg and then lift the diaper slightly,» Taylor suggests.
Areas to be cleaned are private areas, in between leg and arm rolls, neck (lift their head and wipe away all the milk that has dripped in there; it gets rather stinky).
The airfoil — that web of fabric between the legs of a wing - suited birdman — sometimes provides lift but mostly delays the fall.
Starting in downward - facing dog, lift one leg up and bring it between your hands and lower your back knee down.
Squeeze the ball between your legs, slightly lifting your left leg off the floor.
Sample Exercise Setup: Chest — 3 exercises, 1 incline, 1 flat and 1 decline Back — 4 exercises, 1 wide chin up or latt pull, 1 row, 1 pulley or machine row, Deads or pullovers (alternate between these two) Delts — 3 exercises, overhead press, side laterals, bent laterals Triceps — 3 exercises, overhead tricep extension with bar or dumbbell, cable pressdown, machine dip Biceps — 3 exercises, preacher curl, barbell or dumbbell curl, cable curl Quads — 3 exercises, press of some kind, extension, hack or press or squat of some kind Hams — 1 exercise, leg curl Calves — 3 exercises, standing calf raise, bent lower back calf raise (like donkey calf raises where your upper body and lower body are in an «L» shape), seated calf raises Abs - 3 exercises, weighted machine crunch, hanging leg lifts, cable reverse crunches Traps — 1 exercise, shrugs
Lie facedown with legs extended behind you, squeezing a soft ball between heels with feet flexed and shins lifted off floor.
To work the lower abs, choose between roman chair leg lifts, hanging leg lifts or ab sling leg lifts.
Bending both elbows, shift your weight far forward between your hands until you can lift your back leg.
As you inhale lift the right leg up behind you and as you exhale bring it through to the front placing the foot flat to the ground between your hands, (the knee should be aligned above the ankle).
Lying on mat with knees bent and fairly wide and feet on the ground, bring hands close together in front of you and crunch up pushing hands through space between legs, pulse in this crunch position 3 times and release, bring hands and arms to ground beside body and lift your legs straight up towards ceiling and lift butt up off the ground, reaching legs up further.
From Downward Facing Dog Pose, lift your right leg high into the air and place your foot between your palms.
Lift the SteelBell over your head, and without rising onto the balls of your feet, swing your arms down toward the ground, slamming the SteelBell to the ground between your legs.
day 1 ARMS - standing curl - 15,12,10,8,8 - incline hammer curl - 12,10,10,8 - concentration curl - 12,10,10,8 - bench press - 15,12,10,6 - reverse wrist curl - 15,12,10,8 - wrist curl - 20,15,12,10,8 - laydown tricep ext - 15,12,10,8 - tricep kickback - 15,12,10,8 Day 2 legs - dumbell lunges - 16,12,10,10,8 - calf ext - 25,20,20,20 - sitting calf ext - 20,20,20 - mule calf ext - 20,20,20 - squats - 15,12,10,10 - hamstring curl - 15,12,10,8,8 - leg ext - 15,12,10,8,8 Day 3 Shoulders and back - side arm lift - 15,12,10,8,8 - single arm dumbbell pull - 15,12,10,8,8 - front barbell press - 12,8,6,6 - straight leg dead lift - 15,12,10,8,8,8 - dumbbell shoulder press - 12,10,8 - drop set - 8,10,12 - overhead laydown barbell pull - 12,8,8,8 - front dumbbell lift - 15,12,10,8,8 - laydown reverse butterfly - 12,10,10,10 -25 #plate front lift with barbell shrugs superset - 12/15, 12 / 12,12 / 10,12 / 8,12 / 8 I space these out over 7 days and do various exercises in between, generally pushups, crunches, other calisthenics, and walking / jogging.
Let the conversation between parts of the pose continue: The back leg presses down, and the ribs answer by lifting up, inviting the chest to open.
Balance the weight evenly between the inner and outer edges of the feet and align ankle, knee, and hip with the center of the foot so that as you engage your leg muscles, you feel as though one joint is lifted off the other in a single - file line.
Sitting in a chair, place a fairly lightweight dumbbell between your feet and lift legs straight up off the ground and lower slowly.
So, in this section I would like to focus just on the differences between calisthenics and weight lifting in regards to leg training.
Upper body Monday, Wednesday and Friday with leg day in between is an age old lifting method.
Lie down and lift the legs off the floor, placing an exercise ball (or some other type of ball) between the knees / shins.
I also tried to perform a Keg Snatch, lifting it from between the legs overhead in one movement.
Again, the difference in peak hip extension moments between these lifting variations may be a function of the peak external moment arm in each case, with the straight - leg position placing the hip joint further from the system center of mass than the bent - leg position.
A man and woman are clothed as they kiss in a kitchen and he lifts her to a counter, stands between her legs and the scene ends (sex is implied).
The waist area (between the ribs and the hind legs) should have a noticeable tuck or be lifted up and in.
Lift your rabbit from the table with one hand supporting their chest between their front legs and the other supporting under their bottom.
When using this weapon the player approaches a (clothed) victim from behind and thrusts the weapon between the victim's legs and then lifts them off the ground before pulling a trigger which launches the victim into the air.
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