Sentences with phrase «lift leg hip»

Movement B: Contract glute to lift leg hip height.

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Tell Me What to Do: In Pure Barre, you become a «trained listener» for instructions: «lift your leg, turn out to open your hip, tuck your hips under...» It is so helpful when teachers use the same familiar language in very specific ways to direct what they want.
Despite lifting batting average to.284 last Reds week, he's had a miserable year and could use time to heal; a sore left hip flexor is latest in string of leg injuries that has limited him to 51 games and seven home runs.
With rotation — Rolling this way requires the baby to lift his head and stretch his body and the movement starts from the head, shoulder, or hip, but the shoulder and pelvis will not be aligned, the baby's body will rotate, and the legs will move separately from the rest of the body.
Keep your chest, shoulders, and hips facing forward and your left leg straight and strong as you push your right foot into your right hand and lift your right leg up.
As you lift the back leg, turn your foot out to the side so you begin to externally rotate your hip.
From child's pose, lift hips then extend legs toward straight, keeping the feet hip width or wider.
Extend right leg up toward the ceiling as you lift hips and come onto left toes (B).
While keeping your core engaged, hips and shoulders square to the ground, right leg bent and foot flexed, lift your leg until your thigh is parallel with the ground.
Lift your hips and legs up as high as you can.
Slowly lift your left leg to hip height with foot flexed and extend your left arm along your left leg.
Stand on one leg, hands on hips and lower your chest / lift your back leg at the same time, so that you feel it working all of the stabilisers of your stance leg.
Bring your left hand to your hip on an inhale, and exhale to shift your weight to the right leg as the left leg lifts and extends back to counterbalance, parallel to the ground.
Extend left leg straight up and lift your hips off the mat (picture A).
Make a tall «V» shape by lifting hips straight up, sinking upper chest and shoulders, and relaxing down the backs of legs into your heels.
Place fingertips on the floor behind your back, then press into them as you lift the hips and legs off the floor, with the feet staying glued down.
Raise your left leg straight toward the ceiling and lift and lower your hips 12 times, peeling your lower back off the ground each time your hips raise up.
Staying in the position we practised last week and while keeping the knee on the floor, lift the lower leg up to increase the stretch in the hip flexor / quad.
«Lay on the ground on your back, put your legs up on a stability ball, lift your hips up and down; do three sets of 15 reps.. If you want to make it harder, lift from your hips and lift your right leg up, and put your leg back down.
Lift the right leg back up, straight out of your hip, as you engage the core and lengthen the neck.
As you lift the left leg and turn the hip open, feel for the position of the leg.
The legs are forming an expansive triangular shape as you rotate the heart open, lifted through your hips.
Position One: Keeping hips stacked and right foot flexed, lift leg up.
Lift one leg as high as you can without taking your hips off the ground.
To do this move, get in a side plank position and lift your hips off the ground, followed by your leg.
Kick your leg outward, lift it straight up, lower your hips down, and then press back up.
Lift right leg up above the hips.
Engaging your core, lift and lower the top leg while keeping hips stacked on top of one another.
Lift right leg up to hip height, then swing it through bringing right ankle behind left wrist.
Turn your right toes up to the ceiling then lift and lower your right leg 8 times without letting your hips rock backward.
Slightly bend your right knee, hinge at your hips and bring torso close to parallel with the floor (left leg should be lifted and parallel with the floor).
Come back into plank position, this time lifting your right leg straight back to hip height.
With that supported base, you can focus more on the proper alignment of the rest of the body, including squaring the hips, lifting up from the breastbone, engaging your upper back, and staying active in the standing leg.
Keeping shoulders above elbows, walk feet toward torso, legs straight, lifting hips above torso.
Keeping your back straight, lift one leg on the side under a 90 degree angle and raise it up to your hip level.
How - to: From a half crow, open in the front of your back hip and abdomen to lift your back leg higher and free your front knee from your arm.
Make sure that only your legs and hips are lifted and your entire upper body rests on the floor and keep your upper thighs and knees together.
Starting off with the right knee bent back in half of Virasana, lift the leg by pulling the head of the thigh bone into the hip socket and activating the pelvic floor.
Brace your core, lift your hips off the floor and bring your legs up until they become perpendicular to the floor.
Lifted Half Crow - From a half crow, open in the front of your back hip and abdomen to lift your back leg higher and... More on Lifted Half Crow Pose >>
Squeeze glutes and lift hips so they align with knees; extend right leg (B).
Lay on the floor on your back and lift the legs in a way that your feet are positioned directly above the hips.
Keeping your torso still, lift your hips and move them a bit to the right; lower and straighten your legs again.
a good modification for this one is laying on a bench, and doing straight leg raises, engaging your lower abdominals to lift your hips.
Also, if your hips are too high and your legs are almost straight, the hips and lower back have to work a lot harder since your knees can't help with the lift, which further increases lower back stress.
Keeping that same form, raise your legs up and slightly over to the right, allowing your hips to lift just a tiny bit.
With legs either bent or straight, lift your hips and reach your feet toward the floor behind your head.
Exhale as you lean forward and extend your leg behind you, doing your best to keep your right hip parallel to your left hip while lifting your low belly.
Then lift one leg up high, while bringing hips down close to ground using tricep muscles.
Lift the hips and keep your legs straight as you begin to slide your legs out laterally — in and out, pressing through the heels.
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